Tom Powers: P.J. Fleck may have just hit career roadblock

I am going to be way constipated if newspapers don't exist. You can only read lather rinse repeat so many times.

Isnt that what smartphones are for? so that you can read like a normal person?

How can someone say they like positive people while writing cynical, poisonous trash like this... and propose it be published in our community?

Powers may like people like Fleck. But, like most of our local sports media, he sure is the exact opposite.

It's high time in the TC that people unanimously tell all these media guys like this to f off. Turn the tide and stand up to these losers. Drown them the f out!!! Overwhelm with support for Fleck and the U!

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In my lifetime we have zero Rose Bowls, one 10 win season (and that was soft) and more scandals, coaches, failures than I can remember.

I am ever hopeful that we turn the corner and I am ever thoughtful of the years of failures. Maybe Kaler/Coyle/Fleck will be our saviors and finally get us back to prominence. History suggest we are due, and likely to be disappointed.

But much like Charlie Brown, here we go again, hold that damn ball you bitc*h!

Well we have had two Rose Bowl appearances in my lifetime, and I can assure you that I have never given up on the Gophers and never will. The fact that the U is finally willing to invest serious money in the program has me very excited. That's what has been missing since the late 60s.

Time for the TC sports media to clean house. All of these old curmudgeons have all quit trying to write years ago. All they do is drag down the fan base into the same hole they all sleep in.

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Time for the TC sports media to clean house. All of these old curmudgeons have all quit trying to write years ago. All they do is drag down the fan base into the same hole they all sleep in.

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That would be a start. Followed by the non sports writers that are eager to trump-up any slightly controversial topic related to male revenue sports. These folks are even more poisonous IMHO.

So does Powers think we should have hired Ben Stein to coach? According to his description of our fan base, Stein would be a perfect fit.

per Powers:

Yet Fleck blew in like a typhoon and promptly threatened to upend everyone’s lives. This young man does not lack confidence. In fact, I’d say he is the Muhammad Ali of college coaches. He tells you exactly what he is going to accomplish and advises you to get there early and grab a good seat. Because it is going to be awesome.

To be honest, I love that type of personality. In so many ways and in so many places, I see Fleck as the near-perfect football coach. He creates enthusiasm and energy. He can rally a program, a community, a state. His moral standards appear high. His concern appears genuine. And he truly believes all the hokey things he says. In short, if it were up to me I’d sign this guy to a long-term contract and then get out of his way. There is just one problem:

This is the wrong place for him.

I feel bad for the guy. Fleck is dynamic, full of enthusiasm. He has big ideas. All he needs is a live audience to bring out his best. Meanwhile, everybody around here is pretty much dead. The enthusiasm has been beaten out of them. From the Norwood Teague fiasco to Jerry Kill’s illness to the sex scandal, it’s been one body blow after another. And all that comes after decades of mediocrity.

Fleck would be outstanding at a program that has an energetic fan base with big visions. He could conquer the world with hordes of wild-eyed fans willing to get behind him. In his short career he has proven to be an expert at riding waves of expectations.

Here? Well, so many people are tired. Even more are jaded. I’m afraid young Mr. Fleck may have hit a career roadblock.

Go Gophers!!

After listening to his press conference, I can tell that articles like this fuel Fleck's fire.

I wish that a reporter of sort would do a story on all the negative reporters we have in town. Between false stories and negative stories, its gotten pretty old with me.

I wish that a reporter of sort would do a story on all the negative reporters we have in town. Between false stories and negative stories, its gotten pretty old with me.

A negative column on reporters that write negative columns. You are crazy like a fox.

Twin Cities media from 1968 to 2016: "The Gophers suck......The Gophers Suck......The Gophers Suck........"

Twin Cities media - 2017: Media is surprised to learn that Fans think the Gophers suck.

Powers got it right in that UMN getting Fleck is the equivalent of a Pentacostal Pastor being hired to preach at a Presbyterian church. [emoji56]

Im 22 and I'm already excited for Fleck. Regardless i would have been excited next year with whoever was leading us, but Fleck just has that IT factor. He will get the people that don't watch the games much at least interested in football, and thats all we can ask for to start off with. Having Pitino and Fleck makes things very exciting now.

Negative articles are the classic "No Talent" move to get your deadline written and out the door. This particular one is a self fulfilling prophecy - we are all negative, tired, and jaded and now that he says it - it makes it even harder for Coach Fleck to overcome it which means that he can focus on the full line of "I told you so" articles ala Reusse.

Hopefully Fleck can take the Trump strategy and turn the people against the media. Lets get rid of these jokers as they provide no actual value beyond their self promotion and sensationalizing failure. They are like Trolls but we actually pay for the honor of reading their garbage. It will be fun to continue to watch their industry fail.

No Trump strategy please. That buffoon should not be mentioned with Gopher football.

No Trump strategy please. That buffoon should not be mentioned with Gopher football.

I get that that it is Minnesota and a lot of people here are butt-hurt over the election but was not a political comment. It was easily understood by everyone that if the sports media is predisposed to be negative while the fans are not (there is a clear parallel to the election...Did you read the Star Trib over the last 6 months lol) - therefore we should focus on shouting down the sports media, shake them up and force them to find some replacements. Perhaps Fleck will take them on directly for doing what they preach to sell newspapers.

I would love to see every single article that is published from some of these people are filled with comments demanding that their employer replace them because they are hacks. That would send a message.

P.S. Don't name call Trump a "Buffoon" - a "Buffoon that is saying all the right things" works tho ;)

I get that that it is Minnesota and a lot of people here are butt-hurt over the election but was not a political comment. It was easily understood by everyone that if the sports media is predisposed to be negative while the fans are not (there is a clear parallel to the election...Did you read the Star Trib over the last 6 months lol) - therefore we should focus on shouting down the sports media, shake them up and force them to find some replacements. Perhaps Fleck will take them on directly for doing what they preach to sell newspapers.

I would love to see every single article that is published from some of these people are filled with comments demanding that their employer replace them because they are hacks. That would send a message.

P.S. Don't name call Trump a "Buffoon" - a "Buffoon that is saying all the right things" works tho ;)

Les Bolstad? He's talking politics on the Football Board. Better get in here and shut it down!

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