Tracy Claeys Press conference notes


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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Hey guys - I'll be live tweeting and so will Gopherhole, but feel free to add any comments on this thread as I won't catch 100% of everything (for those that can't listen). It will be on KFAN, and someone tweeted me BTN 2 Go too, starting in a minute or so...

He came out swinging saying he wants the job. Also seems more boisterous than he usually is in press conferences. Today's news was tough. I really like how Claeys is approaching it though.

Here are my notes. I LOVED this Tracy Claeys. Just shows you before when he was interim HC, he was being so respectful of Kill and not stepping on his toes. This Claeys wants the job, and by all accounts, deserves it. Here are my notes, they are really NOT edited at all as I have another commitment, but you get the jist...

Tracy Claeys:
• It's kind of like getting kicked in the gut, I didn't know anything about it until last night. That's the hardest part. It's what's best for him. None of us are to blame, and we still have a lot of control of how the season goes. We have a lot of great kids that can play football. We definitely miss the guy. We have a great group of kids
• The kids did a hell of a job at practice
• We've been in touch with the recruits, I'll get home tonight and start calling them.
• I want to be the next head football coach here, that's all there is to it. I've told I'll be considered. Life's a challenge, every day is.
• As far as the staff goes, I'll have Paul do something tomorrow. I visit with the guys on defense. We'll have another one on the field coach. I want them to go home tonight and have them think about what I've talked to them about. Once we decide that, 1st thing in the morning, talk to Dan and Beth, we'll put something out. There will be a little adjustment in the staff, nothing major.
• After he came back and was doing so well for so long, since the 1st couple NC games, I haven't worried about it, things have been going great, and here it is. I feel like I've been trained well. Coach has always let me be involved in things, 21 years, we think an awful lot alike. I feel like I'm very well prepared. The last situation helped us, and that one went good.
• Every year, he's got a folder, where he's kept stuff to reference. He's been open with those things if someone take the job. This is going to bother him for a while, he's not someone that can let it go.
• The difference in personality is this…when I put my head to pillow at night I'm going to bed. I don't read anything locally once we start the season. That's how I get through football season. Coach is someone that can't just let things roll and go away, that's the way he's wired. When something starts to bother him, he has trouble sleeping. He loves coaching. If he can't give it his all, he ain't gonna do that. He's not gonna cheat the kids.
• All the kids went to class today, the class checkers checked back, that's hard to do. They got to class, and practice. The kids paid attention in meetings. We have a day or two to clean some things up, they did really good.
• The path won't change. Personality wise, there me different reactions to situations. I believe in what we're doing and how he treats kids and what he expects of kids. Expectations? We expect to win. This is a whole different place than when we took over.
• The kids on offense need to get to know me a little better. I'll probably get a little bit closer. The worst thing we can do is make a bunch of adjustments. They will be minimal.
• I'll go back down on the field, I hope it's not real cold. I used to joke that I could walk off the field during TV timeouts because it's too cold.
• I found out yesterday when Coach showed up at 3:30pm. We had a conversation for about 30 minutes. That's the 1st I knew of it. I knew he was having trouble sleeping. That's a family decision that needs to be made. He don't need anybody else in his ear. None of us would be here if it wasn't for him.
• Offense is pretty simple really, a simple idea, but extremely hard to execute, take care of the football.
• I will make sure I get a hold of all the recruits. The unknown is the scariest situation. That's the part that will change. The lifestyle is the lifestyle. The assistants have to live the same lifestyle as the HC. There's not a better job, what other job to you get to spend around kids every day?
• Today was a tough day. Coach V said a full day was laughing, being moved to tears…I've been moved to tears a few times today. The one things this game teaches you, is it's for tough people.
• Any part he's not looking forward to? The media part - answering the same question over and over. Coach didn't like when he had to leave a meeting to do media.
• I'm competitive, I don't like to lose. I think that most people that are successful deep down are competitive. I'll compete with anybody, I may not win, but I'll give her hell. There's no better feeling to go into a locker room and see all the kids smiling. There's no worse feeling than going in the locker room and seeing them after a loss, a piece of me dies.
• On being approached to be a HC - some smaller schools, we came up that way, we had a lot of fun, but the resources aren't there and what you can do for kids. This was a dream of ours when we started. I'm not willing to go back down, when I was working with Coach Kill at that time. That's nothing bad with their levels of football, I had a blast, probably the best time of my life. Nothing serious.

