Tip of the iceberg for UConn?


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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Take it for what it's worth, but just heard a college basketball writer (Jeff Goodman?) say there are rumblings around Detroit that a second (larger) shoe is about to drop on the UConn program.


hopefully its a size 17 Red Wing work boot with steel toes.

With all these allegations, if UConn wins the whole thing will it count, or be vacated?

With all these allegations, if UConn wins the whole thing will it count, or be vacated?

If the no other allegations come out and if UCONN wins the national championship it will count as the player that the violations concern never actually played any games for UCONN. He was suspended and kicked out of school before he ever hit the floor.

UConn and Calhoun are dirty, dirty , dirty. I doubt he would ever speak about it publically but some of the things that went on during Khalid's recruitiment and career at UCONN are unbelievable and also heard some crazy stories about Doug Wrenn.

You would think with ESPN being so close and having all these great writers and investigative journalists around, that they would follow up on some of these stories because I guarantee you it's no secret. People know the programs that are doing the dirty things. Of course some can always hide it like Clem and have everybody fooled, but for the most part, the andy katz's of the world know who is doing what. ESPN has always had a too close for comfort relationship with UCONN.

Someday I'd like to hear the Khalid saga. It would make a great book. Maybe when Calhoun is gone it'll come out. I bet there was some bizarre stuff during his time at North being married with a kid and all.

I've always been cynical about the ESPN /UConn relationship. I don't recall even hearing of UConn before ESPN came on the scene.

I'd like to hear the Khalid stories someday as well. I've heard a thousand intimations but no actual allegations/stories. I don't doubt they happen just would love to hear more details.

What other coaches/programs float on the inner gossip circles? My shot at a top 3:

1. Calipari
2. Tim Floyd
3. Huggins

Honorable Mention: Most of SEC

Lifetime Achievement: Bobby Cremins

I'd like to hear the Khalid stories someday as well. I've heard a thousand intimations but no actual allegations/stories. I don't doubt they happen just would love to hear more details.

What other coaches/programs float on the inner gossip circles? My shot at a top 3:

1. Calipari
2. Tim Floyd
3. Huggins

Honorable Mention: Most of SEC

Lifetime Achievement: Bobby Cremins

There was a reason Gary Williams was screaming bloody murder at Boehiem and Calhoun a few years back. It started with Carmello Anthony and ended with AIA going out of business and the exhibition season being stocked with D-2 and NAIA schools..which was a good thing.

Any list without North Carolina and Duke with K and Roy at the top is a faulty one. The NCAA has protected both for a number of years and so has the media.

There was a reason Gary Williams was screaming bloody murder at Boehiem and Calhoun a few years back. It started with Carmello Anthony and ended with AIA going out of business and the exhibition season being stocked with D-2 and NAIA schools..which was a good thing.

Any list without North Carolina and Duke with K and Roy at the top is a faulty one. The NCAA has protected both for a number of years and so has the media.

Duke is much cleaner than some of these programs being discussed in regards to recruiting. In fact Duke is one of the few big time programs that has historically tended to shy away from the "one and done's", which doesn't necessarily prove anything, just is interesting as it seems like the rules are bent most for these types of players. Take John Wall, the #1 player in the 09 class. Seems his AAU coach has decided to take a job at Baylor U as their Director of Player Development. Funny that John Wall has had them on his short list since then. Look at Mario Chalmers at KU. Somehow his dad Ronnie Chalmers, also his HS coach in AK, landed the Director of Basketball Operations job that same year at Kansas. Not saying these guys aren't qualified for these positions (yes I am) but it seems a little unethical and a way around the rules. Just because a team has success does not mean that they are doing something dirty. Calhoun and Calipari on the other hand are out of control. Hopefully they are exposed someday because they are eroding the good name of college basketball and very few people know about it.

Chris Duhon says you don't know what you're talking about.

Listen, if you want to buy into the media creation that is Duke go right ahead but it's not the truth. They vacated UMass's Final Four for the exact same situation at Duke with Cory Maggette. Guess who is still in the record books officially?

Chris Duhon says you don't know what you're talking about.

Listen, if you want to buy into the media creation that is Duke go right ahead but it's not the truth. They vacated UMass's Final Four for the exact same situation at Duke with Cory Maggette. Guess who is still in the record books officially?

Anybody who ever heard William Avery open his mouth knew there wasn't a chance of him completing a college level class on his own.

Chris Duhon says you don't know what you're talking about.

