Time to change the football forum title!


Active member
Nov 23, 2008
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It's time to change the football forum title from 6 National titles to one that reflects our new head coach. When we had Brewster the football forum was called "Brew's Crew". I never liked that title because I thought we were promoting alcohol. I'm thinking for our new coach we should have a title that is much more positive. What do you guys think about calling the football forum the "Kill Zone"?

I'm a fan of "Kill Zone" but would also support a nod to my favorite author with "A Time to Kill".

Coach Kill would not approve. He has stated that this is not his team, but the state's team. I say leave it the way it is. Youngsters learn something from the "6 National Titles Football Forum" title.

"stroke the post" football forum

Coach Kill would not approve. He has stated that this is not his team, but the state's team. I say leave it the way it is. Youngsters learn something from the "6 National Titles Football Forum" title.

The title of the thread shows young students that you can win National Championships at Minnesota in the cold! It has been done.

Please keep it.

I'd kind of prefer not to have a message board called "Stroke the Post" where I talk to 100 local guys be in my favorites, but I don't care.

Kill Zone is a name that fits and should appeal to recruits.

Coach Kill would not approve. He has stated that this is not his team, but the state's team. I say leave it the way it is. Youngsters learn something from the "6 National Titles Football Forum" title.


I would reserve "The Kill Zone" for the student section at the stadium. Would be a great way to start a new identity/tradition.

I would choose to keep it as is. Most do not know that the Gophs have won 6 national titles. It is impressive and informative. Plus we wouldn't have to change it again in the unfortunate case of Kill not working out.

If it is going to change, Kill Zone sounds good but it is to obvious. There has to be a more creative and impressive idea that incorporates Kill's name or some aspect of the football program. Maybe change Ski U Mah to Kill U Mah...hhmm maybe not.

Keep it as six national titles!! Kill would not want it named after him. The idenity of the football program goes way beyond who happens to be the current coach.

Let's instill the pride in the program and not in individuals.

I love the "Six National Titles" name. the only change I would support (I know that doesn't mean a thing) would be to incorporate the word "Championship" and ## of Big Ten titles.

"Six National Championship and 20 big Ten Championship Titles forum" (I know it's not 20, I just can't remember the actual number at the moment)


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