Thomas Hammock

12 of you really want to talk about these programs head to head?

Anytime, m'boy. 59-53-8. The hilarious thing is that Wisconsin could win every game through the end of the Obama administration, and they still would only be tied with Minnesota head-to-head, but still trailing dramatically in national and Big Ten championships.

Oh wait, I forgot - Wisconsin football didn't exist before 1993.

It's not your fault. It's not your fault.

Minnesota football hasn't existed since 1960. Who's having more fun year in and year out watching college or me? As I've can have the past. I'll take the present and future any day.

Just stop, you are embarrassing us. If you couldn't comprehend that he was making fun of us for bragging about irrelevant NC's, then you sir are very, very dumb.

Says the badger fan who signs up on GH to discuss this topic. Do yourself a favor and go fuc& yourself. That, or go find a girlfriend so you aren't spending your massive amount of free time trolling opposing team's message boards.

Time to put you in your place, little girl.

There is no such thing as an irrelevant national championship. They all count the same when they tally 'em up. Period. End of discussion. Any Gopher fan who would even insinuate such a thing is not a Gopher fan, which you are not. Losers think that national championships are meaningless, because then they can rationalize away the fact that they don't have any. You know, the virgin who tells everyone that sex isn't awesome because they haven't gotten any yet and want to pretend that they're not missing out.

The most embarrassing thing is the person who started posting in the last few hours and thinks they know anything about anything.

Stop talking to me. because I haven't posted on this forum a lot, it means I know nothing....very logical thought process you have there, genius. Jerry Kill hasn't posted on GopherHole, if he came on here and posted would you think him a total nonsensical idiot?

NC's are great, and it is a nice thing hang your hat on, but that does not make it relevant to the majority of fans or (most importantly) recruits.

Just stop, you are embarrassing us. If you couldn't comprehend that he was making fun of us for bragging about irrelevant NC's, then you sir are very, very dumb.

Try telling the guys who played on those teams and busted their a$$es that their NC's are irrelevant. You sir are dumb. Ever played FB before?

Says the badger fan who signs up on GH to discuss this topic. Do yourself a favor and go fuc& yourself. That, or go find a girlfriend so you aren't spending your massive amount of free time trolling opposing team's message boards.

I wish I were a Badger fan, but unfortunately loyalty is pretty important characteristic to me, so Gopher fan I stay.

The only difference between me and the posters hating on me is that I'm actually rational. I haven't said anything here that is out of line or false. Most Badger fans could not care less about our NC's from the 1950's and I'm sure they tell you that every time you bring it up. Is me pointing that out bad etiquette or something?

Minnesota football hasn't existed since 1960. Who's having more fun year in and year out watching college or me? As I've can have the past. I'll take the present and future any day.

You can see the future? That's amazing, tell us what it's like. You said you'll "take the .... future any day", so I'm assuming you know how it plays out, right?????

"Who's having more fun year in and year out watching college or me?" --> this is good stuff, taking a small irrelevant portion of one's life that doesn't involve anything personally but sitting on your @ss and watching football..... and you are bragging about it. Tell us more about yourself, your accomplishments, etc. I'm sure Dpo would put his life's accomplishments (UofM Honors, Full Academic Scholly, damn near perfect scores on college entrance exams, etc) up against your's any day of the week. Let me guess, your some knob who can't hold a consistent job, gets tanked a lot and lives for the Badgers and Packers???? I know I'm going out on a limb with that one as there aren't too many of those types living in Wisconsin but I've got this feeling I'm onto something.

Allow me to be a little more tactful.

Minnesota has a long history in football that they can be quite proud of. That can't be disputed.

Having said that, I would rather be a fan of a program that is currently relevant. I don't really care about what happened before 1978, because that's really when I started watching college football. Our older fans talk about how good UW was in the early 50's and then again in the late 50's/early 60's, but that really doesn't mean anything to me because I wasn't alive to see it.

In my point of reference, we were average at best from '78-'80, pretty good from '81-'85, an absolute doormat from '86-'91, and have been pretty damn good since then.

Allow me to be a little more tactful.

Minnesota has a long history in football that they can be quite proud of. That can't be disputed.

Having said that, I would rather be a fan of a program that is currently relevant. I don't really care about what happened before 1978, because that's really when I started watching college football. Our older fans talk about how good UW was in the early 50's and then again in the late 50's/early 60's, but that really doesn't mean anything to me because I wasn't alive to see it.

In my point of reference, we were average at best from '78-'80, pretty good from '81-'85, an absolute doormat from '86-'91, and have been pretty damn good since then.