Listen, if you want to buy into the media creation that is Duke go right ahead but it's not the truth. They vacated UMass's Final Four for the exact same situation at Duke with Cory Maggette. Guess who is still in the record books officially?

Well thank you Truth for setting me straight on what I don't know. You must mean the fact that when Duhon enrolled at Duke his brother and mom also moved to Durham. And his mom found a well paying job in the area. It's not like the Baylor and Kansas situations where she got a job at the University. I still don't see why Scheyer's family attending their son's games is of any concern. Have you ever not seen Hansbrough's dad at a game? How many other countless players have their parents go to games? Steph Curry?

As for Magette, he received money from a person who was a summer basketball coach while in HS, Myron Piggie. Obviously this would deem him ineligible for his upcoming freshman season at Duke where they went to the championship game. I would probably agree with your point was that that run should be vacated for this infraction. However, to blame Duke for that infraction is careless as Piggie was not affiliated with Duke.

Here is a quote from the article you probably referenced. http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/basketball/news?slug=dw-ncaafavorites&prov=yhoo&type=lgns

"And that is probably the case with Krzyzewski and Duke. It is unlikely anyone in Durham knew, or should have known, about Maggette's dealings with Piggie. But that has nothing to do with the rules. If you play one ineligible player, even unintentionally, by definition your team is ineligible. "

While the NCAA has some fishy dealings with this case, it does not appear logical to blame Duke or Coach K for him accepting money from anyone.

Duhon's mother ran a daycare out of her home (which was in foreclosure before she left for Durham and out of it when she left) and in no way qualified for the job she got in Durham with a company ran by a Duke booster.

All I know about Duke is what went down with Kris Humphries and while it wasn't anything major, there was more to that story than was given to the public.

Why was Kris allowed to play for Minnesota as a freshman and get out of his LOI, well because they we're going to expose some of the things that went on in there short relationship at Duke and the NCAA wanted no part of that. I haven't heard too much about Duke other than what a complete a-hole Coach K really is when the cameras are off.

It's no secret that the SEC is usually at the top of list, Mississippi St. being the worst.

It's an interesting topic and a dangerous one since most of this is unprovable and relies heavy on rumors and heresay. We're far from angels, as I'm sure fans of those schools would point out, but we're also one of the few college towns where the media would go after the local teams like they did in 99. I'm sure the local media at most of these schools hears plenty of rumors of cheating but they have such a love affair and close relationship with the school that they ignore them, here it turned into a feeding frenzy.

All I know about Duke is what went down with Kris Humphries and while it wasn't anything major, there was more to that story than was given to the public.

Why was Kris allowed to play for Minnesota as a freshman and get out of his LOI, well because they we're going to expose some of the things that went on in there short relationship at Duke and the NCAA wanted no part of that. I haven't heard too much about Duke other than what a complete a-hole Coach K really is when the cameras are off.

It's no secret that the SEC is usually at the top of list, Mississippi St. being the worst.

It's an interesting topic and a dangerous one since most of this is unprovable and relies heavy on rumors and heresay. We're far from angels, as I'm sure fans of those schools would point out, but we're also one of the few college towns where the media would go after the local teams like they did in 99. I'm sure the local media at most of these schools hears plenty of rumors of cheating but they have such a love affair and close relationship with the school that they ignore them, here it turned into a feeding frenzy.

I have no problems with the media doing their job Johnny. Where I have a problem with it is when the media goes too far and tries to create stories. I shared the anecdote of the LHL's Jerry Tipton hiding out in the bushes (literally.) to try to grab a cheating story involving Rondo.

Tubby Smith is one of the cleanest guys out there (which probably hurts him on the recruiting trail to an extent. His relationship soured with the AAU circuit after George Felton left and the Stone/Carruth debacle involving Mark Komara..who is a snake. There are some guys in AAU that generally care for the well-being of these kids and want to see them succeed. Others, like Komara, are out for meal tickets) and the LHL was hiding in the grass to try to trap him in a story that if they had taken the time to actually research would have found that there was nothing improper going on.

The media in Knoxville, for example, never explores the rampant cheating that goes on at UT despite having all the evidence needed. It's too much of a meal ticket to them to be worth getting shut out.

Edit: Coach K is a huge phony. His act has worn thin with a lot of the top recruits in the country and the results have shown lately as far as in the tourney. Patrick Patterson's family was really turned off by his in home and during the official to Durham. The reason he's had trouble finding a replacement for Shelden Williams is because he often promises these post players they'll see time at the 3, learn to play on the perimeter and then goes back on those promises once they reach campus.

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