Tubby: "That's why we have to recruit better players..." = Classless


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Nov 15, 2008
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Tubby: "We have to recruit better players...and we will in the future." = Classless

I understand a coach being frustrated...but I've never seen such a high-profile coach say something so classless about his current team.

He recruited all but 4 players on this team (Johnson, Westbrook, Hoffarber, Nolen), who are arguably our best players.

At some point, Tubby has to look in the mirror. The majority of the squad are his players, we returned the same team from last year, and he's paid nearly $3 million a year for results.

Obviously, our players didn't play well tonight...but I really expect better from a coach like Tubby Smith.

Maybe he was referring to attitudes (i.e. Westbrook) and not talent.

P.S. For the record, I'm not saying Tubby is classless, but his comments about his current team are.

In addition, Tubby said that "this team isn't talented enough to win big games unless they overachieve." This is his 3rd year here; he shouldn't be immune from some criticism if he's going to start throwing his players under the bus, IMO.

The guys need to get better, but Tubby needs to man up himself as well.

I disagree. He's carrying the burden of being the highest paid public servant in the state and wants to redeem his career. Trying to coach a dysfunctional team has to be disappointing and preaching the same message must getting redundant. Sounds like a frustrated coach sending a message to his returners. We had the opposite approach with Monson who sold his credibility to a star and his father, allowed a guy to join another team and come back, and provided safe haven to overrated locals when things didn't pan out at UNC or Oklahoma. I'd rather take the guy holding his troops accountable. That said, the program could be back to square one- especially if we don't land Cory Joseph. I'm not looking forward to that.

Tubby needs to go ASAP he thinks that this is second class to kentucky and doesnt need to work as hard because nobody cares... I for on care and am not happy

I disagree.
Let's put it this way; you will never hear coaches like Bill Self, Tom Izzo, Roy Williams, etc. say comments about their own players like that. NEVER.

These guys aren't paid millions to put the blame on 19 year old kids that they themselves evaluated and recruited to come here. You don't see CEO's blaming their employees when the company doesn't turn a profit; they have to take it on the chin, as they are the head of the organization.

Same thing with coaching.

I understand a coach being frustrated...but I've never seen such a high-profile coach say something so classless about his current team.

He recruited all but 4 players on this team (Johnson, Westbrook, Hoffarber, Nolen), who are arguably our best players.

At some point, Tubby has to look in the mirror. The majority of the squad are his players, we returned the same team from last year, and he's paid nearly $3 million a year for results.

Obviously, our players didn't play well tonight...but I really expect better from a coach like Tubby Smith.

But Tubby is a nice positive guy. He wouldn't rip his own players.

Let's put it this way; you will never hear coaches like Bill Self, Tom Izzo, Roy Williams, etc. say comments about their own players like that. NEVER.

Roy Williams is having an even worse season than Tubby after they had MUCH higher expectations than we did, and he's not blaming his team, he's talking about he needs to go at it from a different angle as a coach.

These guys aren't paid millions to put the blame on 19 year old kids that they themselves evaluated and recruited to come here. You don't see CEO's blaming their employees when the company doesn't turn a profit; they have to take it on the chin, as they are the head of the organization.

Same thing with coaching.

I'm pretty sure Roy threw his players under the bus a couple times at the beginning of the season.

We do need better players. It's up to Tubby to go get them. I hope he follows his own advice.

We do need better players. It's up to Tubby to go get them. I hope he follows his own advice.

It only takes one class. Plenty of coaches win with lesser talent than we have this year.

Joke statement for a coach of his calibar. Basically admitting he hasn't delivered, but not taking any blame for how this team fails down the stretch in close games.

He consistantly threw players under the bus at UK. Never takes blame for his ineptness.

He consistantly threw players under the bus at UK. Never takes blame for his ineptness.
Come on now, I'm not trying to make this into a Tubby-bashing thread.

I've been happy with the majority of his work here, and understand that we're going through a difficult time. I was just commenting on that one statement he made tonight...it just really surprised me, that's all.

Let's put it this way; you will never hear coaches like Bill Self, Tom Izzo, Roy Williams, etc. say comments about their own players like that.
Izzo, Self, and Williams always have rosters full of 4 and 5 star players....some McD's All-Americans. Have you watched/read/listened to every post-game press conference with Roy Williams after a UNC loss to say this with extreme certainty?

anticallihan said:
Plenty of coaches win with lesser talent than we have this year.
Can you give examples to support this? I think that "plenty" is more like "a few."

tubstrials said:
He consistantly threw players under the bus at UK. Never takes blame for his ineptness
Your team is 23-1. Tubby has been gone for almost 3 years now. And you're still full of hatred for the man? Get over it.

He's probably just frustrated with the current team's results, Mbakwe and White not being on the floor, and Nolen not having his academics under wraps. Plus maybe some other things that we have no idea about. All those things together, plus being under the scrutiny of the media, can have a major toll on a person. Of course he probably could have handled it better, but it happens to the best of us.

Roy Williams has ALREADY made comments like that THIS YEAR! A link was posted to it on this very site. In fact he called out a player by name.

I'm not saying what Tubby said was acceptable but yeah, other coaches do make some public comments like this.

