This May Be The Year

I think we'll take a step back this year in terms of W-L, but a step forward in terms of team development. I'd be happy with 6-6 & a bowl game given the schedule & our QB situation. Not only does Mitch Leidner have to prove he can be the guy, but he also has to stay healthy the entire year or else we throw in a completely untested back-up QB.

I completely agree with all your points. I'd love to see another 8-4 season, but I just can't do it. I fully expect the team to be just as good or even better than they were last year, but a tougher schedule works against them. I'd tend toward 7-5, though.

I think we'll take a step back this year in terms of W-L, but a step forward in terms of team development. I'd be happy with 6-6 & a bowl game given the schedule & our QB situation. Not only does Mitch Leidner have to prove he can be the guy, but he also has to stay healthy the entire year or else we throw in a completely untested back-up QB.

Agree with all of this, Costa. I will be VERY happy with 7-5 this year. My expectation based on the play that I have watched of Mitch so far is 6-6.

Look, we all know Mitch can run the football very well, ball security not included. If Leidner really takes a step forward and shows great improvement throwing the ball, then I think we could possibly duplicate last years record. But right now, from what I have seen from Mitch, I just do not have that confidence level with him throwing the ball, yet. I am certainly hoping he shocks me though!

I don't know. I bought one of those preseason magazines (Athlon I think) and they have a section on players returning from injury. They listed two TCU players who were injured for most of last season, both defensive IIRC, who will be returning and will apparently make that team better. Time will tell. Go Gophers!
Phil Steele has TCU at #14 in his preseason Top 25. One of their DEs was out all of last year after being The Big 12's defensive player of the year in 2012. TCU has a bye the week before and the week after they play the Gophers, plus their Defensive Coordinator's name is Dick Bumpas. This will be a tough game to win.

Happy with 6 or 7 wins? You people are nuts. Anything less than 8 would feel like a let down to me.

Happy with 6 or 7 wins? You people are nuts. Anything less than 8 would feel like a let down to me.

8 wins means we'd have to win at least two of: at TCU, at Michigan, vs Iowa, vs OSU, at Wisconsin, at Nebraska. I'm not sure that we'll be favored in any of those games. I can see a win somewhere in there, but I'm hard-pressed to find two.

Like I said before, I'd be ecstatic to have an 8+ win season, but I just can't see it.

8 wins means we'd have to win at least two of: at TCU, at Michigan, vs Iowa, vs OSU, at Wisconsin, at Nebraska. I'm not sure that we'll be favored in any of those games. I can see a win somewhere in there, but I'm hard-pressed to find two. Like I said before, I'd be ecstatic to have an 8+ win season, but I just can't see it.

Agree with all of this MinneStoa.

Happy with 6 or 7 wins? You people are nuts. Anything less than 8 would feel like a let down to me.

No kidding. At least somebody gets it.

All I've ever wanted from my favorite team is for them to be competitive.. I can handle loosing to a better team in a competitive game.. I just don't want to sit through any more 44-0... I don't care if we go 0-12 as long as the games are fun and entertaining.. With that said 6-7-8 wins are all acceptable if I see improvement

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Looks like Steele had Mich State projected to end up at #31 last season. Just a little off. I'm sure there are more examples.

Nobody knows who the dark horses are going to be or how good or how bad a team will be because of injuries, turnover, depth, player development.

Any idiot can come up with a reasonably accurate projected top 25.

A lot of you are approaching this like a calculated risk as if you're putting money on these games. And WTF, we went 8-4 with the worst QB I can remember seeing on any college team in my memory. This team can do well if it all comes together.

