Troubling news for UW Program


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Nov 20, 2008
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Wisconsin football recruit Dominic Cizauskas has been charged with rape, stemming from an alleged incident during a visit to the school on Dec. 14, 2013.

Dominic D. Cizauskas, 18, a linebacker from Mukwonago, allegedly showed up at the woman’s dorm drunk on Dec. 14, undressed her and raped her after the two had exchanged text messages, according to a criminal complaint filed in Dane County Circuit Court.

“I tried to make excuses trying to get him to leave,” the woman told police, adding that she told him “no” several times. “I didn’t know what to do. I was by myself, my roommate went home for the weekend and he’s a 200-pound football player and he had been drinking.”

Ugh…we dodged a bullet…we offered him. According to rivals he visited Wisconsin on 12/13/13. Must have happened on that visit. Great program, get your recruits drunk and let them rape women. University of Colorado had a similar situation and we got rid of Gary Barnett, our president and I believe our chancellor…lots of folks lost their jobs turning a blind eye to this kind of crap.

10 shots in 30 minutes? what could possibly go wrong?

I never knew until now that he didn't sign his NLI. With my 20/20 hindsight, I'm glad now that he didn't come here. We don't need Fox 9 doing another exposé on college kids drinking.

Here's the really interesting part of this horrid story. On the reddit College Football Board, someone posted the same link that Nate did and he had some quotes from the article. And this was the interesting one:

"On signing day, UW coach Gary Andersen was hopeful Cizauskas might still eventually sign with the Badgers.
"I surely hope it goes in that direction," Andersen told the State Journal at the time. "He's a good kid and we'll see what direction it goes.""

So he committed an infraction in regards to the rule about commenting on a player before signing his LOI, and within minutes of that being posted on reddit, that quote was taken out of the article and replaced by the generic:

"On signing day, UW coach Gary Andersen was hopeful Cizauskas might still eventually sign with the Badgers. A phone message left with a UW Athletic Department official seeking comment about Cizauskas' status with the Badgers was not immediately returned."

I never knew until now that he didn't sign his NLI. With my 20/20 hindsight, I'm glad now that he didn't come here. We don't need Fox 9 doing another exposé on college kids drinking.

Did UW not allow his offer to be committable in light of the news or was the decision not to sign his LOI at the time the player's?

Here's what his Scout interview said:

Cizauskas Fits Right In

Dominic Cizauskas

Dominic Cizauskas

By Brian Becker
Badger Nation Staff
Date: Dec 16, 2013

Having one of the top prep seasons in the state last fall, Mukwonago (WI) linebacker Dominic Cizauskas can't wait to play for Wisconsin after taking his official visit to Wisconsin this past weekend.

I never knew until now that he didn't sign his NLI. With my 20/20 hindsight, I'm glad now that he didn't come here. We don't need Fox 9 doing another exposé on college kids drinking.

That was real hard hitting journalism. They broke the biggest story in years when they uncovered the reality of Gopher Hockey players drinking beer. The tremors are still being felt across the college sporting landscape.

Google still has the original article cached:


And now the wjs has updated their article again: "UW Athletic Department spokesman Brian Lucas said that because Cizauskas has not signed a letter of intent, he is still a prospective student-athlete, so UW is not allowed to comment on his recruitment, by NCAA rule."

That was real hard hitting journalism. They broke the biggest story in years when they uncovered the reality of Gopher Hockey players drinking beer. The tremors are still being felt across the college sporting landscape.

Integrity will never be a concern with BA in his role. the-top-25-dirtiest-athletic-programs-in-college-history

Google still has the original article cached:


And now the wjs has updated their article again: "UW Athletic Department spokesman Brian Lucas said that because Cizauskas has not signed a letter of intent, he is still a prospective student-athlete, so UW is not allowed to comment on his recruitment, by NCAA rule."

I swear something like this happened not too long ago by the same paper.

Wisconsin football recruit Dominic Cizauskas has been charged with rape, stemming from an alleged incident during a visit to the school on Dec. 14, 2013.

