Tubby Tells Sid: I'm not a candidate


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Nov 21, 2008
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Tubby just on Sports Huddle says:

"I'm not a candidate for any other job."

"I'm preparing for next year as hard as I can prepare. I'm going out selling the Unviersity of Minnesota."

"We've got an administration that is backing us. We're preparing to build a new practice facility."

"We got a great nucleas of players coming back."

"We're out there recruiting right now. Going after a guard and a post player."

"I'm leaving this afternoon to go out and recruit for the next two days."

Some people say that Tubby should just say something definite about staying...My God, what can be more definite than what Tubby just told Sid?

If he were a candidate elsewhere, would he publicly say anything on a meaningless radio show?

If he were a candidate elsewhere, would he publicly say anything on a meaningless radio show?

I like how you try to continue to stir the pot. As Dr. Don said, how much more of a definitive answer do you want? Does Tubby need to go on ESPN Sportscenter and say "I guarantee if I leave the University of Minnesota this year for another job I will give back my entire salary for the year and cut off one of my arms"? Saying on a large regional radio station that he is NOT a candidate for any other jobs, is honored to be our coach, and is actively working on next year is about as definitive answer as you are going to get these days.

If he were a candidate elsewhere, would he publicly say anything on a meaningless radio show?

Probably true. But, I would also guess if he were a candidate elsewhere he wouldn't be so bold as to flat out say he was NOT a candidate elsewhere. There are obvious coach-speaks ways to talk around being a candidate elsewhere. Publicly proclaiming you're not a candidate is not one of them.

Tubby was listing players he was excited to have back

and Cobbs was among them---not sure that means anything but he had him as coming back.

"I'm not a candidate for any other jobs."

Okay, Tubby has now said that for the second time in two years. Can we please move on to thinking about next season please? After all, it certainly seems like that's what Tubby is doing.

Probably true. But, I would also guess if he were a candidate elsewhere he wouldn't be so bold as to flat out say he was NOT a candidate elsewhere. There are obvious coach-speaks ways to talk around being a candidate elsewhere. Publicly proclaiming you're not a candidate is not one of them.

Exactly. Or he could have simply gotten 'busy' and made himself unavailable today. He certainly didn't have to issue the denials he did.

"We've got an administration that is backing us. We're preparing to build a new practice facility."

The BS meter just went off.

"We've got an administration that is backing us. We're preparing to build a new practice facility."

The BS meter just went off.

Johnny, are you saying that you don't believe we're close to a practice facility? What have you heard and from whom?

If Bull$hit were money, a lot of GH commentors would be millionaires.

It will get done eventually but Maturi and the U move at an extremely slow pace compared to alot of other schools and this is something that really, really frustrates Tubby. He didn't have to deal with an administration so negative toward athletics at Kentucky or Georgia. He is far from the first coach at MN who is frustrated with Maturi. While I don't think he is going to another job anytime soon, I don't think he is botherd by the rumors of other schools looking at him as it gives him some leverage and a constant reminder Joel.

If he were a candidate elsewhere, would he publicly say anything on a meaningless radio show?

Art, you are so full of $hit. If Tubby were a candidate elsewhere, he would take a two- or three-or four-week vacation before hitting the recruiting trail. You are amazing, sir Arthur. Nuff Said.

Best decision Tubby ever made was to take the Gopher HC job...best decision he could make going forward would be to keep it....IMHO

"We've got an administration that is backing us. We're preparing to build a new practice facility."

The BS meter just went off.

He said they're preparing to build a new practice facility...he never said when, or how long it would take. Last I heard, they are preparing to build one at some point.

This makes it a true statement...just saying...

while watching xavier beat pitt today i got real pissed off thinking somehow maybe the players could had been effected by Dennis Dodds timing of his "inside information", I found myself sending him feed back...I covered A) how disrespectfull this was to the Gopher student athletes who were set to play and their fan base B) How I can't stand looking at him because he looks like a bigger piece of garbage than his writings and C) he can go #&$& himself. I'm still fired up about this idiot...now he is writing how Kansas flaws were exposed...this is the same idiot who had them winning it all. BLAH!!

