To all the Longhorns fans that think they have Cory in the bag....

You should grab a thesaurus and learn some other words besides "desperate" and "pathetic". You wouldn't sound quite as repetitive.

You respect well thought out posts? Well, write one then! You're terrible.

I suggest to you a couple of things-
1. Therapy(though I don't have a lot of hope for you)
2. Strunk and White's "The Elements of Style" ... your writing, well, needs it...
3. To actually read many of the accurate and well thought posts on this board. Selection Sunday and Gopher Lady are great. JohnnyGopher, others...

I'm sorry that you don't have friends in Texas, but cruising for them on a MN fan board may not be the best place to find them. Done wasting my time with you. Best of luck...

You just don't like the content of my posts. And I'll stick with desperate and pathetic. They go together like rice and beans.

I'll pass on therapy. It may have helped you with some of your problems, but I like myself just fine how I am. I'm not really worried about what you think, so... yeah... I'll pass.

Elements of Style? I'm not into interior decorating, but I bet your pad is FABULOUS!!!!!

And as far as GopherLady and others, I've already complimented her on her site and content. I've never posted to challenge or contradict any of their posts, so I'm not sure why you are telling me to read some of them. I thought you had basic reading comprehension skills, but I may have been wrong. I respect GopherLady and many others' posts on this site. I don't respect people who post things like "50% of Texas fans don't think Joseph would start" when that's clearly something the OP pulled directly from his rectum.

And I have plenty of friends in Texas. I just enjoy tailgating and interacting with the opponent's fans before games. It's one of the things that makes college football such a great sport. I don't know what the culture is like up in Minnesota, but if you ever find yourself in Austin for a game you'll find that 99% of the fans are welcoming to visitors and like to drink beer and eat barbecue with them while talking football. But hey, I'm not from Minnesota, so I don't know if its the same there.

So, unless there's anything else, you have a fine day Sir.

You just don't like the content of my posts. And I'll stick with desperate and pathetic. They go together like rice and beans.

I'll pass on therapy. It may have helped you with some of your problems, but I like myself just fine how I am. I'm not really worried about what you think, so... yeah... I'll pass.

Elements of Style? I'm not into interior decorating, but I bet your pad is FABULOUS!!!!!

And as far as GopherLady and others, I've already complimented her on her site and content. I've never posted to challenge or contradict any of their posts, so I'm not sure why you are telling me to read some of them. I thought you had basic reading comprehension skills, but I may have been wrong. I respect GopherLady and many others' posts on this site. I don't respect people who post things like "50% of Texas fans don't think Joseph would start" when that's clearly something the OP pulled directly from his rectum.

And I have plenty of friends in Texas. I just enjoy tailgating and interacting with the opponent's fans before games. It's one of the things that makes college football such a great sport. I don't know what the culture is like up in Minnesota, but if you ever find yourself in Austin for a game you'll find that 99% of the fans are welcoming to visitors and like to drink beer and eat barbecue with them while talking football. But hey, I'm not from Minnesota, so I don't know if its the same there.

So, unless there's anything else, you have a fine day Sir.

Just can't let this go...

"The Elements of Style" is a book on writing you moron. You'd think you could deduce that from the context but, nope, you couldn't. Instead of taking two seconds to google it, you instead used your ignorance to propel you to imply that I was gay. Gotta love it when the inner REDNECK comes out.

Yeah, things are a little different in MN. Bigots don't fit in.

Just can't let this go...

"The Elements of Style" is a book on writing you moron. You'd think you could deduce that from the context but, nope, you couldn't. Instead of taking two seconds to google it, you instead used your ignorance to propel you to imply that I was gay. Gotta love it when the inner REDNECK comes out.

Yeah, things are a little different in MN. Bigots don't fit in.

It was a joke. Jesus.

And for the record, I'm not a bigot. I have gay friends, bi friends, straight friends, black friends, brown friends, cracka friends (I can say cracka cause I'm white), and all races and ethnicities in between.

