Tubby's approach with Royce

Block M

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
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I believe that White should have been practicing during his suspension. I think he's come a bit unglued without b-ball structure, which is understandable, and its made the situation worse. I think the suspension would have blown over if Royce would have stayed around the team. Now he's about to crack.

I know, I know, Royce is a "thug" who "had it coming", but Tubby should be going the extra mile to help this kid become the mature and responsible university and team representative that Tubby wants him to be. Freezing him out of practice and team activities is not the best way to achieve that goal, IMO. It is interesting to see that some of Royce's mates are stepping up for him. I take that as a good sign that Royce is not the cancer that some have portrayed him to be.

I for one want Royce around when Bucky comes in looking to backhand the Gophers in a few weeks, and I am still holding out hope that this storm passes.

Hang in there Royce...

Tubby should be going the extra mile to help this kid become the mature and responsible university and team representative that Tubby wants him to be.

How do you know he didn't? Tubby is nothing but class, and from what I've seen - tries to keep issues internal. Things obviously leek out - like Nolen and Westbrook's feud, a lot of Royce things., etc. He tried to keep them private, but it leaked out, and he was honest about them. However, I can never ever see Tubby saying - "I asked Royce to do this, and he didn't" or saying "I gave Royce a few rules to follow,and he broke so and so rule", and basically list mistakes Royce could of made.

I just can't imagine that Royce would say such good things about Tubby, unless he really did go the extra mile. Even if Royce didn't say those things, I can't imagine Tubby not doing his very best to help a young man on his team, 5 start talent or not.

If Tubby wanted to kick him off the team, then by all means-kick him off. Putting the kid indefinitely in limbo, sort of on the team, sort of not, is the worst of both worlds for all involved. The Gophers have a very big distraction, Royce is coming apart at the seams, and Myron Medcalf is tweeting out of his tweeter, and I'm unable to ignore it, of course. Its madness.

If Tubby wanted to kick him off the team, then by all means-kick him off. Putting the kid indefinitely in limbo, sort of on the team, sort of not, is the worst of both worlds for all involved. The Gophers have a very big distraction, Royce is coming apart at the seams, and Myron Medcalf is tweeting out of his tweeter, and I'm unable to ignore it, of course. Its madness.

Exactly - if he wanted to kick Royce off, he would of, and could have easily done that. He was obviously coaching/mentoring him and trying to help him.

I think your issue with Myron twittering is a whole other issue if it really gets to you that much.

"In the famous "marshmallow studies" at Stanford University, four year olds were asked to stay in a room alone with a marshmallow and wait for a researcher to return. They were told that if they could wait until the researcher came back before eating the marshmallow, they could have two. Ten years later the researchers tracked down the kids who participated in the study. They found that the kids who were able to resist temptation had a total SAT score that was 210 points higher than those kids who were unable to wait."

I would bet that Tubby would have waited and got two.

How do you know he didn't?

I believe once White was removed from the bench (reportedly to keep him out of the limelight) he was suspended from 'practice' as well. I believe I even heard Tubby mention that at some point.

He has always said good things about Royce - but there were always things he needed to do.

Edit - I thought GL was saying that White was possibly still practicing with the team but now realize she was referring to Tubby going the extra mile for White when I quoted her "How do you know he didn't.

I am not sure whose decision it was/is to keep White from the practice court Maturi's or Smith's but I think it might be best for White to be reinstated for practice only - but keep him away from the bench during games - if only to keep him from using Williams Arena bench footage in his next video. Altho I did like the few lines at the beginning of "The Last Interview" video from the Nina Simone song from the 60's "Oh Lord, Please don't let me be misunderstood."

Nina Simone song from the sixties? Man, I could have swore that was an Animal's song from the sixties. rrjacklll, I thought the lines were great too. Sorry, couldn't resist getting a little off track.

Nina Simone song from the sixties? Man, I could have swore that was an Animal's song from the sixties. rrjacklll, I thought the lines were great too. Sorry, couldn't resist getting a little off track.

There is no mistaking Nina Simone's voice. Altho you did make me check. She did it first and then the Animals.


I like this LIVE version of Nina too


or the Animals


There is no mistaking Nina Simone's voice. Altho you did make me check. She did it first and then the Animals. I have to give you your props. You were all over this. I followed your links and Nina Simone it is indeed in the sixties. Great version too, I might add. Thanks for straightening me out on it.

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