I am fully expecting wins vs TCU and Iowa, I don't know why they are projected to do so much better than us. We did get stumped by them 2 years in a row but both teams are coming off 8 win seasons plus we return slightly more starters than they do and we should have more impact freshman at the skill positions coming and contributing more so than Iowa(Jeff, Berkley, Melvin). And it is a home game. No Way they should be expected to win. I expect TCU to be about as difficult as NW or IU, solid team but a team we should beat and we match up well with them. Michigan also won't be quite as difficult as people are making it out to be. I do think we could have beat them if we played later in the season. They just weren't a very good football team towards the end of the season and ended up winning 7 games and 3 big ten games. One less than us in each category. They have had some good recruiting classes but if they are the same team as last year I will be expecting a win. Don't know if they will be better or the same though. Wisconsin graduates their entire front 7 and best DB on D and their top 3 receivers. I expect them to regress and lastly we showed Nebraska that we are the more physical team and match up well with them with a double digit win. That being said I am expecting wins against Iowa and TCU and a 30-45% chance against Michigan, Nebraska and Wisconsin. NW is the trap game similar to IU but you figure we have a 50-50 chance against are bowl opponent with us not knowing who it is. I don't consider the schedule any harder as MSU is equivalent to OSU, TCU equivalent to SJSU with Fales and Illinois and Purdue is much easier than pSU and IU. Depending on how you look at it we return 9 and 7 starters, have the best recruiting class in the Kill era that will have the most impact freshman in the area that was most lacking last year and even if Mitch is't quite there yet he still should be a little bit better than last year and even if he isn't we still won 8 games last year with a QB situation no worse than what we have this year. That's why I am expecting 9 wins, hoping for 10 and would consider an 8 win season so-so and 7 or less a disappointment.

Happy with 6 or 7 wins? You people are nuts. Anything less than 8 would feel like a let down to me.

Nobody would be "happy" with six or 7 wins. But, hell, the ooc games don't really mean diddly at all, except that there have to be four wins out of four games with that ooc schedule. But I really don't think you have a clue about Big Ten Football games, schedules and the beat-down that occurs come November. iowa, the Ohio State, Nebraska and wisky all in November back to back to back to back is a pretty damn tough stretch of college football games.

IF any of you people think that Northwestern game is going to be a cake walk, you are absolutely nuts.

Just look what has happened the last few times Coach Kill and his staff took my Golden Gopher Football team into the BIG HOUSE in Ann Arbor...or...even entertained Maize & Blue in TCF BANK STADIUM. And, those two games happen very early in the Big Ten Schedule.

But, just wait...the best is yet to come. The month of November is what the 2014 season is all about. I don't think some of you people know much about Big Ten Football, at all. No, I don't think you have a clue what happens in the month of November in Big Ten Football Games. It is going to be will be physical...and, the back ups will be counted on heavily by the time the injured players are trying to limp back in the games while the cold winds are blowing making a passing game a really tough game to try to be playing, especially for a power running team. And a few of the opponents WILL be playing for a berth in the BIG TEN CHAMPIONSHIP GAME during the month of November. Four of the most likely candidates will be iowa, the Ohio State University, Nebraska and that damn badger.

So, just try to keep pretending that it matters that you, personally have upped your standards for what is acceptable for your Golden Gopher Football Program in terms of wins and losses. In the month of November, the Ohio State, iowa, Nebraska and wisky EACH think that they have a chance to win a conference championship. To make this a successful season: beat the stinking badger! Any, and every Big Ten win is a precious accomplishment and can NOT be taken for granted.

Nobody would be "happy" with six or 7 wins. But, hell, the ooc games don't really mean diddly at all, except that there have to be four wins out of four games with that ooc schedule. But I really don't think you have a clue about Big Ten Football games, schedules and the beat-down that occurs come November. iowa, the Ohio State, Nebraska and wisky all in November back to back to back to back is a pretty damn tough stretch of college football games.

IF any of you people think that Northwestern game is going to be a cake walk, you are absolutely nuts.

Just look what has happened the last few times Coach Kill and his staff took my Golden Gopher Football team into the BIG HOUSE in Ann Arbor...or...even entertained Maize & Blue in TCF BANK STADIUM. And, those two games happen very early in the Big Ten Schedule.

But, just wait...the best is yet to come. The month of November is what the 2014 season is all about. I don't think some of you people know much about Big Ten Football, a all. No, I don't think you have a clue what happens in the month of November in Big Ten Football Games. It is going to be will be physical...and, the back ups will be counted on heavily by the time the injured players are trying to limp back in the games while the cold winds are blowing making a passing game a really tough game to try to be playing, especially for a power running game. And a few of the opponents WILL be playing for a berth in the BIG TEN CHAMPIONSHIP GAME during the month of November. Four of the most likely candidates will be iowa, the Ohio State University, Nebraska and that damn badger.