Mitch Leidner:
• Very emotional, words can't really describe it. He's such a great man and has had such a great impact on our lives, and no one really saw it coming. We're so fortunate to have had him as a HC.
• It motivates me a lot, I'd do anything for that guy. He's done so much for me and my family. The way we rally around each other for Coach Kill is phenomenal.
• I think about a time after the Syracuse bowl game, after I threw the 2nd TD pass, Coach Kill pulled me up on the sideline and he was so proud of me. After that, he had a list of people for me to call, QB's, and call them all right in front of him. He told me to ask questions on how to lead a football team.
• Coach Claeys didn't miss a beat, the way he carries himself, the emotion behind what he's telling us, he's a guy you want to follow.
• Even throwing and interception and getting yelled at by him, you love that stuff, knowing that that's not going to happen anymore. There were a lot of tears shed in the morning meeting…by the time the meetings got over and you got on the field, that's where you fight for those emotions and fight for Coach Kill
Eric Murray:
• Everyone had the same amount of shock, Coach Kill had to do what's best for him. There was no emotion but shock.
• I don't think it will be too much of an adjustment because Coach Claeys and Kill are similar.
• He's laid so much on the line for us, it's only fair that we lay it on the line for him.
• When Coach Claeys stepped in, you got a different feeling, he showed a strong sense of leadership, Coach Kill will be missed, but Claeys can step in and do a good job.
• You've got to look at it from his position, you don't want to be a hindrance for the team. You don't want to show you're sick, you don't want to let anybody down.
• He's definitely still in the back of our minds

Although a tough day, some times out of adversity and trying times, people rise to the occasion and are capable of doing more. Some leaders are born out of necessity. We know this coach Claeys is getting his feet tossed to the fire. He should say it with conviction about being the Gophers coach, like the wolf of Wall Street guy "I'm not f!cking leaving"!

Coach Kill expected to win, and he and the staff have built this back to a respectable place again.
Like the former linebacker Damien Wilson said in his tweet, they brought pride back to the University of Minnesota and being associated with it. I expect coach Claeys will be the same way, expectations of being a family and playing for the group will remain the same.

I liked his answer about the next three games being against tough opponents in yesterdays press conference. You don't try and take a bite out of the elephant all at once
you take each bite, one bite of the elephant, each time.

Starts with smashing the Jug over the head of the Wolverines and not letting them get to drink from the Jug Saturday night. Then you take the next bite and you rip the Khakis off the man and leave them in shreds.

And this one especially from tonights press conference

Expectations? We expect to win! This is a whole different place than when we took over.

He may not like doing the media stuff but he will get used to it. He said he want's, the job, so being head coach, it is there for the taking.

Very sad day!

Although a tough day, some times out of adversity and trying times, people rise to the occasion and are capable of doing more. Some leaders are born out of necessity. We know this coach Claeys is getting his feet tossed to the fire. He should say it with conviction about being the Gophers coach, like the wolf of Wall Street guy "I'm not f!cking leaving"!

Coach Kill expected to win, and he and the staff have built this back to a respectable place again.
Like the former linebacker Damien Wilson said in his tweet, they brought pride back to the University of Minnesota and being associated with it. I expect coach Claeys will be the same way, expectations of being a family and playing for the group will remain the same.

I liked his answer about the next three games being against tough opponents in yesterdays press conference. You don't try and take a bite out of the elephant all at once
you take each bite, one bite of the elephant, each time.

Starts with smashing the Jug over the head of the Wolverines and not letting them get to drink from the Jug Saturday night. Then you take the next bite and you rip the Khakis off the man and leave them in shreds.

And this one especially from tonights press conference

Expectations? We expect to win! This is a whole different place than when we took over.

He may not like doing the media stuff but he will get used to it. He said he want's, the job, so being head coach, it is there for the taking.

But, life has to go on and I think Claeys is going to be excellent! He loves Jerry Kill and has his own competitiveness within. Combine those two know we are going to play hard!

Gotta love Claeys in that presser. He totally calmed the waters - he is in charge and know what to do.

Loved Claeys today, glad to hear he's game for it. I think he'll end up as the next Gopher HC

It's inconsequential, but I'm just curious; what was your take of this folder that Kill and Claeys both referenced today?

EDIT: What I mean to ask.. what is it? what's in it?

Every year, he's got a folder, where he's kept stuff to reference. He's been open with those things if someone take the job. This is going to bother him for a while, he's not someone that can let it go.

It's inconsequential, but I'm just curious; what was your take of this folder that Kill and Claeys both referenced today?

EDIT: What I mean to ask.. what is it? what's in it?


The location of Jimmy Hoffa's body (TCF under the band hole).

Magic words you can use to stop a dog from attacking.

That magical drawl Jerry has.

Just watched back the press conference on youtube (embed below) and I expect Claeys to be the next HC. He came out strong with his desire and almost an expectation that he will be the guy.


<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Go Gophers!!

