U of M students go nuts

"Go back to the Hawkeye board, douche."

Sweet dude. I was using sarcasm, chill out. I'm from Mankato so I know a little about riots.

Wren, thank you very much for your rant. Go back to the Strib now.

I won't dignify this situation by going so far as to call it a riot. April 12, 2003 was a riot. This was a backlot party gone awry. There is a big difference.

So, what is the Administration at the U of M going to do about cracking down on the less than legal under age 21 drinking that happens at the University of Minnesota? If it is not legal for people under 21 to drink, it is not legal. Arrest those who would break the law. It is as easy as that. Crack down on drunk and disorderly conduct on the Univesty of Minnesota. Once again the students are proving they can not handle booze and someone is going to get killed over there one of these days in one of these drunken incidents.


good luck with busting everyone that is drinking underage...dont pin this on all university students. 99.99% of the students had no part of this, 7 of the 12 arrested dont even go to the U, instead of making unrealistic assertions the police should have people walking the street during events such as this and arrest the people that are the ones thrwoing bottles and starting this mess, bothering the people that arent being a menace is a waste of resources. the whole point of this thread was to compliment the gopher football team on staying out of it and being resonisble...so lets just leave it at that

this is a reply to gopheraschells, not 4starrecruit: or how about you and some of your fellow "responsible" students do the stand-up thing and work a little harder to police yourselves and your fellow classmates/non-classmates who attend these parties when they start to get out of hand. i have not seen in one single post from you yet anything about how the "more responsible" students around were there trying to get those that were instigating the problems under control.

because let's be honest most of the people that were there on saturday night were probably between the ages of 18-24. the "idiots" who cause problems in large groups like this are more likely to "cool it" if their college aged peers around them tell them to quit being complete jack-asses vs. a MPD officer telling them that.

i am just saying YOU students (regardless of the fact that some of those arrested were not U of M students) need to take your fair-share of responsibility here for letting these lame ass quasi-riots happen in the first place.

the private as well as university property damage, vandalism and GARBAGE some of you partiers (not saying you were one of them) create during these incidents is frankly just sad and very pointless.

rant over.

i get where your coming from and i just want to clarify that i am not bashing the police in anyway, i just think that the strategy for the day on how to handle spring jam was a bad one, i think the way that they ended up having to break it up was justifiable and neccessary. I know you say that we should be responsible for it and i agree but i am only one person, i left to go to the concert and by the time i came back there was no way a single person was stopping that, cars trying to get through the street were getting bombed with beer bottles. No sane person is going to start trying to lay down the law. and believe me i am just as pissed as any other peerson on this board, because a few students ruined spring jam for years to come for everyone else.

i dont like that i am being grouped with the trouble makers, so ill just shut my mouth...my whole point was just that a FEW students ruined it for eveyone and one or two officers just overseeing these parties would probably have stopped any of this from happening.

Peace out

They need to get control of the University of Minnesota campus area. It is NOT intended as a place for people to get commode-hugging, fire-setting, mob-out-of-control , puking their little guts out drunk. Is that why the state has been investing hundreds of millions of dollars over on that campus? I don't think so. Laws are laws. Enforce the laws. Bust under-aged students who think they are "special" Do it before some drunken students either get killed or kill somebody when they go totally out of control. The law says you have to be 21 to drink. So, enforce the law. What is bad about that? IF we have laws, the laws must be enforced to the very letter of the law.

I left about 90 minutes before tear gas starting flying, and I hadn't seen any cars tipped or on fire. The fires were all just garbage (mostly empty beer boxes).

Really? We ran into a bunch of football players at another, much more controlled party that was hosting a "Beer Olympics" under a tent. The guys I actually saw were all upperclassman (legal to drink) and were having a good time. Assuming you correctly IDed the players you saw, good to hear there were voices of reason among teammates to keep one another out of trouble - though avoiding the situation all together would probably be the wisest decision in this case. That's why we left... the situation was clearly getting a bit out of control.

i was at the beer olympics as well. colton iverson and ralph sampson were there to.