So, just try to keep pretending that it matters that you, personally have upped your standards for what is acceptable for your Golden Gopher Football Program in terms of wins and losses. In the month of November, the Ohio State, iowa, Nebraska and wisky EACH think that they have a chance to win a conference championship. To make this a successful season: beat the stinking badger! Any, and every Big Ten win is a precious accomplishment and can NOT be taken for granted.

That brutal, brutal, brutal November stretch that we went through last year didn't stop us from winning 8 games and we actually went 2-2 in the last 4 big ten games. This years team returns most of the guys that we had last year, 9 and 7 starters plus we have our best recruiting classes in the kill era with plenty of guys that will provide more firepower at the skill positions which we lacked last year. Now i'm sure you predicted only 4 and 5 wins going into the 2012 and 2013 season and were not expecting an increase in the win total. I personally thought that 5 and 8 wins were reasonable expectations giving the amount of guys we had coming back for those seasons and the increased rank of our recruiting classes for those years and we ended up winning 6 and 8 games for those two seasons. Until we get to the point were we are reloading every year and may only return something like 3 and 5 starters, our recruiting classes become worse or peak or we just win the same or fewer games than the previous year than I don't think it is unreasonable to expect more wins than the previous year and become disappointed with fewer wins than the previous year. I am expecting at least 9 wins next year and at least 10 in 2015 until one of those 3 or all 3 things I just listed happen.

Looks like Steele had Mich State projected to end up at #31 last season. Just a little off. I'm sure there are more examples.

Nobody knows who the dark horses are going to be or how good or how bad a team will be because of injuries, turnover, depth, player development.

Any idiot can come up with a reasonably accurate projected top 25.

A lot of you are approaching this like a calculated risk as if you're putting money on these games. And WTF, we went 8-4 with the worst QB I can remember seeing on any college team in my memory. This team can do well if it all comes together.

I remember reading a lot of people on this board touting the fact that P. Nelson was returning would mean only good things, one more year in the system and all. Sort of like how we're all predicting every other player to make another step forward this year. Hindsight and all I guess changes most things except for future predictions.

Looks like Steele had Mich State projected to end up at #31 last season. Just a little off. I'm sure there are more examples.

Nobody knows who the dark horses are going to be or how good or how bad a team will be because of injuries, turnover, depth, player development.

Any idiot can come up with a reasonably accurate projected top 25.

A lot of you are approaching this like a calculated risk as if you're putting money on these games. And WTF, we went 8-4 with the worst QB I can remember seeing on any college team in my memory. This team can do well if it all comes together.

I accept your challenge!

I remember reading a lot of people on this board touting the fact that P. Nelson was returning would mean only good things, one more year in the system and all. Sort of like how we're all predicting every other player to make another step forward this year. Hindsight and all I guess changes most things except for future predictions.

Most reasonable people would agree that players tend to get better from year to year. Most players take a big step forward their second year as starter.

Are you taking the position that most players don't improve with time?

Take your pick of any year's preseason rankings and compare them to the final AP or BcS rankings. I've been doing it for years for laughs.

Look, if you could get rubes to hand over money for your analysis of topic "X" without any fears of repurcussion wouldn't you do it too?

Link to the polls. Compare/contrast preseason vs postseason.

If you really want me to throw **** against the wall I'm pretty sure I could match these guys. It would even be fun. Maybe revisit the topic in August?

Most reasonable people would agree that players tend to get better from year to year. Most players take a big step forward their second year as starter.

Are you taking the position that most players don't improve with time?

No, my point was that you likely made the same post last year about Nelson and now are proclaiming that not only did he not progress he was one of the worst QBs in the country. But, to a certain extent if a player was good enough to start one year I don't think a few months of practices are going to transform him from an equal 'of one of the worst quarterbacks in the country' into a strength of our team.

I did not, but it would have been reasonable. In my mind there were a lot more question marks going into last season than there are this season.

I reserve my right to become a pessimist after the eastern Carolina game!

I'd compare TCU to UNC. Good opponent from a major conference on the road. Can beat them, but certainly might not win. There won't be any buyout here though.

