U Professor: I agree: Take back the U football program — and eliminate it!

Is it permissible to publicly talk about Wolitarsky since he is a student?

"I have news for Wolitarsky and Claeys: It is not your program to take back. One of you is a student-athlete, at best;"

Permissible to talk about him? Did she release his confidential information? FERPA has gotten ridiculous but it is still not so broad as to mention the name of a student who has made himself the public spokesman for the team. I would focus more on her promotion of the idea that the players are rapists or exhibited "rape-affirmative behavior", whatever the heck that is. That's jumping to a big conclusion and if that EEOA report falls apart, look out below professor.

I am glad she is speaking out. I hope more people like her speak out so that people can have a clearer understanding of the EoAA. These are the type of people that make up the EoAA. Seriously. Do you think she could could give an unbiased investigation of this case?


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I count at least five uses of parenthetical comments. That's too many. Poor writing. I would deduct points on an essay paper for that.

Eliminating an athletics program is possible; it was done at the University of California, San Diego (a highly reputed institution where the administration had the courage to say basta! to the degraded culture of Division 1 sports).

Does she mean the UC-San Diego that's moving their athletics program to the Division I level? http://www.staradvertiser.com/2016/05/24/sports/sports-breaking/ucsd-will-petition-to-join-big-west/

The same UC-San Diego that had one football season.....in 1968.

Anyone know what she is talking about here? It's certainly not their football programs. And what she probably doesn't realize is that if you eliminate the football program, you'll have to eliminate many other sports due to Title IX and lack of funding.

It was this from a few years back at Cal Berkley. The AD at the time was Sandy Barbour (sort of a Joe Maturi type). After this crisis passed Barbour became AD at Penn State. Her name was often mentioned during the Gopher AD search. The proposed elimination of baseball and Rugby stirred up a lot of emotions at the time.


Last September, UC Berkeley officials announced that, due to pressure on UC Berkeley’s budget as a result of dwindling state support for higher education, four sports – baseball, men’s gymnastics, women’s gymnastics and women’s lacrosse – would be eliminated, and rugby would be reassigned to a newly created sports tier at the end of the 2010-11 academic year. In February, the campus reported that separate fundraising efforts had ensured the continued intercollegiate status of rugby, women’s gymnastics and women’s lacrosse.

The substantial philanthropic commitments raised in the past six months, in combination with expected ongoing fundraising efforts, will fully support the costs, both direct and indirect, of baseball, women’s lacrosse, rugby and women’s gymnastics. This will enable Cal Athletics to remain on its path to financial sustainability and honor the campus’s decision to cap institutional support for athletics at $5 million a year by 2014.

My question for this loon would be: Whose program is it?

It's absolutely Claeys' program. He was hired to be in charge of it. He's like a manager of a store or restaurant. He doesn't technically own it, but he's in charge of it and it's his until the owners fire him.

Kaler and Coyle have the right to tell him which direction they want the program to go in. They knew about the incident in September and as far as we know didn't tell TC anything about it. That means they didn't have a problem with TC's decision not to suspend the players further. That means that they didn't see a cultural problem in the team. If she has such a problem with Claeys and the team, she should want Kaler and Coyle fired too for being okay with it until it brought them negative publicity.

Ha she probably wouldn't have a job without the football program.

Talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Goodness gracious. People like this are why I'm sometimes embarrassed to work in higher ed.

The 10 players aside (or 5...or whatever...and regardless of guilt or innocence), there are 100+ other players on the team who have done it the right way -- and many 1000's over the years, including those who contributed to the highest academic achievement in team history over the past 5 years. That number undoubtedly includes numerous first-generation college students who used athletics to propel themselves to greater life achievement than would've been possible otherwise. This number also includes numerous walk-ons who have PAID for the privilege of playing, and who wouldn't have attended MN otherwise. And there are likely 100's, if not 1000's, of students from the general population who would not have attended the U were it not for the presence of a B1G athletics program.

This person chose to work at U of M. Perhaps she should start looking into other positions if she's unhappy.

Reviews about anything on the internet is a crap shoot. I wouldn't look at those reviews if I was to be taking a class or something. I would talk to someone who took the class and find out what really does take place etc., in the class room. Sometimes you have to do a little work in class and people are up in arms about that. People can also make up stories also to destroy someone's reputation.

There has always been animosity between the teachers and the athletic department however and that creates problems.

After reading most of those reviews I came to this conclusion: She comes off as a jerk and a lot of those students need a pacifier and blankie.

My favorite:

"Keya is the worst professor I have ever had and I'm a graduate student so I've had many. It's not the workload or the material taught as she is fairly bright, it's the arrogant and condescending attitude that makes her a person you never want to be around let alone pay to take a course with! I've never met a nastier and more miserable human being."

Probably never had an orgasm. .......

Ruppert, you made me snort pop in my nose. You do realize there are a lot of professors like this at the U and would sympathize with what she wrote. There are a lot more that share her opinion than our's that football matters to the University and not all players and alumni that played football should be condemned by the actions of a few. Too much painting of a broad brush, especially Wolitarsky and the head coach. Doubt she has ever even had a conversation with coach Claey's but yeah go ahead and judge him.

The same as the professors who signed the petitions at Duke. They were completely wrong and judgmental and noting bad ever happened to them. At least not on this earth anyways.

