UPDATE: New message board platform

GopherHole Staff

GopherHole Admin
Staff member
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
We are hopeful that the board migration will happen on Monday afternoon. During this time the message boards may be down for a period of time. When the new boards are up, we anticipate there could be some issues/questions and we ask that you put them in this thread so we can address them and/or others on the forum can answer them for you as well.

For those that have donated $100 or more to include the no-ad option, there may be a short delay in getting this function back up. We will address that ASAP. Thanks for your understanding during the migration, we are confident that when the new platform is up, it will be a better user experience, especially on the mobile platform. Once the new site is live, you can delete TapaTalk.

Here is the original message on the new platform.

We are excited to announce that we will soon unveil a new message board platform on GopherHole. We are moving from the outdated vBulletin to the much more popular and better user experience of Xenforo. Your GopherHole username, password, post count, etc. will all transfer over, as should all threads and posts since 2008. New features are listed below, but one of the big and best new features is a much better mobile experience. We will no longer be using TapaTalk as the new platform will be responsive no matter which device you use. An example of a message board that uses the new Xenforo platform that we will move to is https://cyclonefanatic.com/forum/forums/football.9/.

When the transition happens, we request your patience to ensure we fix any glitches that may arise. If you have any direct questions you can post them in this thread or email us at [email protected].

Some of the Xenforo features versus VBulletin:

- Xenforo has drag and drop image uploading which is much more intuitive.

- You can mention a user by putting @ before their user name in a post. For example:
I'm not sure how to repair the widget, but @bobjones has done it so you may want to ask him
When you do this, user bobjones will receive an alert that he's been mentioned, so he knows to check out the post.

- Private Messages are similar, but are called "Conversations"

- In addition to email notifications, Xenforo has "alerts", which is a count of items related to their account next to their user name on the top/right of every page.

- Push notifications. Users can have notifications pushed to their desktop or phone (unfortunately this only works with Android phones for now). They do not have to have their browser or email open to know they've received a reply, conversation message, etc.

- Xenforo is fully responsive to screen size and will collapse menus and screen items based on screen size. When it collapses a menu, the menu tabs turn into a menu button which when clicked slides the menu into view from the left side of the screen.

- Xenforo has support for Emojis, so users have the ability to be expressive beyond whatever smilies are installed.

- Xenforo automatically embeds a Youtube video player in posts when users post a link to Youtube.

- Xenforo uses less system resources than VBulletin, so during busy forum times you generally won't see site response time impacted as much.

- Xenforo has stronger one way password encryption than VBulletin. The first time you log into Xenforo with your existing VBulletin user id and password, it will re-encrypt your password using the stronger Xenforo method.

- Because Xenforo is developed by former VBulletin developers, the overall feel of how to use the forum won't change much.
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One of the changes we know of already is most updated platforms do not support Tweet HTML code embeds, so going forward, all you'll have to do is copy and paste the Tweet link and it will auto-format. Any HTML code inserted will not be recognized, so many of the tweet code already embedded will not show up in the new format unfortunately.

So do we need to download the Xenforo App?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Three questions about features on the new board:

1. Still easy to assign others to a personal "ignore list"?
2. Will the new board also allow a user to block a thread if it isn't interesting to them?
3. One thing I like about the current board is the ability to click on the little icon and have it bring you to the most recent content since the last time you were in the thread (rather than having to re-scroll through all the stuff you have already seen). Will that capability follow over to the new board?

Hi. Will you post a temporary FAQ?

How to embed tweets?
Post images?

For visited threads I seem to sometimes get sent to top, sometimes bottom of thread. Never to where I left off last visit. Also can't tell which threads I've visited. All thread titles in list look the same.

Don't like having to use page navigation at bottom of thread list. Why no infinite scrolling?

I see it's like that within a thread, too. I really dislike that.
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For visited threads I seem to sometimes get sent to top, sometimes bottom of thread. Never to where I left off last visit. Also can't tell which threads I've visited. All thread titles in list look the same.

It looks like there is a button on top for "Jump to New"

So no app or Tapatalk support? This will take some getting used to. No one will know I have an iPhone now :(

So no app or Tapatalk support? This will take some getting used to. No one will know I have an iPhone now :(

Just put "posted from iPhone" in your signature as a constant reminder to all of us! The mobile platform is a big upgrade IMO.

Go Gophers!!

Just put "posted from iPhone" in your signature as a constant reminder to all of us! The mobile platform is a big upgrade IMO.

Go Gophers!!
I thought about that - HA.
No doubt this is a huge platform upgrade - just not sure I like it better than my Tapatalk. I was very used to that. Moving on....

Can thread titles be updated?

Sorry for the excitement this morning, the issue was quickly addressed and taken care of.

Is GH still available on TapTalk? I am having trouble seeing anything on my Iphone.

Will the new software have the ability to click on the little icon and have it bring you to the most recent content since the last time you were in the thread (rather than having to re-scroll through all the stuff you have already seen). Will that capability follow over to the new board?

I'm curious about this too.

Is GH still available on TapTalk? I am having trouble seeing anything on my Iphone.

GH is now mobile enabled I believe so you don't need Tapatalk. The new mobile message board is fantastic on my iphone.

Excuse my ignorance again. I am struggling to do this? Can you help? Thanks!

Posting pictures is a breeze! Love how much easier that is.

Go Gophers!!

Lots of improvements.

I will say that in desktop view I don't like how narrow the view is. It is effectively mobile view on desktop.

Granted i'm a web dev, I get how tempting that is to do for development's sake (and maybe this isn't up to gopherhole as far as the platform chosen goes) but man it's kinda annoying.

What’s the deal with the profile posts at the bottom of every page? Can we turn that off individually? What’s the idea behind those?

We agree and no idea why those are there. It's on our list to hopefully get rid of.

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