Thoughts on the game tonight

15-2 run to start the half. Uh-oh, the Gophers may not be the worst team to ever step on a basketball court.

When you're playing Augustana, the game should be one constant 15-2 run. They came out strong, I admit that but unless we assume Augustana would be a middle of the pack Big 10 team, we may be in for a long year.

Our run was led by Dre Hollins' brother, by the way (Austin is looking good this half). And to zambam's point, they had Austin guard him a bit during the first half, if I remember right.

Trevor just got called for a flagrant foul after getting a rebound and hitting Schilling in the face with an elbow. It was definitely a big elbow, but there's no way I'd call it flagrant.

When you're playing Augustana, the game should be one constant 15-2 run. They came out strong, I admit that but unless we assume Augustana would be a middle of the pack Big 10 team, we may be in for a long year.

Well obviously we are screwed as all hell, so you should probably stop watching the Gophers and posting here because I mean what's the point if we are going to lose every game from now until the end of time.

Well obviously we are screwed as all hell, so you should probably stop watching the Gophers and posting here because I mean what's the point if we are going to lose every game from now until the end of time.

Still going to watch and cheer for the team, but I am frustrated. I get that we will not get the players that OSU and other top flight programs get. But, I shouldn't be jealous of the shooting prowess of a DII opponent. Especially with a big name (is he still?) coach.

Wait until the games mean something before you go all chicken little. How many times do we have to bring up the fact the Arizona's and West Virginia's of the world have already LOST an exhibition game this year. Man, people need to relax, it's a long season.

Wait until the games mean something before you go all chicken little. How many times do we have to bring up the fact the Arizona's and West Virginia's of the world have already LOST an exhibition game this year. Man, people need to relax, it's a long season.

Fair enough, and I hope you're right...but I just don't see it going well at this point.

The Vikings really aren't playing their best basketball right now. This foul situation is really starting to cause a problem for Augie. Never want the opponent to be in the double bonus with 9 minutes to go in the 2nd half. Plus, eventually, Augie's going to run out of players if they keep fouling.

Schilling is really forcing a lot of shots in this one. Against some of our D2 competition, he can force shots and still knock them down because the defenders aren't as athletic/long/etc. as the Gopher defenders are. Hopefully he can get his groove going here in the last few minutes.

McCaffrey has almost been non-existent this game. A lot of us Augie fans were expecting him to have a high double-figure game (18-25 points). Surprising he hasn't been able to knock them down like he usually does.

The Vikings really aren't playing their best basketball right now. This foul situation is really starting to cause a problem for Augie. Never want the opponent to be in the double bonus with 9 minutes to go in the 2nd half. Plus, eventually, Augie's going to run out of players if they keep fouling.

Schilling is really forcing a lot of shots in this one. Against some of our D2 competition, he can force shots and still knock them down because the defenders aren't as athletic/long/etc. as the Gopher defenders are. Hopefully he can get his groove going here in the last few minutes.

McCaffrey has almost been non-existent this game. A lot of us Augie fans were expecting him to have a high double-figure game (18-25 points). Surprising he hasn't been able to knock them down like he usually does.

I believe that 90% of teams that lose say that they didn't play their best basketball. That's what happens when they play a better team.

So you think this Augustana Radio Announcer might be slightly biased? It is absolutely hilarioius to listen to him describe the officiating.

Sampson is having a bad game. Looks like he might be an up and down player again. I wish he could add some consistency to his game.

Can someone tell me what's wrong with Dre Hollins tonight? Really terrible state line. Poor shooting, bunch of turnovers and fouls. Yikes!

...I will ALWAYS cheer for the Gophers but this 2011-12 team has an utter lack of talent.

I believe that 90% of teams that lose say that they didn't play their best basketball. That's what happens when they play a better team.

Yep, that's definitely a fair point. It's just hard to not see through rose- (or blue and gold-) colored glasses as a fan. Like I said, the Gopher defenders have definitely taken Schilling out of his element. McCaffrey's struggles seem to be more of his own fault than the Gophers, but I could be mistaken.

So you think this Augustana Radio Announcer might be slightly biased? It is absolutely hilarioius to listen to him describe the officiating.

I tried to mention it in the other thread about the radio broadcast. He's definitely biased. It's fun as a Viking fan, but I'd definitely be annoyed as a non-Viking.

Any of his trademark, "Travel, wasn't called" or "Foul on Mbakwe, but he got away with it" comments?

Gophers starting to pull away, this one should be about done. What can we complain about now? Why didn't we win by 30?


Gophers starting to pull away, this one should be about done. What can we complain about now? Why didn't we win by 30?

Are you serious? The Gophers just played a competitive game with Augstana, not Ohio State or Michigan State. Complaints can start with too many turnovers and not dominating the boards and those are just from the boxscore. I would have hoped to see one very competent performance by the Gophers in exhibition season, but we didn't get it. Hopefully this team is much, much better than it has showed so far or the Gophers will not even make the NCAA tournament which is completely unacceptable.

Did the people that saw the game think Andre was forcing things today?

Looks like Armelin and Rodney had decent games. Welch looks like offensively he had a decent game, not a lot of shots though. Seems to me Oto needs to try shooting more when he's out there. 2 shots from someone considered one of our best shooters?
(Just a warning, all of my observations based on stat line. I was not able to watch.)

Are you serious? The Gophers just played a competitive game with Augstana, not Ohio State or Michigan State. Complaints can start with too many turnovers and not dominating the boards and those are just from the boxscore. I would have hoped to see one very competent performance by the Gophers in exhibition season, but we didn't get it. Hopefully this team is much, much better than it has showed so far or the Gophers will not even make the NCAA tournament which is completely unacceptable.

Yeah, looks like we'll be missing the tournament with Arizona and West Virginia.

Most encouraging thing about tonight's game (based on the boxscore only) was Trevor's freethrow shooing. Most disappointing thing about tonight's game, Sampson's 7 turnovers.

Ralph was triple teamed almost every time he touched the ball. He continues to try and dribble when triple teamed...why Ralph? Way too many TO's for him to be effective tonight.

34 fouls on Augustana!!!!!!!!!! yikes

Ralph was triple teamed almost every time he touched the ball. He continues to try and dribble when triple teamed...why Ralph? Way too many TO's for him to be effective tonight.

I'd say double teamed for sure, not sure I'd go so far as to say he was triple teamed every time he touched the ball. He's definitely never the toughest player on the court when he's out there. Mbakwe's athleticism and aggressiveness really covers for Sampson's softness down low. I generally am critical of Augie's bigs for being soft (Nomeland, specifically), and Sampson didn't really appear to dominate any of them.

Just heard on the radio that the Gophers only out-rebounded the Vikings 44-41. Honestly, the Gophers should've destroyed us on the boards. I was actually sort of shocked to hear it was that close.


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Tubby said he actually tried to recruit that Augustana PG Murray before the kid was at Sam Houston St. Maybe he should have brought him in.

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