What's it like when your fans talk about humping deer carcases?

Try telling the guys who played on those teams and busted their a$$es that their NC's are irrelevant. You sir are dumb. Ever played FB before?

I am not saying they are irrelevant in and of themselves. All I'm saying is that using it as a rebuttal to Wisconsin fans when the argument isn't centered on the topic is retarded. Do you understand? Minnesota fans should be, and are, proud of the National Championships that those men brought us, but it is not a good arguing point.

Let me guess, your some knob who can't hold a consistent job, gets tanked a lot and lives for the Badgers and Packers????

Don't forget about trolling other teams boards. That takes a lot of time too.

I wish I were a Badger fan, but unfortunately loyalty is pretty important characteristic to me, so Gopher fan I stay.

The only difference between me and the posters hating on me is that I'm actually rational. I haven't said anything here that is out of line or false. Most Badger fans could not care less about our NC's from the 1950's and I'm sure they tell you that every time you bring it up. Is me pointing that out bad etiquette or something?

So at what point does the Badger's 1999 Rose Bowl become irrelevant? 10 years sounds about right, no? OK, perfect, so we have irrelevant NC's and you have irrelevant Rose Bowls. Awesome! I'll take our irrelevant NC's over your irrelevant Rose Bowls.

Love how people put their own spin on the past. What is true is that over time, the Gophers are a better and more successful FB program than Wisconsin, enough said. You're on top right now, we've been on top before, its called cycles. Sinatra has a great song about it, take a listen sometime.

It is 100% relevant to any fan of a team that actually owns a National Championship.

I meant to say opposing fans, sorry. And no, our championships are not relevant to Ohio State, Miami, Florida, LSU, USC or any other opposing fan base that can claim a NC.

I am not saying they are irrelevant in and of themselves. All I'm saying is that using it as a rebuttal to Wisconsin fans when the argument isn't centered on the topic is retarded. Do you understand? Minnesota fans should be, and are, proud of the National Championships that those men brought us, but it is not a good arguing point.

Oh, I heartily disagree. It is a wonderful arguing point. Just like letting them know that they trail us not only in National Championships, but also B10 Championships and overall head-to-head.

Let me just put it this way. This past year is one of the greatest years in red weasel history. And just like the very best years in their 120+ years of existence it ended with no National Championship. When we have our best years in history they end in National Championships, and there is nothing they can do about it. Nothing.

I suppose you also consider it irrelevant that the Gophers are the last team to win 3 National Championships in a row. The stinking weasels from across the river like to try to laugh that one off and talk about how that is ancient history. Well, if it is so easy, why has it been since the 1930's that is has not been repeated? If it's so easy, why don't you stinking trolls here (and I'm looking down at you too Iowa) just win 1, if for no other reason than to just try to shut us up.

Enjoy your championship-free run right now, because that's all you got. Call us has-beens, but you all are never-were wannabees.

We really need to stop referring to that when confronted by Badger fans....I'd be surprised if more than 2-3 people on this forum are actually old enough to remember the last Gopher NC. Badger fans laugh every time we use our NC's from the stone age to talk's just not relevant.

Considering the teams have been around for just about the same length of time.. If WI had the NC we had, you damn well KNOW they'd pull that line out on us (just look at Packer fans and how often they use their World Championships in debates). So I politely suggest you re-examine your 'fandom' and maybe find a new pair.

Or not and continue being the cute little 'fan' you are. Your choice.

We really need to stop referring to that when confronted by Badger fans....I'd be surprised if more than 2-3 people on this forum are actually old enough to remember the last Gopher NC. Badger fans laugh every time we use our NC's from the stone age to talk's just not relevant.

And the number of fadger NCs is what? You get fadger trolls on a Gopher site & you want to defend them? 6-0 all day long.

You can have it! I'll take pounding your tails year in and year out in the forward pass era. Minnesota's relevance pre-dates any current recruits parents (and some grandparents), let alone the recruits. I'm happy to enjoy watching my team be relevant now. I doubt you are popping in tapes from the 40s.

And yet you can't beat TCU let alone win a NC. Go away little troll.

Allow me to be a little more tactful.

Minnesota has a long history in football that they can be quite proud of. That can't be disputed.

Having said that, I would rather be a fan of a program that is currently relevant. I don't really care about what happened before 1978, because that's really when I started watching college football. Our older fans talk about how good UW was in the early 50's and then again in the late 50's/early 60's, but that really doesn't mean anything to me because I wasn't alive to see it.