Oh..is that all it was? [Just] a "fire in the middle of the [public] street out of empty beer cases." Since this entire episode was the 'fault of law enforcement,' was it MPD who used too much starter and piled the beer cases too high?

Is it just me, or is arson no longer a felony?

Geez man, you're afraid of absolutely everything.

Boo! (scared?)

Grow a spine.

So, what is the Administration at the U of M going to do about cracking down on the less than legal under age 21 drinking that happens at the University of Minnesota? If it is not legal for people under 21 to drink, it is not legal. Arrest those who would break the law. It is as easy as that. Crack down on drunk and disorderly conduct on the Univesty of Minnesota. Once again the students are proving they can not handle booze and someone is going to get killed over there one of these days in one of these drunken incidents....

It's true that the University of Minnesota is the only college in the U.S. where underage drinking is tolerated and accepted. In my experience, maybe 0.00001% of other underage college students ever take a drink while underage; most just sit in their dorm rooms all semester and study each and every night. When they turn 21, they are completely responsible adults, and only social drink. Except at the U. There they continue to get hammered every single night (and most days) and act irresponsibly. Some of them even miss church on Sunday mornings. It's outrageous. Really, the U should be shut down, it's a haven of lawlessness, pretty much like the Old West. One time, I was at the Saloon that was right off campus and some drunk 18 year old wearing a cowboy hat came in, demanded a shot of whiskey, and proceeded to destroy the entire bar, punching other drunk idiots in the face, tossing them out of the windows, and then he demanded a free beer on top of that! It's unreal. It's time to impose martial law at that place. We need Yosemite Sam.

They need to get control of the University of Minnesota campus area. It is NOT intended as a place for people to get commode-hugging, fire-setting, mob-out-of-control , puking their little guts out drunk. Is that why the state has been investing hundreds of millions of dollars over on that campus? I don't think so. Laws are laws. Enforce the laws. Bust under-aged students who think they are "special" Do it before some drunken students either get killed or kill somebody when they go totally out of control. The law says you have to be 21 to drink. So, enforce the law. What is bad about that? IF we have laws, the laws must be enforced to the very letter of the law.

I do wish you got a ticket for each and every time you speed or don't come to a full stop at a stop sign or run through a yellow light that's turning red. Maybe you wouldn't be such a preacher then. Most underage drinkers in college are young kids having fun and blowing off steam and nerves and having a fun time. Probably 90% of college kids across the nation drink while underage; probably 99.9% of them have never committed a serious crime. If you really believe that your crusade to make the UofM completely alcohol free is going to help things, that's insane. The area around the U is quite a safe place, considering its location. Why? Because the students keep it that way, both drinkers and non-drinkers, and because the U and the Mpls police do a good job. Occasionally things happen that are unfortunate. A fire of garbage in the middle of the street makes the news, but in reality, how many people did that fire hurt? Is it unfortunate? Sure, but hardly a reason to boot every underage drinker off campus.

The fact of the matter is, most kids, while not drinking responsibly, still act fairly responsibly. They may underage drink and have fun, but most of them aren't out there starting fires, starting fights, or worse. A select few do, and those kids tend to be the ones getting arrested. The police do a great job at the U with parties. They break them up, and let most of the kids walk away as long as they don't cause trouble. Perfect. Would you rather have kids jumping out of windows when the cops come, breaking their limbs, falling through broken glass, trampling each other and fighting the cops to get away? Because those are the kinds of methods that will result in people getting hurt. As is, campus and the surrounding area remain fairly safe because even young adults who drink can remain good people.

By the way, it remains highly debatable that the raising of the drinking age to 21 has produced more harm than good; and please remember, you can die for your country at age 18-20 in a ridiculous war that you didn't want, but you can't legally have a drink during those years. Dumb. Furthermore, please remember that most of the kids who drink near college campuses are not driving, while most adults over the age of 21 who drink away from home ARE driving. You tell me which is more dangerous, the guy who gets sloshed at a bar and drives home or the kid who gets sloshed at a party and walks back to their dorm or apartment. No comparison.