Dominic D. Cizauskas, 18, a linebacker from Mukwonago, allegedly showed up at the woman’s dorm drunk on Dec. 14, undressed her and raped her after the two had exchanged text messages, according to a criminal complaint filed in Dane County Circuit Court.

“I tried to make excuses trying to get him to leave,” the woman told police, adding that she told him “no” several times. “I didn’t know what to do. I was by myself, my roommate went home for the weekend and he’s a 200-pound football player and he had been drinking.”

First, this isn't troubling for the UW program. Do you believe that there is any sort of correlation between the direction of their program and this incident?

Second, it isn't like we haven't ever had any issues with this and we offered the guy.

I hate the Badgers, but this thread is absurd. It'd be nice if we could actually beat them and not have to find other reasons for them falling.

Alright, fire away at me.....

First, this isn't troubling for the UW program. Do you believe that there is any sort of correlation between the direction of their program and this incident?

Second, it isn't like we haven't ever had any issues with this and we offered the guy.

I hate the Badgers, but this thread is absurd. It'd be nice if we could actually beat them and not have to find other reasons for them falling.

Alright, fire away at me.....

It's nice of you to take the time from posting your personal rape diary over at Buckyville to teach us all how we should react to this story.

First, this isn't troubling for the UW program. Do you believe that there is any sort of correlation between the direction of their program and this incident?

Second, it isn't like we haven't ever had any issues with this and we offered the guy.

I hate the Badgers, but this thread is absurd. It'd be nice if we could actually beat them and not have to find other reasons for them falling.

Alright, fire away at me.....

Its not about who is winning and who can beat who. They would be posting the same thing and take cheap shots at us all the time even though they have won 10 straight.

First, this isn't troubling for the UW program. Do you believe that there is any sort of correlation between the direction of their program and this incident?

Second, it isn't like we haven't ever had any issues with this and we offered the guy.

I hate the Badgers, but this thread is absurd. It'd be nice if we could actually beat them and not have to find other reasons for them falling.

Alright, fire away at me.....

I think Ghost does a good enough job- pretty sick Leeks.

First, this isn't troubling for the UW program. Do you believe that there is any sort of correlation between the direction of their program and this incident?

Second, it isn't like we haven't ever had any issues with this and we offered the guy.

I hate the Badgers, but this thread is absurd. It'd be nice if we could actually beat them and not have to find other reasons for them falling.

Alright, fire away at me.....

How isn't this troubling? They had a recruit on an OV binge drinking and raping a girl. I don't know what planet you come from but that is bad news for any team and any school.

How isn't this troubling? They had a recruit on an OV binge drinking and raping a girl. I don't know what planet you come from but that is bad news for any team and any school.

Allegedly raping an acquaintance. Won't impact the program or school at all other than having their teams take a class or getting educated on official visit protocol. Im sure the same happened at the U when Murtha was "forced" to go the strip club.

Allegedly raping an acquaintance. Won't impact the program or school at all other than having their teams take a class or getting educated on official visit protocol. Im sure the same happened at the U when Murtha was "forced" to go the strip club.

I would hope there's some repercussions for the program considering he was underage and drunk on an official visit.
Say what you want about college sports and recruiting but I doubt it's an acceptable situation in the NCAA's eyes even without the rape.
We all know Barry will sweep this one aside, just like the perv that worked for him for 20 years and suddenly had a problem keeping his hands off the interns and serving them booze at the rose bowl. Dirty drunken school, but they know how to keep themselves out of major trouble with the authorities.

<img src="" width="50%" height="50%">

I would hope there's some repercussions for the program considering he was underage and drunk on an official visit.
Say what you want about college sports and recruiting but I doubt it's an acceptable situation in the NCAA's eyes even without the rape.
We all know Barry will sweep this one aside, just like the perv that worked for him for 20 years and suddenly had a problem keeping his hands off the interns and serving them booze at the rose bowl. Dirty drunken school, but they know how to keep themselves out of major trouble with the authorities.

