Time to change the football forum title!

It's time to change the football forum title from 6 National titles to one that reflects our new head coach. When we had Brewster the football forum was called "Brew's Crew". I never liked that title because I thought we were promoting alcohol. I'm thinking for our new coach we should have a title that is much more positive. What do you guys think about calling the football forum the "Kill Zone"?


I say keep it the way it is.

Wait just a second... what got us in this mess in the first place? I love optimism, but I think anyone should have to earn their way towards having their name on things. You don't see stadiums, practice facilities, locker rooms, etc named after guys who haven't accomplished something yet, do you?

Let me suggest naming the board after some gopher football hero, instead of some unproven. The unproven can backfire (like Brew).

do you guys actually believe Jerry Kill cares what a forum is named on Gopherhole? Do you think it is a daily stop on his web surfing sessions?

No way. Let's keep 6 national titles

For Iowa fans visiting us during Gopher-Hawkeye games..."Stay out of our unisex restrooms".


...if GH goes with some kind of "Kill-related" title...like "Kill Zone"...I guess we'll have to start referring to "The Bank" as "The Morgue.":rolleyes:

Hopefully the opponents over time...not ours!

Go Gophers! Get Faster!

Kill Zone

btw, someone could make a poll:
Kill Zone
6 National Titles

Kill Zone should be reserved for the Student Section at the Bank.

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