Don't give me the "die for the country...." thing, because the kids in college NEVER get drafted any longer. THAT is no longer any kind of thing for college kids to hide behind. I say crack down on all drunken people driving away from bars before they go out and kill people by driving drunk. Target the bars and pull people pulling away from the bars over and nail them before they kill innocent people on the roads. There are laws against drunken driving. ENFORCE them. Set up check points near the bars and do random breath tests! Protect the innocent people from the drunks!

The new stadium is back on campus, so it is up to the Administration to be certain that it doesn't increase the alcohol problems on campus even more. Recall that a fund had to be established to insure the home owners that could be affected by the potential rioting and looting and burning and destruction that drunken mobs of people attending the football games might cause. State Senator Pogomiller or what ever his name was, made sure that insurance policy was put into the stadium funding bill. The President of the college had better get to it and come up with a plan to insure the safety of all. Drunks are not good people to have to share a limited amount of space with on the campus setting. IF they decide to riot, a lot of innocent people will be inconvenienced too much. The University of Minnesota is an institution of higher education....not a cheap, sleazy animal house district. When you bring in some drunken iowa or wisky people amd add their unpleasant presence to the campus setting, on a Game Day Saturday, it could get really ugly really fast when you mix them with drunken, rioting U of M underaged alcohol abusing offenders.

Don't give me the "die for the country...." thing, because the kids in college NEVER get drafted any longer. THAT is no longer any kind of thing for college kids to hide behind. I say crack down on all drunken people driving away from bars before they go out and kill people by driving drunk. Target the bars and pull people pulling away from the bars over and nail them before they kill innocent people on the roads. There are laws against drunken driving. ENFORCE them. Set up check points near the bars and do random breath tests! Protect the innocent people from the drunks!

The new stadium is back on campus, so it is up to the Administration to be certain that it doesn't increase the alcohol problems on campus even more. Recall that a fund had to be established to insure the home owners that could be affected by the potential rioting and looting and burning and destruction that drunken mobs of people attending the football games might cause. State Senator Pogomiller or what ever his name was, made sure that insurance policy was put into the stadium funding bill. The President of the college had better get to it and come up with a plan to insure the safety of all. Drunks are not good people to have to share a limited amount of space with on the campus setting. IF they decide to riot, a lot of innocent people will be inconvenienced too much. The University of Minnesota is an institution of higher education....not a cheap, sleazy animal house district. When you bring in some drunken iowa or wisky people amd add their unpleasant presence to the campus setting, on a Game Day Saturday, it could get really ugly really fast when you mix them with drunken, rioting U of M underaged alcohol abusing offenders.

A.K.A Poor wren and his poor family are worried they are going to get jumped by drunk college students when the go to the games this fall, and they plan on holding the president of the university responsable for all under age drinking on campus, and plan on telling him in a very sternly worded letter.

Set up check points near the bars and do random breath tests!
Um, this is unconstitutional. There is something called probable cause and this ignores that.
so it is up to the Administration to be certain that it doesn't increase the alcohol problems on campus even more.
Thus why they aren’t serving beer to the masses in TCF. Other than this I’m not sure what else you want them to do. They’ll have an appropriate police presence in place. Care to share some constructive ideas on the U’s role or are you too busy hyperventilating?
The University of Minnesota is an institution of higher education....not a cheap, sleazy animal house district.
Mmmm hmmm. Because only at the U do students drink too much. Stick your head back into the sand and you’ll feel better. Otherwise you might be wise to recognize that drinking happens and that the U and the City will do everything proper to minimize problems. If enough idiots want to cause trouble, nothing the U can do to prepare will stop them.
When you bring in some drunken iowa or wisky people amd add their unpleasant presence to the campus setting, on a Game Day Saturday, it could get really ugly really fast when you mix them with drunken, rioting U of M underaged alcohol abusing offenders.
In case the little bathroom sex incident at the Dome didn’t teach you anything, underage drunk people aren’t the only ones who can cause problems. Also, College Gameday is present for some of the most heated rivalry games in college FB (Texas/OU, UF/UG, Auburn/Alabma) where there are WAY MORE drunk people on both sides and yet there are never any major issues. But somehow, these Incredible Hulk underage monster students that the U is letting in will start ripping off heads and eating small children to feed their bloodlust the instant Gameday and a rival are on campus at the same time…the stupid. It burns!