Please tell me you are kidding with that first statement, maybe my sarcasm meter is on the fritz or something. If the coaches took him out and got him hammered then there should be repercussions to the school but if the kid got drunk during the visit but not during official team activities then there is no way Wisconsin should get punished for that. Or are we going to pretend like our players don't go out and get recruits drunk on their officials to the U?

What the kid allegedly did is disgusting but it sounds like he acted alone and was not part of some drunken mob of football players forcing themselves on women so the blame falls on the kid not the team.

Please tell me you are kidding with that first statement, maybe my sarcasm meter is on the fritz or something. If the coaches took him out and got him hammered then there should be repercussions to the school but if the kid got drunk during the visit but not during official team activities then there is no way Wisconsin should get punished for that. Or are we going to pretend like our players don't go out and get recruits drunk on their officials to the U?

What the kid allegedly did is disgusting but it sounds like he acted alone and was not part of some drunken mob of football players forcing themselves on women so the blame falls on the kid not the team.

I'd assume players are either with coaches or other team hosts aka other players, with coaches guidance.
I'm not blind to the type of parties college kids can find, I'm just surprised that on an OFFICIAL visit, a recruit was left alone long enough to drink 10 shots in half and hour all by himself. I can only surmise he wasn't alone and was with his hosts, got hammered, and allegedly assaulted the girl.

I think at the very least there's a player or 2 that should be getting grilled for Fing up the host job on this one, keeping in mind the kid was 17 at the time and probably needed parental consent to stay overnight.

There are plenty of red flags and questions that involve the football coaches, players, and program. Why wouldn't some of these hosts/players/coaches be called for testimony? Why shouldn't this be a red flag for parents looking to send their kids to UW?

I'd assume players are either with coaches or other team hosts aka other players, with coaches guidance.
I'm not blind to the type of parties college kids can find, I'm just surprised that on an OFFICIAL visit, a recruit was left alone long enough to drink 10 shots in half and hour all by himself. I can only surmise he wasn't alone and was with his hosts, got hammered, and allegedly assaulted the girl.

I think at the very least there's a player or 2 that should be getting grilled for Fing up the host job on this one, keeping in mind the kid was 17 at the time and probably needed parental consent to stay overnight.

There are plenty of red flags and questions that involve the football coaches, players, and program. Why wouldn't some of these hosts/players/coaches be called for testimony? Why shouldn't this be a red flag for parents looking to send their kids to UW?

The only issue I take with what you are saying is that you seem to be trying to imply this is an issue specific to Wisconsin and my point is that this behavior goes on at most schools across the country including the University of Minnesota. Teams have been getting recruits, drunk, laid....whatever for years and years.

This does not excuse the behavior but this has been going on in athletics for years. The difference in this case is that this kid allegedly went out and raped someone after getting drunk on his visit, that makes the kid a scumbag but this same thing could have happened at pretty much any school across the country.

The only issue I take with what you are saying is that you seem to be trying to imply this is an issue specific to Wisconsin and my point is that this behavior goes on at most schools across the country including the University of Minnesota. Teams have been getting recruits, drunk, laid....whatever for years and years.

This does not excuse the behavior but this has been going on in athletics for years. The difference in this case is that this kid allegedly went out and raped someone after getting drunk on his visit, that makes the kid a scumbag but this same thing could have happened at pretty much any school across the country.

I understand, it's not specific to wisconsin. Though I'd still argue Madison is a cesspool of drunkenness(not the fun kind) not seen in many parts of the country.
However when things like this happen usually heads roll, investigations are made, and blame is assigned to responsible parties aka the coaches/players/admin responsible for seemingly cutting this official recruit loose on campus to get hammered and get into trouble, OR they were alongside the kid the whole time and would therefore be front and center for the specific alleged felony.
I'd love to see the Dane County DA bring Coach Andersen/UW football players/fall guy assistant coach up on the stand to explain how the night unfolded. They would either lie(bad), admit some guilt(bad), or deny all wrongdoing(bad since the 17 year was their responsibility).
Any way you slice it they got caught in a bad way here. It maybe could happen anywhere, but it happened to the badgers this time. I for one hope their program gets hammered with bad pub at least, and NCAA investigations would be better.(again, even though it happens everywhere)

...investigations are made, and blame is assigned to responsible parties aka the coaches...