The student loan bubble is about to burst, the U has huge long term liabilities. Lots of different directions things could go, but status quo for higher ed is not for long. Universities are completely dependent on, and look down with scorn, at the general public. Rough combo.

You do realize that the U does not underwrite those loans, don't you? If the bubble bursts, it will be the private investors that suffer. I thought you were big in finance, my bad.

You do realize that the U does not underwrite those loans, don't you? If the bubble bursts, it will be the private investors that suffer. I thought you were big in finance, my bad.

So...loan qualifications won't tighten significantly? Enrollment won't decrease? dropout rate won't increase?

You do realize that the U does not underwrite those loans, don't you? If the bubble bursts, it will be the private investors that suffer. I thought you were big in finance, my bad.

The underwriters of mortgage debt weren't the only ones affected by the housing bubble Dean.

"Private investors"?

The U is dependent on tuition increases year after year. They are dependent on state and federal money. A student loan bubble popping is going to significantly reduce the affordability of college. It's a big enough bubble to have huge macroeconomic effects on state and federal budgets as well. And the WH occupant is not an academic.

(I know you're trolling)

The worst class I have ever taken was a "3rd world literature" class as an undergrad at the U. I signed up for it so I could knock out a couple of requirements with a single class - big mistake. The guy that taught it - middle aged white guy that liked to play Bob Marley before the class (which I did appreciate) - clearly had a deep seated sense of self-loathing and blamed white people - especially white males, for all the ills of the world. The books we were required to read and write about were laughable - one I remember, "Things Fall Apart" was absolute non-redeemable crap. Despite this, the worst part was the lab sessions run by militant feminists that I assumed to belong to some minority group (I can only assume after all the fake black people have been outed recently) that drove the most ridiculous discussions imaginable. In order to make it through the class, I was forced to write papers which I believe are borderline academic dishonesty due to the amount of falsehood that needed to be included to fit their agenda. I would literally be embarrassed if any of my papers for that class were ever published and open to public ridicule.

Would anyone have taken that class if it were not for University dictates that certain cultural subjects be taken to graduate? Yeah, I am sure there would be a few. However, for me it was the pure embodiment of academic waste which is driving up college costs and churning out uneducated graduates lacking useful skills. I cannot image the warped sense of reality one would have if they chose to major in one of these disciplines and took 2-3 similar types of class each quarter. It was a valuable learning experience for me in the end - it is just the lesson I learned was 100% opposed to the one the class intended.

Under her listed 'specialities': Marxism

Yep, ok thanks, seen everything I need to here.

The books we were required to read and write about were laughable - one I remember, "Things Fall Apart" was absolute non-redeemable crap.

All credibility lost with one sentence. Seriously, that is one of the great books of the 20th century.

All credibility lost with one sentence. Seriously, that is one of the great books of the 20th century.

This book is the literature equivalent of facilitated communication. If you are unfamiliar with the term, you can view this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cnb-tE0QwkQ

Basically, you have a crap novel that liberal professors have adorned with meaning to claim that it is a great novel. It isn't. It is crap - pure and simple. I apologize if I insulted your major by accident. I will leave an extra tip next time when I get my latte to make amends.

This book is the literature equivalent of facilitated communication. If you are unfamiliar with the term, you can view this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cnb-tE0QwkQ

Basically, you have a crap novel that liberal professors have adorned with meaning to claim that it is a great novel. It isn't. It is crap - pure and simple. I apologize if I insulted your major by accident. I will leave an extra tip next time when I get my latte to make amends.

No worries, we will have to agree to disagree on this one. I don't doubt your course was crap, which is too bad because there are a lot of great books written outside of North America/ Europe.

PS Not my major. Just like to read. Read this one for pleasure long after my university was over.

Eliminate football-hating feminists with tenure. Feminists are going after football, the only all-male big deal sport, by trying to eliminate it at high school and lower levels by pushing the dangers of concussions. What they really hate is the game.

These professors that keep using their names and positions as University employees need to stop commenting about this story altogether because it is a student code conduct violation, not a criminal case. These are still accusations and the conduct hearings and appeals process has not played out.

They can have an opinion, but it would best if they just said no comment and left at that, to the local and national media. By continuing to comment they do more damage to the University even if they do not think so.
The less the University of Minnesota and it's employees say about the story the sooner the uproar will start to simmer down. They are only adding their names to potential settlements we as taxpayers might all end up being responsible to pay for one way or another, including liability insurance for the AD, and the football recruiting department.

Keep commenting on this story to the media and to media outlets and all you do is do further damage to the University by keeping this story front and center to the media. The most prudent thing as a U employee to do is to shut up and stop perpetuation of this story in the media.

Ha. I am glad she is speaking out. I hope more people like her speak out so that people can have a clearer understanding of the EoAA. These are the type of people that make up the EoAA. Seriously. Do you think she could could give an unbiased investigation of this case?

"Extreme rape

Well said. Sad that so many individuals like this are in higher ed (and politics). The world would be so much better if we just forced everyone to think and act like them.

Coyle will make approximately $1,000,000 this year. Why should these young students
support his salary?

Eliminate football-hating feminists with tenure. Feminists are going after football, the only all-male big deal sport, by trying to eliminate it at high school and lower levels by pushing the dangers of concussions. What they really hate is the game.

I don't know man, I think Football players are finally realizing that repeatedly ramming your head into something might just cause some issues.

It is time for these young men to unite. Administrators are getting rich and the young men are supporting title IX sports.

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