Interesting that Tubby is recruiting a guard and post player. Assuming the guard is Cory. Is the post player Maurice Walker (6-10, 270 Brewster Academy) per ESPN considering. Maurice has Minn listed after Pitt along with UConn, Marquette, Villanova. He is from Toronto also.

Does this mean Royce's scholarship is available? If not where does it come from (hopefully not Al)? I want Royce to play but if a quality player is available and accepts - do you take a sure thing rather than wait to see if Royce gets his act together?

Interesting that Tubby is recruitung a guard and post player. Assuming the guard is Cory. Is the post player Maurice Walker (6-10, 270 Brewster Academy) per ESPN considering. Maurice has Minn listed after Pitt along with UConn, Marquette, Villanova. He is from Toronto also.

Does this mean Royce's scholarship is available? If not where does it come from (hopefully not Al)? I want Royce to play but if a quality player is available and accepts - do you take a sure thing rather than wait to see if Royce gets his act together?

Royce was released from his scholarship. The Gophers now have 2 to give.

Interesting that Tubby is recruiting a guard and post player. Assuming the guard is Cory. Is the post player Maurice Walker (6-10, 270 Brewster Academy) per ESPN considering. Maurice has Minn listed after Pitt along with UConn, Marquette, Villanova. He is from Toronto also.

Does this mean Royce's scholarship is available? If not where does it come from (hopefully not Al)? I want Royce to play but if a quality player is available and accepts - do you take a sure thing rather than wait to see if Royce gets his act together?

I don't think Tubby is saying he's after one specific guard and one specific post player, rather they are looking to find kids that fit those position types (which covers just about any position on the court by some people's definition). Maurice doesn't have Minnesota, UCONN, Marq or Nova on his list - ESPN does. 98% chance Mo will play in the Big East - Pitt or Georgetown likely, Rutgers or Seton Hall are possibilities.

It has nothing to do with Royce White or Al Nolen... schools recruit all the time, even when they have 'no available scholarships'... I don't take anything meaningful from any of those comments from Tubby other than he is not currently a candidate for any other coaching jobs at this point in time...

"We've got an administration that is backing us. We're preparing to build a new practice facility."

The BS meter just went off.

It sure did. Here, help yourself to a clothespin. Yes, the one with the shiny brand new tightly wound spring will do just fine. Now, clip it over your nose or some other appendage, whatever it takes to make you shut up.

It sure did. Here, help yourself to a clothespin. Yes, the one with the shiny brand new tightly wound spring will do just fine. Now, clip it over your nose or some other appendage, whatever it takes to make you shut up.

Are you really going off at a poster with a long track record of quality inside info?

It will get done eventually but Maturi and the U move at an extremely slow pace compared to alot of other schools and this is something that really, really frustrates Tubby. He didn't have to deal with an administration so negative toward athletics at Kentucky or Georgia. He is far from the first coach at MN who is frustrated with Maturi. While I don't think he is going to another job anytime soon, I don't think he is botherd by the rumors of other schools looking at him as it gives him some leverage and a constant reminder Joel.

I recently read a quote from Steve Alford about comparing New Mexico to Iowa. The two things he mentioned that drew him to New Mexico were that they had a practice facility and that the basketball team had its own strength coach. These things showed a commitment to basketball that Alford appreciated. If the University of New Mexico has a practice facility now, the University of Minnesota should have had a practice facility 5 years ago. This does not seem like what a "want" but a "need" if Minnesota is going to compete for Big Ten championships.

The main BS part I was refering to was the comment that Administration is backing us because I've heard that is Tubby's main complaint about Minnesota. He was hired the same time as Beilein at Michigan and both expressed immediately a need for a practice facility and while Tubby is still waiting just to get the project off the ground here at MN, Michigan approved it within a year and will have it built by 2011. That is an example MN coaches like to point out.

The main BS part I was refering to was the comment that Administration is backing us because I've heard that is Tubby's main complaint about Minnesota. He was hired the same time as Beilein at Michigan and both expressed immediately a need for a practice facility and while Tubby is still waiting just to get the project off the ground here at MN, Michigan approved it within a year and will have it built by 2011. That is an example MN coaches like to point out.

Minnesota has a brand new football stadium. Michigan doesn't. The Gophers have only so much $ to spend at once.

Tubby existed 10 years at Kentucky without a practice facility.

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