U2 tailgating


Pretty Sure You are Wrong
Jun 4, 2009
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Sorry, I realize this is not Gopher football related but since the concert is taking place in our favorite stadium and Gopher Season Ticket holders had first dibs on tickets... I figured it would be okay to post this question (especially since this is a very likely community to know the answer).

Anyway, I have a parking pass for the ski-u-mah lot. Is anybody here going to tailgate, or is tailgating perhaps not allowed for the concert?

Let's hope the turf survives for the REAL IMPORTANT events that will follow...

found an article saying "no tailgating"... guess it is a non-issue unless someone here has something that contradicts that.

The last U2 concert I was at I got a contact high. I wonder if we'll see in VW vans rolling up (pun intended).

Here's your official answer from the U. Found on Gophersports - click on U2.

The University made the difficult decision to restrict tailgating at the U2 concert after a careful evaluation. We want this event to be successful and hope that success will lead to more opportunities in the future to bring people to campus for events at TCF Bank Stadium. To help ensure success, we decided not to allow tailgating at this event for three primary reasons. First, more than 60,000 people (our largest crowd ever) are expected on campus for the concert and parking spots will be at a premium. Tailgating takes up space that could otherwise be used for parking. Second, we want to respect the concerns of our residential neighbors and pave the way for future events. Finally, we need to ensure law enforcement personnel are focused on high traffic areas and crowd and traffic control, rather than patrolling parking facilities. We know many people will be disappointed that they are unable to tailgate but we would encourage fans to visit the many bars and restaurants within easy walking distance of TCF Bank Stadium in Dinkytown and Stadium Village. Thank you for your cooperation.

We know many people will be disappointed that they are unable to tailgate but we would encourage fans to visit the many bars and restaurants within easy walking distance of TCF Bank Stadium in Dinkytown and Stadium Village.
Just picture the smiles on the faces of all the owners of Stadium Village establishments when they read this...

Just picture the smiles on the faces of all the owners of Stadium Village establishments when they read this...

Yup. Smart move by the U if you ask me. Good for businesses and good for the security workers. That would suck to deal with all those hippies. =P

I have a feeling the businesses are already so upset by washington being closed, and business so poor with the travel restrictions to campus, that this will do little to make them 'happy'.

I still plan to bring a grill and cooler. If i am sitting right behind my truck there will be no lost parking.

I will still go to the restaurants from noon to three- I just need a backup once they get so packed you can't get any service.

Also, unlike with Gopher Football games, the bars won't be having specials (some not at all, some after the game). I called 4 of the campus bars and no luck.

We decided to pre-party downtown and just come to campus an hour early or so, cheap drinks and food, and we won't be smooshed in a bar just trying to get a beer!

I cannot wait for tomorrow!

there was some tailgating, but traffic was an abortion, especially after the concert.

pretty embarassing, no cabs in sight, people walked to 7 corners to get cabs, ridiculous!

stadium and concert were awesome though!!

all I know is that when I enetered the stadium

and walked up that huge flight of stairs all i wanted to do was to go to my football seats - I didn't care where my concert seats were - when is was pouring rain all I could think about was #5 guiding us down the field through that rain

People have been commenting on how cool the experience was with the rain. I think a true rain game would be a lot of fun, provided it happened very early in the season. The rain felt great on Saturday night, if it was 20 degrees colder, it wouldn't have been any fun.

yea, NDSU v GOPHS should be pouring rain. it'd be awesome!

Nobody cares what you think. I'm just surprised that you haven't been bragging on this board about how many hot, hot, white hot 16 year-olds you hit on during the concert.

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