You are a Chicken-Little wannabe and a tool. I fully expect to see you on the corner of University and Oak on a soapbox telling us all how immoral we all are and predicting that then end is near on 9/12/09.

If a law is on the books, it must be enforced. If you don't like the law, attack the legislators until they remove the law from the books. However, until you get that done, the laws MUST be enforced.

Regarding drunk driving as a killing force: it is tragic. It kills many more than terrorists have killed here in the USA, yet, every time you go to an airport, there are targeted check points and searches of private property made to protect the lives of innocent people who are about to board an airliner. Over the road truckers have to keep log books that document their hours of driving, etc to protect innocent drivers from truckers falling asleep at the wheel. It am tired of drunk drivers killing and injuring innocent victims. Drunk driving is an offense that needs to be interviened upon for the good, safety and well being of the people who utilize the roads.

Drink yourself to death. Pickle your liver. I don't care, but stay off the roads and don't kill innocent people and don't cause riots at the University of Minnesota. Something needs to be done to stop the terror of drunken driving on our highways. Something needs to be done to stop drunken students and others of all ages from rioting on the U of M Campus.

I don't want to put up with a bunch of drunks when I attend football games on the U of M Campus in TCF BANK STADIUM. I don't want some drunk to kill me on the highways. I expect the University of Minnesota campus to be free of drunks at ALL times. I hold the President of the University of Minnesota personally responsible to ensure that any drunken students OR fans of any age do not disrupt the game day experience. I expect the state of Minnesota to start getting drunks off the road.

I don't care what you do in madison, wisky.

Couple points I'd like to make:

* I suspect from the tone of your post that you are not a college student or in your 30's. If that is the case, surely you come from a time when drunk driving laws were incredibly lax in comparison to the last 20-25 years. I have heard stories from my older siblings/friends of those siblings where they or someone they were with was pretty schnookered behind the wheel in the late '70s/early '80s, stopped by police, and told to drive straight home, nothing more. Drunk driving laws have become much more strigent and enforced since those days.

* I don't know where you expect to go to any public gathering, sports, concerts, fairs, festivals, etc. and expect to be in a totally dry environment, unless it's a children's event, and even then there are no guarantees. It's quite obvious that you don't like to be around drunks; I get that but your expectations are totally unrealistic. That being said, I have been to several Gopher games, Badger games, and other athletic events where alcohol flows freely to those who choose to imbibe and you can avoid those people most of the time, if you so choose.

* Another poster already stated this, but the idea of some mass catastrophe of drunk and unruly fans ruining game day at the "U" is pretty overheated. Every Saturday across the nation, heated rivalries with drunk fans in the stands and on the streets occur. Every Sunday for that matter too during football season. Somehow, some way riots are avoided every week, all across the nation. I would guess the police dept. and "U" have already discussed how to best manage the challenges that will undoubtedly come to campus on game days and have a solid plan in place.

* Your statements remind me of my deceased father, who used to rail against people abusing the speed limit and how the speed limit needed to be enforced with tickets to every speeder. Nice theory but impossible to enact unless you expand the police force to incredible numbers and/or take them away from heavy crime areas. This zero tolerance policy you want might be a great theory, but it can't happen and it won't happen. If you hold onto this desire and the sight of drunken fans (college students and alums both) make you apoleptic on game day, you're going to be pretty miserable-booze and drunks will be a part of the gameday experience.

