Agree with several above that this makes no sense if we're replacing UNC for a home and home w/ NMSU. And paying to do that to boot. I don't see how that benefits the program or athletics as a whole. That $800K could have gone to pay for upgrading the practice facilty or as seed money for a new one.
"We are still working on opponents to replace the UNC series, and we hope those agreements will allow us to offset some of the expense to cancel this series."...very interesting comment...does this mean that we ares scheduling some "BCS" opponents who will pay us? I do not like the idea of dropping UNC or our future non-conference schedules as they stand...awful.
This will all be forgotten when we're 9-3 (5-3) next season.![]()
If Karma has a say, the Gophers will lose again to New Mexico St.
This isn't the reason I'm thinking of dropping my season tickets but it doesn't help. My group has dwindled down enough to the point that we might just buy the individual game tickets because it'll be easy to find 6 tickets. Our seats aren't that great to begin with. Makes sense financially for us. Someone in our group sold 2 tickets on Saturday to a scalper for $15/ticket and was thrilled to get that price. Tells you how devalued our season tickets have become.
This is really going to send many season ticket holders over the edge. I read over on the kfan message board that one season ticket holder is so upset that he is selling next years tickets only to the visitors fans then dropping his tickets after the season. The ticket brokers and street sellers will buy up additional season tickets next year for the Iowa, Wisconsin, and Nebraska games, but the following year (2014) the Gophers will be lucky sell 10,000 season tickets with that crappy schedule.
There is zero chance we are looking to schedule a BCS opponent to fill the spot we paid UNC to get out of. Zero. Kill has said he wants 4 non-conf home games each year if possible. Only way you get that is by playing crap teams that want the paycheck and don't care if you come to their place in return.
Will hold final judgement until the schedule for next year is finalized but right now in my opinion this move just sucks. And if at the end of the day we don't end up making more money for the department by backing out of the series then I don't know what the hell they are trying to accomplish with this other then further alienating their fan base.
As it sits right now we are down $800K + the cost of whoever we have to pay to be Kill's whipping boy for the day. Not sure what the going rate is for the Little Sisters of the Poor these days but based on my uneducated math I would say we are over 1 million in the hole before the game even starts. I just don't get it, will say it again there has to be more going on here or the people in charge are idiots.
Edit - Forgot to include the screwing the loyal fanbase portion of my math. Not sure what the season ticket base is but let's say 20,000 season tickets at $40 a ticket = $800K for the 4th home game.
Problem is that the rumor is next year the game will be in Las Cruces! They are not even getting a 4th home game out of it!
Just a quick update, I was able to get a comment from Norwood Teague on this issue, he said "We are still working on opponents to replace the UNC series, and we hope those agreements will allow us to offset some of the expense to cancel this series."
Also, received confirmation that the buyout is 800K (not that that number is much different from the 850K reported). Just wanted to note it.
I also sent a follow-up question to ask about the reasoning behind this, and have not heard back on that yet. Will keep you posted if I do.
Problem is that the rumor is next year the game will be in Las Cruces! They are not even getting a 4th home game out of it!
Glen Mason had 9 wins exactly one time in ten years as the Gophers coach. We haven't had that type of sustained success since the 1960s. If Kill can consistently go 5-3 in the Big Ten, they'll build a statue of him outside the stadium.The added nugget of truth, though, is that the Mason years showed us that 9-3 (5-3) isn't enough to get anybody new excited in Gopher football when the four non-conference opponents are New Mexico State types. Do it once, and people are thrilled because it's so much better than being awful. Twice? Yawn. They'll take the wins, but it won't encourage them to buy tickets.
Is maturi still assisting our athletic department? Paying a butt load of money for something we aren't going to use feels pretty familiar.(glen and brew) really really happy I no longer have season tickets.
New Mexico State is already on the 2014 schedule as a home game... so at least we have that to look forward to whether this UNC game gets dropped or not!
Glad Teague is addressing it with the media, hopefully there will be some clarification on the decision.
Face it, Jerry is going to do everything he can to never play a BCS opponent in the non-conf portion of the schedule.
One thing that some who support Kill on this have been saying is he will look to schedule tougher opponents once the program is improved. That argument falls apart though when you consider the schedule is set years in advance.
Oregon State is on the schedule in '17 and '18. I'm just curious...did you guys have the same level of frustration AS Mason was doing the same thing?
Oregon State is on the schedule in '17 and '18. I'm just curious...did you guys have the same level of frustration AS Mason was doing the same thing?