Two more Georgia football players arrested for driving violations


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2015
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Since the 2023 death of a player and staff member in a single car accident ... 19 people associated with the football program have been arrested for various driving issues.

WTF is going on at Georgia?

There's a lot of "oh but it happens everywhere" kinda talk about just about everything these days, I'm glad our program isn't one of those "happens everywhere" places.

This is getting to a point where Smart better get this under control.

There's a lot of "oh but it happens everywhere" kinda talk about just about everything these days, I'm glad our program isn't one of those "happens everywhere" places.
They win championships. We don't. I couldn't care less if Gopher players are street racing Ferraris if it meant winning titles.

They win championships. We don't. I couldn't care less if Gopher players are street racing Ferraris if it meant winning titles. don't care if players are endangering the lives of themselves or others as long as they are winning? Wow.

Things are going to happen, players are going to do stupid/reckless things from time to time but 19 incidents since a player and staff member DIED is ridiculous and it clearly shows that there is little to no control over the players and their activities down there. You would think the death of a teammate might have gotten a message across to them but clearly it didn't. Points to the fact that the players have on fear of consequences so they just do whatever the heck they want knowing the team isn't going to punish them for it.

Kind of like the message Gundy is sending by not punishing an underage player who was driving over the legal limit. Tells everyone on the team that you don't have to worry about breaking the law.

I'm glad that for the most part out players seem to stay out of trouble

They win championships. We don't. I couldn't care less if Gopher players are street racing Ferraris if it meant winning titles.
So, you don't mind that these troubled teens end up in prisons etc. that we have to pay for? Furthermore, why would you be a better football player street racing a Ferraris? Makes absolutely no sense.

They win championships. We don't. I couldn't care less if Gopher players are street racing Ferraris if it meant winning titles.
I'll bet if someone driving 100 miles an hour crashed into one of your family or friends you'd care.

But caring when it happens to other people is called empathy. And that takes a little higher level of intelligence.... don't care if players are endangering the lives of themselves or others as long as they are winning? Wow.

Things are going to happen, players are going to do stupid/reckless things from time to time but 19 incidents since a player and staff member DIED is ridiculous and it clearly shows that there is little to no control over the players and their activities down there. You would think the death of a teammate might have gotten a message across to them but clearly it didn't. Points to the fact that the players have on fear of consequences so they just do whatever the heck they want knowing the team isn't going to punish them for it.

Kind of like the message Gundy is sending by not punishing an underage player who was driving over the legal limit. Tells everyone on the team that you don't have to worry about breaking the law.

I'm glad that for the most part out players seem to stay out of trouble
I've been clear on my position for years. I don't care if the U is handing out bags of cash, blow, cars, whatever. College football and hoops are big time, big money entertainment and the the goal is to win championships - not to win miss congeniality or citizen of the year.

I'll bet if someone driving 100 miles an hour crashed into one of your family or friends you'd care.

But caring when it happens to other people is called empathy. And that takes a little higher level of intelligence....
The "whatabout if it happened to your loved one" argument has never, and will never, resonate with me. Either you have a position on something or you don't.

The "whatabout if it happened to your loved one" argument has never, and will never, resonate with me. Either you have a position on something or you don't.
Doesn't that mean the opposite of your statement?

Your posts are devolving into a sorta word salad.
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I've been clear on my position for years. I don't care if the U is handing out bags of cash, blow, cars, whatever. College football and hoops are big time, big money entertainment and the the goal is to win championships - not to win miss congeniality or citizen of the year.
I understand your position. I disagree with it, big time. Maybe you are just a troll. If not, your position is beyond cynical, it is amoral. There are a lot of folks who think that college sports are best when the athletes are of high character rather than in the gutter. But to each his own.

The "whatabout if it happened to your loved one" argument has never, and will never, resonate with me. Either you have a position on something or you don't.
The reason it doesn’t make sense to you is that you’re an idiot. Ever wonder why you are a welfare dependent? It’s because of your low intelligence. Sorry to break it to ya.

I understand your position. I disagree with it, big time. Maybe you are just a troll. If not, your position is beyond cynical, it is amoral. There are a lot of folks who think that college sports are best when the athletes are of high character rather than in the gutter. But to each his own.
I agree it's cynical. Completely. But I think it's honest. College football and basketball have, generally, been extremely dirty businesses for most of our lifetimes if not longer. The NCAA's enforcement/punishment was always inequitable at best, and a joke at worst, and is now non-existent. I've mentioned it before, but Saint John Wooden who is always held up on a pedestal of virtue - ran a dirty program with bag men too.

Would I rather high character players make up a team? Sure. They cause fewer problems and provide better PR for the program. But would I as a fan rather have a team full of choir boys who lose, or a team full of criminals that win? I'll take the latter every single time.

You know someone over at fox 9 read your post and is now working on their next hard hitting story about it. Will probably interview that professor as well because i am sure he will have something to say about Fleck's parking habits and the impact they are having on his players. :)

I've been clear on my position for years. I don't care if the U is handing out bags of cash, blow, cars, whatever. College football and hoops are big time, big money entertainment and the the goal is to win championships - not to win miss congeniality or citizen of the year.
Guess I see a difference between teams breaking rules and players breaking the law.....but maybe that is just me.

The "whatabout if it happened to your loved one" argument has never, and will never, resonate with me. Either you have a position on something or you don't.
What's it like not having loved ones?

They win championships. We don't. I couldn't care less if Gopher players are street racing Ferraris if it meant winning titles.
I think you would is someone you know died because of it.

Championships are not worth the selling out you constantly seem to call for.

The "whatabout if it happened to your loved one" argument has never, and will never, resonate with me. Either you have a position on something or you don't.
Yeah the position is your take is pretty atrocious. You are welcome to have it but constantly beating the drum that all you care about is titles and damn the consequences makes you sound infantile and sad.

You know someone over at fox 9 read your post and is now working on their next hard hitting story about it. Will probably interview that professor as well because i am sure he will have something to say about Fleck's parking habits and the impact they are having on his players. :)
Oh then some clown at a weak sports blog will pick it up and show that means PJ runs a dirty program and interview former players who have an axe to grind cause he asked them to study AND practice!!

I'm willing to admit that does bother me in general, especially those who park diagonally across two spots. Don't mind when it's at the back of a lot where there are tons of open spots, but I am suprised that it happens more often than one would think in spots close the the entrance.
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That doesn’t bother me at all. But if you tell me he didn’t take his shopping cart to the cart corral/return and left it in a parking spot? Oh boy, Coyle better fire him for cause on the spot or I’m done.

That doesn’t bother me at all. But if you tell me he didn’t take his shopping cart to the cart corral/return and left it in a parking spot? Oh boy, Coyle better fire him for cause on the spot or I’m done.
Instantly dead to me 😡😡😡

I'm willing to admit that does bother me in general, especially those who park diagonally across two spots. Don't mind when it's at the back of a lot where there are tons of open spots, but I am suprised that it happens more often than one would think in spots close the the entrance.
I get over it quickly, but it bothers me that people are either too bad at parking, too oblivious to notice they did it, or too egocentric to care. I don't know which of those three is the worst...

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