If a law is on the books, it must be enforced. If you don't like the law, attack the legislators until they remove the law from the books. However, until you get that done, the laws MUST be enforced.
This is all well and good but let’s try to live in the real world. There is only so much the police and the U can do. If they wasted all their time busting underage drinking they would not be able to perform other needed functions. Do you also expect the police to ticket all jaywalkers, rolling stops, speeders, folks who litter, unleashed dogs, etc? You ignored this question from another poster. It’s a question of resources and I think you’re smart enough to know that. If you can find a dedicated source of revenue capable of paying for you drunk patrol then by all means, feel free to give that money to the U.

Focusing too much on the less serious offenses means that somewhere else a more serious crime/violation is being missed. There is plenty of evidence to support the “broken windows” theory of crime prevention, but you aren’t advocating anything that helps in this way. You can’t ignore underage drinking/public consumption or you’ll see rises in fights/etc. But you also can’t overpolice it because it’s a battle than can’t be won.

So get off your high horse. Until you do you can either A) admit that in the scheme of lawlessness, underage drinking ranks low on the totem pole or B) expect a personal utopia that will never be reached, thereby forcing the rest of us listen to you rant about law and order. I’m not holding my breath.

Regarding drunk driving as a killing force: it is tragic. It kills many more than terrorists have killed here in the USA, yet, every time you go to an airport, there are targeted check points and searches of private property made to protect the lives of innocent people who are about to board an airliner. Over the road truckers have to keep log books that document their hours of driving, etc to protect innocent drivers from truckers falling asleep at the wheel. It am tired of drunk drivers killing and injuring innocent victims. Drunk driving is an offense that needs to be interviened upon for the good, safety and well being of the people who utilize the roads.
Did you read my post? When did I ever disagree that drunk driving is a problem? All I said was that the checkpoint idea is unconstitutional (which it is). That doesn’t mean I’m all for drunks hitting the roads. The world isn’t black and white. You can be against something while still recognizing that there are some lines that don’t get to be crossed. But in case my opinion isn't clear, drunk driving IS TRAGIC and our law enforcement/criminal justice professionals should do anything they can to reduce it so long as it is legal and constitutional.

Also, when did underage drinking within walking distance of TCF start resulting in drunk driving? Because I can't tell if you are flipping between these two on purpose or because you forget which rant you are in.
I don't want to put up with a bunch of drunks when I attend football games on the U of M Campus in TCF BANK STADIUM. I don't want some drunk to kill me on the highways. I expect the University of Minnesota campus to be free of drunks at ALL times. I hold the President of the University of Minnesota personally responsible to ensure that any drunken students OR fans of any age do not disrupt the game day experience. I expect the state of Minnesota to start getting drunks off the road.
This whole section is a testiment to your unwillingness or inability to recognize when what you want is outside the bounds of reality. This sounds like the demands of a petulant child who doesn't care why they can't have the toy they want. Just...wow.

You don’t expect much do you? No drunks on campus? Good luck with that. If you want to avoid folks touched by the demon rum that badly you’ll have to stay home. I find drunken idiots just as annoying as you do, but I recognize there is only so much policing the U can do.

No drunk driving? Amen. I hope to live in that world. But again, I never said I was for it and you’ve wasted a lot of breath accusing me of being a murder supporting boozehound.

Back to the U being drunk free again. First off, I love how you constantly manage to combine a societal issue (drunk driving) that the U cannot prevent on its own with a more campus focused issue (underage drinking/public drunkenness) that it can only prevent to an extent and make it seem like both are entirely the U’s to prevent. I’ll say it again. There is no way to fully police bad behavior. If someone wants to do something wrong, they will do it. It is important to prosecute law breaking, but only a fool thinks every violation (no matter how minor) should be caught/prevented. That’s well beyond wishful thinking and into farcical territory. You might as well give up on the U now because they are going to fail your little test.