Maybe isnt so much frustrated with his own players as he is with his lack of the impact players he had gotten but maturi took away

Every coach says stuff like this...Brewster always says we need to recruit more "playmakers"...which is pretty much more talented people

I have been taking shots from the Puritan crowd on this board--dr don,section 201, and some of their crony's since I have been on this board. I have been saying all along that this team has some very good spot and role players but lack a couple big-time recruits. Tubby had them with Mbwkee and white. SOme of the guys on this team that are not playing well would do so much better in the roles they were intended for. However, unfortunately they are playing positions and situations they are not ready for. Good programs have one or two solid players and have others who substitute for breathers or certain situations. This team has been an NIT team since Royce and Mwbwkee were banned from playing. I saw this early, and so did a number of us so called TROLLS as we tried to point that out. Unfortunately Tubby is only half correct. He does need better players! It does not mean his current players dont have a role to play in the future, but they are not game changing guys who can be counted on for a defensive stop or a clutch bucket. He also needs to be the one to recruit the talent and he needs an administration (Maturi) that creates a winning athletic environment. Please don't be too hard on Tubby for expecting some of his talented players to step up--this is a process---it is refreshing to see a coach actually expecting more out of his team and himself. I like that. Now if we can get an AD and administration to line up we have a chance.

I have been taking shots from the Puritan crowd on this board--dr don,section 201, and some of their crony's since I have been on this board. I have been saying all along that this team has some very good spot and role players but lack a couple big-time recruits. Tubby had them with Mbwkee and white. SOme of the guys on this team that are not playing well would do so much better in the roles they were intended for. However, unfortunately they are playing positions and situations they are not ready for. Good programs have one or two solid players and have others who substitute for breathers or certain situations. This team has been an NIT team since Royce and Mwbwkee were banned from playing. I saw this early, and so did a number of us so called TROLLS as we tried to point that out. Unfortunately Tubby is only half correct. He does need better players! It does not mean his current players dont have a role to play in the future, but they are not game changing guys who can be counted on for a defensive stop or a clutch bucket. He also needs to be the one to recruit the talent and he needs an administration (Maturi) that creates a winning athletic environment. Please don't be too hard on Tubby for expecting some of his talented players to step up--this is a process---it is refreshing to see a coach actually expecting more out of his team and himself. I like that. Now if we can get an AD and administration to line up we have a chance.
Thank you . Well said. At one point Michigan scored on like 8 out of 9 possessions in the second half and the analysts recognized tubby as a "defensive genius", someones has got to hold the players accountable, as a parent who has kids playing sports I rather have a coach coaching my kids that will hold them accountable and they're not even in middle school yet, it prepares them for the "real world".

Tubby is a "defensive genius" is a myth created by those who have been vested in promoting and protecting his image. The actual defensive performance of his teams has not matched the image.

Just go back as far as you want in his history as a head coach and take an objective look at his teams' defensive efficiency, compared to NCAA D1 averages, and the defensive efficiencies produced each of those years by the truly great defensive coaches, and you will reach the same conclusion that I have.

I have examined that data.

Just this year, 'Ol Roy has basically called Strickland lazy, Henson overrated, and Thompson and Drew headcases. There are more quotes than that. That was just off the top of my head. I believe one of the NC St boards has a thread dedicated to just the mindnumbing quotes by 'Ol Roy.

NEVER is a bit too strong of a word when it happens all of the time, don't ya think?

NEVER is a bit too strong of a word when it happens all of the time, don't ya think?
Perhaps it was wrong to throw Roy in with that group...he's not the best example.

However, it's rare to see coaches of Tubby's stature resort to comments like that, let's put it that way.

Let's put it this way; you will never hear coaches like Bill Self, Tom Izzo, Roy Williams, etc. say comments about their own players like that. NEVER.

Roy Williams is having an even worse season than Tubby after they had MUCH higher expectations than we did, and he's not blaming his team, he's talking about he needs to go at it from a different angle as a coach.

These guys aren't paid millions to put the blame on 19 year old kids that they themselves evaluated and recruited to come here. You don't see CEO's blaming their employees when the company doesn't turn a profit; they have to take it on the chin, as they are the head of the organization.

Same thing with coaching.

Yeah Izzo would never call out a player. Just ask Kalin Lucas.

Yeah Izzo would never call out a player. Just ask Kalin Lucas.
Calling out a player for their recent play and lack of leadership (especially from your captain) is very different than commenting on the overall talent of the players that you recruited in, basically dismissing them and saying that you're going to find and bring in better players.

With as much as the players have gone through this year, they deserve more than that I think.

Yeah Izzo would never call out a player. Just ask Kalin Lucas.

I loved this one actually-

U of L Coach Rick Pitino had a heart-to-heart with Sosa and suggested that the 6-foot-1 junior from New York transfer. Sosa had been playing the worst ball of his career coming into Sunday’s game. He was averaging just five points on 30 percent shooting from the field and 20 percent shooting behind the three-point line. Sosa also struggled on the defensive end to contain dribble penetration. “I basically told him that if I were you I’d transfer, and I wouldn’t wait,” Pitino said. “You could go somewhere and have a year to learn the system. The fans aren’t happy with you, you’re not happy with yourself, and you’re not having fun. We’ll look at some schools that don’t play any defense. There aren’t that many, but I know a few.“

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