I'm not sure how much you know about Austin and the University of Texas, but we pride ourselves on our diversity and tolerance to a vast array of cultures, ethnic backgrounds, religions, and yes...even sexual orientations. It's one of the reasons I decided to pursue my degree at the University of Texas. That kind of tolerant and open minded thinking was right up my alley.

Again, I'm sorry to disappoint you by not being what you assumed I was. But I won't hold you thinking I'm a bigot against you. You are forgiven.

Oh, and lighten up Francis.

Or maybe when the cowboys got destroyed in the playoffs by the vikes? :D And then Keith Brooking complained about how our offense was too good for him and we ran up the score?

That's a bad route to go. Vikings won zero superbowls and Cowboys have won quite a few.

As a Gopher fan, I want us to get Cory but realistically Texas then Villanova are the favorites. You can't win this argument.

I'm sure you have lots and lots of friends, didn't mean to press any buttons, no need to get defensive.

You have never, in the short unpleasant time I've known you, done anything to disappoint me. You can't.

Like I said, I figured you out early.

And don't think saying "im not a bigot" doesn't make you one.

I figure you're not done because guys like you need to have the last word, need to be right.

As a Gopher fan, I want us to get Cory but realistically Texas then Villanova are the favorites. You can't win this argument.

Luckily, "the favorites" are irrelevant. Cory's favorite is all that matters.

I'm sure you have lots and lots of friends, didn't mean to press any buttons, no need to get defensive.

You have never, in the short unpleasant time I've known you, done anything to disappoint me. You can't.

Like I said, I figured you out early.

And don't think saying "im not a bigot" doesn't make you one.

I figure you're not done because guys like you need to have the last word, need to be right.

I'm not being defensive. I'm just telling you like it is. Just informing you that you were wrong about thinking I'm a bigoted redneck. That's all.

You figured me out early? You said I was a troll. And I'm not. So?

You're right, saying something doesn't make it so. Thanks for the lesson. I was completely unaware of this.

And nice move on making me the "last word" guy when you continue to imply that I'm a bigot and a troll. You are wrong. And that should just about cover it. So, good evening to you Sir.

this thread has become depressing with all the texas rumors that people are trying to make a big deal about and I'm sick of reading about gopher fans trying to one up the guy from Texas! Someone's mother never taught their kids that they don't always have to be right and that there is such thing as coming to a compromise. Now, can we please get back on subject? Thanks

lol Texas fans. Rick Barnes is so overrated as a coach, ill give it to him that he is a great recruiter, but just because 11 tournement seasons in a row doesnt mean he is a great coach, just that he has great players. i mean christ look at this year. espn's #1 recruit and a 9 seed? we lost our starting pg, lost our best 2 players (assuming they would be, we dont know yet) lost our team motivater in paul carter, lost a role player/senior bostick at the beginning, had countless offcourt distractions, and we go on to be an 11 seed beating butler by 9, Mich state, Ohio state, wisconsin by 16, purdue ( sweet 16) by like 20 in the big ten tourney, and oh yea, our coach has 17 consecutive 20 win seasons and a natl championship. just becasue sports writers hype up your team doesnt mean the Texas program is anything special, not saying the gophs are, but at least we'll admit it.

...and lost to Portland
...and lost to Indiana
...and lost to Miami, FL
...and lost to Northwestern
...and lost to Michigan
...and lost to Michigan (again)

...and lost to Portland
...and lost to Indiana
...and lost to Miami, FL
...and lost to Northwestern
...and lost to Michigan
...and lost to Michigan (again)

and went to overtime against an 0-9 team, right?

this thread has become depressing with all the texas rumors that people are trying to make a big deal about and I'm sick of reading about gopher fans trying to one up the guy from Texas! Someone's mother never taught their kids that they don't always have to be right and that there is such thing as coming to a compromise. Now, can we please get back on subject? Thanks

Sorry man, my bad. I let the redneck bigot distract me.