I don't care what you do in madison, wisky.
And true to form you end your post in such a classy way. Thanks for your approval! I will now feel better about my life and can resume my life of drunk driving everywhere I go while also sacrificing small kittens in the hope that the gods of law and order will one day grant you your perfect little world. Sheesh.

Not worth agruing with him GoAUpher....you don't have to real his drivel on the strib blog. he just repeats random crap until people ignore him and he feels he has made his post. Notice hois reply had absolutely nothing to do with what you posted. He has an irrational hatred for Brunicks and Maturi. Just let him rant himself out and maybe we will be lucky and he will go away.

That or start blaming brunicks for all the murders commited in minneapolis next after blaming him for all the drunken drivers in the state....

Couple points I'd like to make:
* Your statements remind me of my deceased father, who used to rail against people abusing the speed limit and how the speed limit needed to be enforced with tickets to every speeder. Nice theory but impossible to enact unless you expand the police force to incredible numbers and/or take them away from heavy crime areas. This zero tolerance policy you want might be a great theory, but it can't happen and it won't happen. If you hold onto this desire and the sight of drunken fans (college students and alums both) make you apoleptic on game day, you're going to be pretty miserable-booze and drunks will be a part of the gameday experience.

Not only do zero tolerance policies and laws not work, but they typically result in a situation where legitimate police powers end up being overused/abused in the pursuit of the unattainable utopian goal. No knock warrants brought to us by the war on drugs is a great example.

coolhandgopher: too many people have died and continue to die at the hands of drunk drivers. What I present is a view that needs to be presented. Will it prevail? Of course not. But, I hope you never have a friend or a family member who dies as a victim of a drunken driver.

The cost to this society from drunk driving is too great. Some voices must be raised against this terminal maiming and killing force.

And drunks annoy me. Sometimes that opinion needs to be stated.

I will never be miserable. Life is too good. I will avoid situations that I don't like or appreciate. Still, I think it is important for every voice to be heard. I think it is good to state one's opinion.

I hope no one here ever loses a loved one as a result of a chance encounter with a drunk operating a motor vehicle. And I do find the scenes of the rioters on the U of m campus to be a real matter of shame for the Administration at the University of Minnesota. One of these days something tragic will happen at one of those drunken riots. That will be a real shame and a tragedy.

If you see something happening that really should not be happening, it is important to voice your opinion, I believe.

Not worth agruing with him GoAUpher....you don't have to real his drivel on the strib blog. he just repeats random crap until people ignore him and he feels he has made his post. Notice hois reply had absolutely nothing to do with what you posted. He has an irrational hatred for Brunicks and Maturi. Just let him rant himself out and maybe we will be lucky and he will go away.

That or start blaming brunicks for all the murders commited in minneapolis next after blaming him for all the drunken drivers in the state....

No doubt. I guess my desire to engage others in conversations based on logic and reason has once again led me astray. I forget how many people enjoy railing against something, demanding it never happen, and blaming everyone else for the problem. These are the same people who look at a problem and instead of asking good questions they create the answer out of thin air and then work backwards to make all the available facts fit that world view. I should have gone with "You. Are. A. Tool. Period" and moved on. :)

And drunks annoy me. Sometimes that opinion needs to be stated.

Duly noted (and noted...and noted...and noted). Now please try to remember that "YOU. ARE. A. TOOL." while you have a nice day being happy!

4star, get a life. u must be a power-tripping cop.

Nope..just a poor sad little man who thinks the wosrt thing in the world a kid could ever do is get drunk....

and damnit, he's not going to stop until president bruninks is breathalizing every last student on campus every night to make sure they aren't drunk.

alright i am back i just want fourstar to ANSWER THIS...#1.where in the hell are you getting all the drunk driving crap at the U??? people walk or take the bus. #2. everything is illegal, you bitch about all your tax dollars going to devil students, guess how much it is going to take to get the force needed to bust every college student. #3. most people at the bars are 21...i think you are confusing Minnesota college kids with the N.W.A or something....and im gone again

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