Nobody would be "happy" with six or 7 wins. But, hell, the ooc games don't really mean diddly at all, except that there have to be four wins out of four games with that ooc schedule. But I really don't think you have a clue about Big Ten Football games, schedules and the beat-down that occurs come November. iowa, the Ohio State, Nebraska and wisky all in November back to back to back to back is a pretty damn tough stretch of college football games.

IF any of you people think that Northwestern game is going to be a cake walk, you are absolutely nuts.

Just look what has happened the last few times Coach Kill and his staff took my Golden Gopher Football team into the BIG HOUSE in Ann Arbor...or...even entertained Maize & Blue in TCF BANK STADIUM. And, those two games happen very early in the Big Ten Schedule.

But, just wait...the best is yet to come. The month of November is what the 2014 season is all about. I don't think some of you people know much about Big Ten Football, at all. No, I don't think you have a clue what happens in the month of November in Big Ten Football Games. It is going to be will be physical...and, the back ups will be counted on heavily by the time the injured players are trying to limp back in the games while the cold winds are blowing making a passing game a really tough game to try to be playing, especially for a power running team. And a few of the opponents WILL be playing for a berth in the BIG TEN CHAMPIONSHIP GAME during the month of November. Four of the most likely candidates will be iowa, the Ohio State University, Nebraska and that damn badger.

So, just try to keep pretending that it matters that you, personally have upped your standards for what is acceptable for your Golden Gopher Football Program in terms of wins and losses. In the month of November, the Ohio State, iowa, Nebraska and wisky EACH think that they have a chance to win a conference championship. To make this a successful season: beat the stinking badger! Any, and every Big Ten win is a precious accomplishment and can NOT be taken for granted.

For once Wren, I agree with your entire post. :)

I still see 7 wins, with an outside chance at 8. These trouble spots I question.
1. The DT situation. You're asking two true freshmen ( Moore and Richardson ) to step in the rotation?
2. The QB situation. Can Mitch be the passer Nelson wasn't? He needs too be able to throw the ball down field.
3. Mitch goes down you're asking a RS freshman and a true freshman to step in?
4. WR. True freshmen need to be in the rotation with 3 sophomores and only on senior. And really Maye had very
little experience last year because he was injured.
Summary: We may be better, but the schedule is tougher. I'm usually the one with the rose colored glasses on, but I
saw enough in the Spring Game that give me concerns.We had some of our top defensive guys out because of injury
and yet the first unit only scored one touchdown. JMO....

I still see 7 wins, with an outside chance at 8. These trouble spots I question. 1. The DT situation. You're asking two true freshmen ( Moore and Richardson ) to step in the rotation? 2. The QB situation. Can Mitch be the passer Nelson wasn't? He needs too be able to throw the ball down field. 3. Mitch goes down you're asking a RS freshman and a true freshman to step in? 4. WR. True freshmen need to be in the rotation with 3 sophomores and only on senior. And really Maye had very little experience last year because he was injured. Summary: We may be better, but the schedule is tougher. I'm usually the one with the rose colored glasses on, but I saw enough in the Spring Game that give me concerns.We had some of our top defensive guys out because of injury and yet the first unit only scored one touchdown. JMO....

I'll second all of this Ruppert. Good post. Also, I share concerns about the spring game. Hopefully Mitch makes big strides in his passing abilities through the summer and fall camp for next season! We certainly need him to!

There's a big difference between "knowing" and "guessing."

Here's what I "know" - The Gophers will play 12 games this year. They will be favored in some games, and underdogs in other games. During the year, some players will likely be injured, and other players will need to step into the lineup. At the end of the year, if the Gophers have won at least 6 games, they will go to a bowl game.

That's what I "know." Anything else is a guess. Granted, if you study B1G FB 24/7, your guesses may be more 'educated' than others, but it's still a guess.

here is my only prediction - the majority of Gopher fans will be "surprised" at the outcome of at least one game this year. The Gophs may win a game they were expected to lose, or lose a game they were expected to win. I don't know which. I don't pretend to have any special insight into college FB. I'm just a fan.

I understand what you're saying, Mitch looked rough at the spring game. He also had some great moments last year. I will choose to focus on the positive attributes. Maybe he won't get better. I think he will. If he throws circa 50% incompletions with poor TD/INT ratio I will jump on the pessimist bandwagon.

