Uniform refresh?

Not a lot of votes, but clearly fans want throwback uniforms, hopefully we see some next year! Maybe during a home rivalry game like Michigan or Wisconsin?

I remain a fan of "metallic" gold, but I know I'm in the minority.

If they tweak the gold, I would like it just a little less yellow - more of a sunset gold. (which is, by a remarkable coincidence, the color my house is painted....with maroon trim and soffits)

the school colors are maroon and gold. the uniforms should be some variation on maroon and gold.

I don't like white pants or jerseys. I can live with anthracite for one game a year. No black.

Gopher uniform for the pinstripe bowl.

Ditch the gray, it's hideous. What are we, Purdue?? More white and gold unis please. Would also love an all-black option with some maroon and white highlights. And for the love of God, can we please get rid of the giant Goldy head on the side of the helmets, it's tacky and the M on both sides is much cleaner. If it were up to me, we would wear the chrome domes every game like we used to, they are beautiful.
agree on everything but the Gopher on the side of the helmet, I think its one of the best designs in college football.Helmet.png

I hate these, with the outlined number and the piping under the armpits. They remind me of the Favre-era Vikings jerseys, which were awful. And the Minnesota on the front makes it look like some cheap jersey you'd get at Target for a kid.

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I remain a fan of "metallic" gold, but I know I'm in the minority.

If they tweak the gold, I would like it just a little less yellow - more of a sunset gold. (which is, by a remarkable coincidence, the color my house is painted....with maroon trim and soffits)

the school colors are maroon and gold. the uniforms should be some variation on maroon and gold.

I don't like white pants or jerseys. I can live with anthracite for one game a year. No black.
I like the metallic Christmas ornament gold helmets. They’ve become my favorite, I didn’t think I’d be saying that, but they feel like an ode to when they did the metallic gold in the old days, and I really liked that look. They’re the GOLDen Gophers, not the Goldenrod Gophers. Not the Yellow Gophers. I would also love a 60’s Rosebowl throwback uniform like they did in the Metrodome once. I think the cleanest look we had was under Kill with the jerseys being just maroon with gold numbers. No oars. (Granted there were bricks in the numbers occasionally, but that was so subtle it was fine).

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