Does anyone have any evidence that says Cory is leaning toward one school over another?

And by evidencee, I don't mean ESPN speculation.

But I am enjoying the pitiful "open letters" to Cory Joseph. How pathetic can some of you be? You people seriously think that you are shedding new light on a subject that this kid has thought about for quite a while now? Do you honestly think that your love letter will sway his decision?[/QUOTE

I think the only open letter to Cory Joseph I am aware of is well reasoned and persuasive. I think there is at least a chance that it could sway his decision.

Why are people backing this guy up still?

With notable exceptions, it seems like a majority of Gopher fans are cynical losers that just enjoy hearing each other piss and moan about "how tough it is to be a Gopher fan." It's sad and pathetic. I rarely visit or post here because if I wanted to listen to a bunch of babies crying for various reasons I'd go the newborn unit at the local hospital.

I would hope you guys would beat us in Tubby's second year considering he took over a 9 win team and your state has about 10 times the talent.

I'm sorry, I thought Texas beat you last season in the tourney. And I guess it's better to be overrated than not really rated at all.

I would love to play Texas in the Tourney next year.... No Pittman, No Damian James..... Colton, RSIII, and MO would have career days...

Why are people backing this guy up still?

Probably because he responded to the OP fairly (maybe a bit harshly) and the response was way over the top. That said, he hasn't really reacted very well, but censored has usually been very civil on this board.

This whole thread is brutal and embarrassing. C'mon GHer's we're better than this...

I respect his points related to basketball, but when you call out the majority of the fans on THEIR board because you have a few cat fights (what would you expect), that's crossing the line.

Probably because he responded to the OP fairly (maybe a bit harshly) and the response was way over the top. That said, he hasn't really reacted very well, but censored has usually been very civil on this board.

This whole thread is brutal and embarrassing. C'mon GHer's we're better than this...

Probably because he responded to the OP fairly (maybe a bit harshly) and the response was way over the top. That said, he hasn't really reacted very well, but censored has usually been very civil on this board.

This whole thread is brutal and embarrassing. C'mon GHer's we're better than this...


As I said in another thread, I got a little over protective of gopherfan, the board, and contributed to this mess. So, I apologize.

I'll take it down a notch and try to treat even the most uncivil with some civility.


As I said in another thread, I got a little over protective of gopherfan, the board, and contributed to this mess. So, I apologize.

I'll take it down a notch and try to treat even the most uncivil with some civility.

Thanks for the apology, I respect you for that.

I understand things can get heated in here and we can get carried away, happens to everyone at some point. Sometimes I just log off and let myself cool down for a while, always seems to turn out for the best.

What is the point of this thread? Is the OP trying to convince himself Cory is coming here or just talk trash to Texas fans?

He is an 18 year old kid that has a big decision to make. Every school has their pros and cons but at the end of the process his decision will probably be based upon the school where he feels most comfortable. He plays things to close to the vest to know what his #1 or #2 factor is in the decision.

I recommend just sitting back and hoping he chooses Minnesota instead of talking trash or trying to reason because your criteria or top factor(s) is likely different than Cory's.

Luckily, "the favorites" are irrelevant. Cory's favorite is all that matters.

Irrelevant. LOL

As I said Texas was the favorites to land Cory and they did. If you think with your brain rather than with your heart, you'd have seen the signs that Cory had been leading towards Texas all along.

Wow, we've got another missed-layup around to gloat about predicting gopher failure. You must feel good about yourself. You really went out on the limb there predicting Texas. They almost never get 5* recruits.

Irrelevant. LOL

As I said Texas was the favorites to land Cory and they did. If you think with your brain rather than with your heart, you'd have seen the signs that Cory had been leading towards Texas all along.

Wow, we've got another missed-layup around to gloat about predicting gopher failure. You must feel good about yourself. You really went out on the limb there predicting Texas. They almost never get 5* recruits.

And if he signed here everyone would be on the board bashing those who thought he would land elsewhere.

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