In my point of reference, we were average at best from '78-'80, pretty good from '81-'85, an absolute doormat from '86-'91, and have been pretty damn good since then.

One of the better posts by a Becky fan in this thread. But let me dispute something quick.. The bolded: Sounds like something a bandwagoner says. I'm not calling you one, but that's what it comes across. The facts are while Wisconsin has been pretty good (but not good enough to beat a non-BCS school in the biggest Bowl game they've ever played) right now, Minnesota has a history worthy of chest-thumping. Even 50 years later.

Yeah, you guys go ahead and 'rip' on Minnesota for being irrelevant the past 5-6 years. You damn well know your time is coming too. Just remember during the time you guys are 'owning' the B1G that you'll never be able to compare your NC trophy case to ours. Just saying.

Have fun.

That is not the issue. Badger fans know they haven't ever won a NC in football. The issue is that we pound our chest over winning a NC that no one remembers, and no one cares about, every time a Badger fan insults our's embarrassing.

only you're embarrassed of our accomplishments, now go away becky backer, you're not a Gopher.

This thread cracks me up. Again I shake my head that Badger fans troll our boards and post comments. Talk about having too much time on your hands. The LAST thing I would do is waste my time on a Badger or Hawkeye board. Just pathetic. It also confirms why I always root against Wisconsin, and once again a tip of the hat to TCU!!! Man, that was a sweet Rose Bowl.

Isn't he one of our better recruiters, too?

We'll find out. It's always possible that he was one of Brewster's better recruiters, but now was one of many. He also figured he would never be OC here. Time will tell on all.

Bottomless Stupidity = Klobe1010

I wish I were a Badger fan, but unfortunately loyalty is pretty important characteristic to me, so Gopher fan I stay.

The only difference between me and the posters hating on me is that I'm actually rational. I haven't said anything here that is out of line or false. Most Badger fans could not care less about our NC's from the 1950's and I'm sure they tell you that every time you bring it up. Is me pointing that out bad etiquette or something?

Wow Klobe1010! What years did Minnesota win a national championship in the 1950s?

Winona Phantom we salute you!
Michigan – 0
Minnesota – 22
24 October 1953

Oops, I got banned again.



break right through that line!

Enjoy your time in Vadgerland with your boyfriend/son/client!

Make sure you stop and check out the Becky football national championship trophy case while you're in town! I hear it's lovely this time of year!



break right through that line!

Enjoy your time in Vadgerland with your boyfriend/son/client!

Make sure you stop and check out the Becky football national championship trophy case while you're in town! I hear it's lovely this time of year!

I like how he phrases it "banned again".

Its better to be a has been, than a never was. What is relevant about having never once getting it done. Not once. That my friend is futility. And you can claim a Big 10 Title here and a Rose Bowl Trophy there, but when it is really on the line you got squat.

Originally Posted by Badger_inohiovalley
You can have it! I'll take pounding your tails year in and year out in the forward pass era. Minnesota's relevance pre-dates any current recruits parents (and some grandparents), let alone the recruits. I'm happy to enjoy watching my team be relevant now. I doubt you are popping in tapes from the 40s.

Sounds like another fair weather Becky fan. Unlike you, I am happy watching the Gophers anytime even when they are down!! Becky was absolutley putrid for three decades and thousands of so called loyal, relevevant and chest-thumping Becky "fans" were not seen in Camp Randall.

Originally Posted by Badger_inohiovalley
I'm happy to enjoy watching my team be relevant now. I doubt you are popping in tapes from the 40s.

Sounds like another fair weather Becky fan. Unlike you, I am happy watching the Gophers anytime even when they are down!! Becky was absolutley putrid for three decades and thousands of so called loyal, relevevant and chest-thumping Becky "fans" were not seen in Camp Randall.

I think you guys are misinterpreting the language. I think the message is, he's happy as a Badger fan that they're relevant now versus 60 years ago, not that he is a Badger fan because they're relevant now.

The latter could also be the case, but if the Gophers start winning are you going to call all the new season ticket holders fair weather fans?

I think you guys are misinterpreting the language. I think the message is, he's happy as a Badger fan that they're relevant now versus 60 years ago, not that he is a Badger fan because they're relevant now.

The latter could also be the case, but if the Gophers start winning are you going to call all the new season ticket holders fair weather fans?

Of course! What else? That's they way things are in the TC's as a lot of folk like to be seen in the hot spots and the place to be. I've been to Madison and Iowa City when the locals were out doing yard work rather than supporting their team.

And back to the topic:

I heard we cooled on Hammock.

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