This QB won't get rattled/frustrated/overwhelmed like Nelson. He has a stronger arm. He is a more effective runner especially in short yardage situations. Will he be more accurate? Remains to be seen but he certainly wasn't worse last year and it stands to reason this will improve.

If we don't steal a game or two from Michigan, Wisconsin, Nebraska I will be concerned.

MN has all the characteristics of a dark horse. Maybe a dark moose.

I understand what you're saying, Mitch looked rough at the spring game. He also had some great moments last year. I will choose to focus on the positive attributes. Maybe he won't get better. I think he will. If he throws circa 50% incompletions with poor TD/INT ratio I will jump on the pessimist bandwagon.

This QB won't get rattled/frustrated/overwhelmed like Nelson. He has a stronger arm. He is a more effective runner especially in short yardage situations. Will he be more accurate? Remains to be seen but he certainly wasn't worse last year and it stands to reason this will improve.

If we don't steal a game or two from Michigan, Wisconsin, Nebraska I will be concerned.

MN has all the characteristics of a dark horse. Maybe a dark moose.

Have too steal one from someone else. ( Iowa ) 3 tough road games I wouldn't bet the house on.

Nobody would be "happy" with six or 7 wins. But, hell, the ooc games don't really mean diddly at all, except that there have to be four wins out of four games with that ooc schedule. But I really don't think you have a clue about Big Ten Football games, schedules and the beat-down that occurs come November. iowa, the Ohio State, Nebraska and wisky all in November back to back to back to back is a pretty damn tough stretch of college football games.

IF any of you people think that Northwestern game is going to be a cake walk, you are absolutely nuts.

Just look what has happened the last few times Coach Kill and his staff took my Golden Gopher Football team into the BIG HOUSE in Ann Arbor...or...even entertained Maize & Blue in TCF BANK STADIUM. And, those two games happen very early in the Big Ten Schedule.

But, just wait...the best is yet to come. The month of November is what the 2014 season is all about. I don't think some of you people know much about Big Ten Football, at all. No, I don't think you have a clue what happens in the month of November in Big Ten Football Games. It is going to be will be physical...and, the back ups will be counted on heavily by the time the injured players are trying to limp back in the games while the cold winds are blowing making a passing game a really tough game to try to be playing, especially for a power running team. And a few of the opponents WILL be playing for a berth in the BIG TEN CHAMPIONSHIP GAME during the month of November. Four of the most likely candidates will be iowa, the Ohio State University, Nebraska and that damn badger.

So, just try to keep pretending that it matters that you, personally have upped your standards for what is acceptable for your Golden Gopher Football Program in terms of wins and losses. In the month of November, the Ohio State, iowa, Nebraska and wisky EACH think that they have a chance to win a conference championship. To make this a successful season: beat the stinking badger! Any, and every Big Ten win is a precious accomplishment and can NOT be taken for granted.

We win two of those last 4 barring a large number of injuries. Ya gotta be optimistic, but I really do not think this is out of the realm. Tough, yes, but not out of the realm. JK has done this before.

We win two of those last 4 barring a large number of injuries. Ya gotta be optimistic, but I really do not think this is out of the realm. Tough, yes, but not out of the realm. JK has done this before.

I do hope JK can win at least two out of the last four. Tough, yes. Not out of the realm. No. JK has done this before. Where, when and against which teams. I sure am pulling for him to do it in 2014 here at the University of Minnesota against real, Big Ten Teams. That would be fantastic. But, I know just how tough a task that will be.

Unfortunately, from what I have seen in the Big Ten during the past fifty plus years, when you are playing teams that have a good shot at winning a Big Ten Title during the month of November, the going gets pretty darn tough. Those championship contenders usually are deep, good and have some play makers left standing during the month of November. And, there are always injuries by that time of the year and they hurt the teams that are less deep, less talented and have less play makers standing in November more than the title contenders. As a result, the teams with the most depth, the most of everything left standing at that time of the year are usually the ones who win those games. It will be a tough go to face iowa, the OSU, Nebraska and wisky to close out the season. They are a mighty tough draw during the month of November.

To have the 2014 season be a successful season: beat the stinking badger.

By all means: dream big dreams. Hope for the very best. Miracles can and do happen some times. But, just to be safe: make it a really successful season: beat the stinking badger in November of 2014. That will do the trick!

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