UCLA coach DeShaun Foster with a really awkward Big Ten media day opening statement (video)

Did he say UCLA has won 123 championships?? How does that math?

Not a big deal.

Press conference, whatever, win games ... matters.

UCLA went the less expensive route on a HC coach right now and it shows ... that's to be expected.

If he wins his awkwardness will be cute, if not they can move on when it is time very easily. Word has it the dude is very good 1 on 1 type interviews, just not a big public speaker I guess. He has time.

I forgot that Chip Kelly left to be the OC at Ohio State

Not a big deal.

Press conference, whatever, win games ... matters.

UCLA went the less expensive route on a HC coach right now and it shows ... that's to be expected.

If he wins his awkwardness will be cute, if not they can move on when it is time very easily. Word has it the dude is very good 1 on 1 type interviews, just not a big public speaker I guess. He has time.
Yes. Not sure how long they could have held on without BigTen revenue.

Yes. Not sure how long they could have held on without BigTen revenue.
Yeah they were deep in the red and they have a university administration / regents who vary from not caring at best ... to openly hostile.

Money help wasn't coming from their own school.

I felt bad for the guy. But, if he can recruit and win, I doubt too many UCLA fans will complain. That, though, remains to be seen, and his hire seemed to be a huge stretch anyway, to go from position coach to head coach.

There is no way anyone told him this was coming lol. That’s hilarious. Looks like a teenager that forgot to write a speech for class.

There is no way anyone told him this was coming lol. That’s hilarious. Looks like a teenager that forgot to write a speech for class.
I think he prepared to answer questions but didn't write an opening statement. Usual press conference format is the coach makes an opening statement then it's mostly answering questions.

Since there was no game to base his opening remarks on I think he just froze and didn't have a standard elevator pitch to fall back on. I'm sure he will have one in the future. Because this is hilarious and will be tied to him forever.

It's also a little creepy how huge the stage/room is for just one guy and would weird me out.
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I felt bad for the guy. But, if he can recruit and win, I doubt too many UCLA fans will complain. That, though, remains to be seen, and his hire seemed to be a huge stretch anyway, to go from position coach to head coach.
Of course. But a part of the HC job is to deal with the press. He had best be a fast study or I can see things getting ugly, especially if he makes awkward statements after tough losses.

He is a former star player for UCLA and a well liked assistant. It is not like Whalen who had no coaching experience.

A good hire to me.

Not the greatest media presentation on his record but we will see how he does with recruiting and winning.

There is no way anyone told him this was coming lol. That’s hilarious. Looks like a teenager that forgot to write a speech for class.
That was my first thought... 9th grade speech class, everyone knows I put about 10% effort into my speech, and then I see my buddy in class and try to hold the laughter in.

He is a former star player for UCLA and a well liked assistant. It is not like Whalen who had no coaching experience.

A good hire to me.

Not the greatest media presentation on his record but we will see how he does with recruiting and winning.
So, "former star player and well liked assistant" = good, whereas just "former star player" = bad? Got it.

Secondly, you're being generous with the term "assistant" - as most use it to mean "assistant head coach". DeShaun was a running backs coach. He held that position at UCLA for 7 years and wasn't promoted to anything else in that time. Doesn't that say something?

It was a desperation hire.

He's just as qualified, and will likely be just as successful, as Ben Johnson was/is for his job.

So, "former star player and well liked assistant" = good, whereas just "former star player" = bad? Got it.

Secondly, you're being generous with the term "assistant" - as most use it to mean "assistant head coach". DeShaun was a running backs coach. He held that position at UCLA for 7 years and wasn't promoted to anything else in that time. Doesn't that say something?

It was a desperation hire.

He's just as qualified, and will likely be just as successful, as Ben Johnson was/is for his job.
Brewster type hire.

So, "former star player and well liked assistant" = good, whereas just "former star player" = bad? Got it.

Secondly, you're being generous with the term "assistant" - as most use it to mean "assistant head coach". DeShaun was a running backs coach. He held that position at UCLA for 7 years and wasn't promoted to anything else in that time. Doesn't that say something?

It was a desperation hire.

He's just as qualified, and will likely be just as successful, as Ben Johnson was/is for his job.
I think it was less "desperation" and more "this is what we can get for the money we're willing to expend right now... save up some B1G money for a bit and then see where we are".

I think it was less "desperation" and more "this is what we can get for the money we're willing to expend right now... save up some B1G money for a bit and then see where we are".
I bet they could have found someone else with much more head coaching experience if they wanted to. Guy from a lower tier conference.

A coach should be more prepared than that - he's the face of the program. Per twincities.com, PJ took up basically his entire 15 segment with his speech, leaving time for just a couple questions.

I bet they could have found someone else with much more head coaching experience if they wanted to. Guy from a lower tier conference.
My theory is this guy is somewhat popular with donors, insider types, and such.

So maybe a somewhat better choice with a lower level coach (who likely fails anyway) but ... then you piss off the donors along the way. Not sure that's a net positive.

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