Claeys did a great job at the press conference tonight. If he continues with this kind of personality he will be fun at the press conferences at the very least. I still think his long term prospects for getting the gig will depend on what happens with the AD position but will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

On the folder - probably what we call a "best practices folder," filled with thoughts, ideas, and instructions to help the next guy do your job if you should get hit by a truck or have a heart attack, or for any other reason not come back to work.

I liked coach Claeys last night, but I have a concern about his weight. And I say this as a heavy guy myself...I don't want to lose one coach to epilepsy and the next one to heart disease or diabetes...he would be smart to get his weight and fitness under control so this job doesn't put him in the trash can.

On the folder - probably what we call a "best practices folder," filled with thoughts, ideas, and instructions to help the next guy do your job if you should get hit by a truck or have a heart attack, or for any other reason not come back to work.

I liked coach Claeys last night, but I have a concern about his weight. And I say this as a heavy guy myself...I don't want to lose one coach to epilepsy and the next one to heart disease or diabetes...he would be smart to get his weight and fitness under control so this job doesn't put him in the trash can.
Had a similar thought regarding the health of our coaches.

On Saturday Night, I'd love nothing more than to see Claeys give the referees "the Business". I and many others, see him as a laid back, more passive guy who won't be in their faces. I want him to call on his "inner Jerry".
On a side note: Didn't we get penalized once for Jerry throwing something at the referees?

He came out swinging saying he wants the job. Also seems more boisterous than he usually is in press conferences. Today's news was tough. I really like how Claeys is approaching it though.

He's taking heat, I like the attitude as well

Put it this way: You can't work for Kill for 20 years and not be a tough, competitive guy. My view on it is that he was a guy that wasn't pining for a HC job because he liked the situation he was in. Now that that situation has changed he's full bore going for the head job. This is a guy that hasn't been fired or failed in a job for 20 years and he has no plans to start now. My guess is the plan was always for Claeys to eventually take over once Kill retired


Tracy Claeys's Football Bank Stadium.... at least for the rest of this season.

"I'll compete with anybody, I may not win, but I'll give her hail." Ski-U-Mah, Coach Claeys, that's all I could ask. See you Saturday night!

Claeys mentioned some coaching movement this morning. Has anyone heard any updates?

Claeys mentioned some coaching movement this morning. Has anyone heard any updates?
Jerry Kill - Retired Head Coach :cry:
Tracy Claeys - Interim Head Coach
Matt Limegrover - Assistant Head Coach / Offensive Line
Brian Anderson - Wide Receiver Coach
Jeff Phelps - Defensive Line
Pat Poore - Running Backs Coach
Rob Reeves - H-Backs/Tight Ends
Jay Sawvel - Defensive Backs/Special Teams
Mike Sherels - Linebacker Coach
Jim Zebrowski - Quarterbacks Coach / Passing Game Coordinator

Not sure if Limegrover always had assistant title or not. I doubt we'll see much in way of title changes, more likely just shifting around some responsibilities.

Put it this way: You can't work for Kill for 20 years and not be a tough, competitive guy. My view on it is that he was a guy that wasn't pining for a HC job because he liked the situation he was in. Now that that situation has changed he's full bore going for the head job. This is a guy that hasn't been fired or failed in a job for 20 years and he has no plans to start now. My guess is the plan was always for Claeys to eventually take over once Kill retired

+1 Now that the shock and depression are wearing off, I'm excited to see how the rest of the season will play out.
Jerry Kill - Retired Head Coach :cry:
Tracy Claeys - Interim Head Coach
Matt Limegrover - Assistant Head Coach / Offensive Line
Brian Anderson - Wide Receiver Coach
Jeff Phelps - Defensive Line
Pat Poore - Running Backs Coach
Rob Reeves - H-Backs/Tight Ends
Jay Sawvel - Defensive Backs/Special Teams
Mike Sherels - Linebacker Coach
Jim Zebrowski - Quarterbacks Coach / Passing Game Coordinator

Not sure if Limegrover always had assistant title or not. I doubt we'll see much in way of title changes, more likely just shifting around some responsibilities.

Maybe it has always been this way but interesting that they don't list anyone as defensive or offensive coordinators. I would bet Limegrover has had the Assistant head coach designation for some time as that is a very common way to get coaches more money by adding titles.

Maybe it has always been this way but interesting that they don't list anyone as defensive or offensive coordinators. I would bet Limegrover has had the Assistant head coach designation for some time as that is a very common way to get coaches more money by adding titles.

I think the Assistant Head Coach title moved from Claeys to Limegrover when Kill retired.

Also, is Claeys going to be on KFAN at noon?

I think the Assistant Head Coach title moved from Claeys to Limegrover when Kill retired.

Also, is Claeys going to be on KFAN at noon?

Yes, Claeys will be at Senser's. Hopefully some pig Strib reporter doesn't ambush him as he's entering the establishment.

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