Troubling news for UW Program

Should get some prison time.

Doubtful....3rd degree sex assault is a Class G felony (with a 10 year maximum sentence)....Courts are going to look at his age and lack of criminal history (i'm presuming he doesn't have one) and I doubt he goes to prison. He will blame the alcohol. I would not be surprised to see up to a year in the county jail though.

just read through this thread...someone in here was defending B Alavarez? Even Badger fans question BA's integrity.

Wisconsin, athletes, alchohol, rape.... I'm having a Mitch Lee flashback.

Talk about putting a kid in a tough spot. Sign a letter that the recruit will not be given alchol, but make sure that they have a good time. Seems like the coachs and colleges pass the blame to the host of the recruit...just seems like the athletic depts turn a blind eye until something goes wrong.

WI newspaper acrticle:
A University of Wisconsin football player who provided alcohol to a potential recruit has been disciplined, according to Athletics Director Barry Alvarez. The school plans to report the recruiting situation to the Big Ten conference.

The violation of UW-Madison's recruiting policies came out when sophomore linebacker Leon Jacobs testified in the sexual assault trial of former recruit Dominic D. Cizauskas.

Jacobs told jurors his job as the student host of Cizauskas was to "show him a good time." He said he met the recruit at a residence hall where they both consumed four to five shots of spiced rum before walking to a party hosted by members of the track team where Cizauskas consumed another alcoholic drink.

In a statement emailed to News 3, Alvarez wrote, "University of Wisconsin-Madison Recruiting Visit Policies include a prohibition on the use of alcohol during an official visit. Current student-athletes who serve as hosts to prospective student-athletes (recruits) sign a form agreeing, among other things, that alcohol will not be used during the visit."

"The football student-athlete (Leon Jacobs) who hosted the recruiting visit in question violated our policy. Upon learning of the violation, Leon was immediately disciplined."

I can't find a birth date for Leon Jacobs, but given that he graduated HS in 2013, he's almost certainly not of legal age either. So the people who should be in trouble are the idiots giving alcohol to minors.

"The football student-athlete (Leon Jacobs) who hosted the recruiting visit in question violated our policy. Upon learning of the violation, Leon was immediately disciplined."

I'm sure it amounted to "Don't get caught again".

I can't find a birth date for Leon Jacobs, but given that he graduated HS in 2013, he's almost certainly not of legal age either. So the people who should be in trouble are the idiots giving alcohol to minors.

I hate to tell you this, dpo, but if they did this in Wisconsin, the entire adult population of the state would have jail sentences. I wonder what Gov Walker would do to alleviate the over crowding population.

I am interested in answers.

I'm sure the Gopher recruits drink diet, caffeine free beverages and go to bed at 9 PM on their visits and only of-age players legally buy liquor on the team.

All this talk about alcohol is just diverting the blame. People drink, deal with it. The problem is with Cizauskas and the act he committed. Alcohol is irrelevant. Healthy people don't do what he did, with or without alcohol.

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