Everyone knows that barry and some "internal investigation" will make this whole thing go away when he doesn't sign there; which made me more all the more intrigued with the blatant infraction by Andersen speaking about this particular recruit before he signed any LOI.

"On signing day, UW coach Gary Andersen was hopeful Cizauskas might still eventually sign with the Badgers.
"I surely hope it goes in that direction," Andersen told the State Journal at the time. "He's a good kid and we'll see what direction it goes.""

I know it's not a major infraction, but an infraction just the same.

Everyone knows that barry and some "internal investigation" will make this whole thing go away when he doesn't sign there; which made me more all the more intrigued with the blatant infraction by Andersen speaking about this particular recruit before he signed any LOI.

"On signing day, UW coach Gary Andersen was hopeful Cizauskas might still eventually sign with the Badgers.
"I surely hope it goes in that direction," Andersen told the State Journal at the time. "He's a good kid and we'll see what direction it goes.""

I know it's not a major infraction, but an infraction just the same.

I'd expect as much, unless the DA stands up for the victim.
There's a long list of really underhanded stuff barry has covered up/made go away.
Most recently the Chadima stuff and the football players fighting at parties that lead to the assault on Monte Ball.
This one will likely be blamed on the kid doing his own thing, and some whipping boy recruiting coordinator assistant losing control.

I understand, it's not specific to wisconsin. Though I'd still argue Madison is a cesspool of drunkenness(not the fun kind) not seen in many parts of the country.
However when things like this happen usually heads roll, investigations are made, and blame is assigned to responsible parties aka the coaches/players/admin responsible for seemingly cutting this official recruit loose on campus to get hammered and get into trouble, OR they were alongside the kid the whole time and would therefore be front and center for the specific alleged felony.
I'd love to see the Dane County DA bring Coach Andersen/UW football players/fall guy assistant coach up on the stand to explain how the night unfolded. They would either lie(bad), admit some guilt(bad), or deny all wrongdoing(bad since the 17 year was their responsibility).
Any way you slice it they got caught in a bad way here. It maybe could happen anywhere, but it happened to the badgers this time. I for one hope their program gets hammered with bad pub at least, and NCAA investigations would be better.(again, even though it happens everywhere)

Just curious why the coach or football players would be brought onto the stand? What, exactly, did they have to do with it? They assume no legal responsibility for students when they come on campus barring gross negligence on their part. If anything, a DA bringing the coach on the stand would likely stand out as grandstanding and fly in the face of your motive to smear their program. And is your last statement only because it's Wisconsin? Would you care if it was elsewhere? If so that sort of speaks to your character (not really carrying about the crime or victim only about the potential for punishment and how it could help your favorite team).

Just curious why the coach or football players would be brought onto the stand? What, exactly, did they have to do with it? They assume no legal responsibility for students when they come on campus barring gross negligence on their part. If anything, a DA bringing the coach on the stand would likely stand out as grandstanding and fly in the face of your motive to smear their program. And is your last statement only because it's Wisconsin? Would you care if it was elsewhere? If so that sort of speaks to your character (not really carrying about the crime or victim only about the potential for punishment and how it could help your favorite team).

Our resident badger lover chiming in.

If he had a host along with him for the drinking that host would likely know plenty about the state of mind, events leading up to alleged crime, etc. If the coach assigned said host he's responsible since the kid was 17 on an overnight trip away from his parents.
Thanks for speaking for my character. This type of crap happens too often, so yes I would care if it happened somewhere else. I hope they hammer the kid if he's guilty and anyone who was involved in the incident. How's your character today?
As for whether I care more because it's wisconsin. I just think barry keeps too many really awful things quiet and this likely will be another one that doesn't touch his program, so I hope everything is actually brought to light and justice is done here which hasn't always happened down in drunkville madison under alverez.

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