The Sports Huddle: Coach Jerry Kill - 11/11/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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Gophers are Bowl Bound!

Coach Kill's responses and comments on today's Sports Huddle. There were a lot of questions and most were by Dave Mona.

1) Sid opened by asking about the sixth win and being bowl bound: "Happy for the kids . . . seniors have been through a lot of (coaching) transitions . . . did it the old fashioned way - running the ball." He also mentioned the fact that they had to play three centers because of on-field injuries.

2) Offense: "Keys to the game: running the ball . . . not turning over the ball . . . running downhill . . . the punter (Christian Eldred) did a good job holding field position (averaged 43 yards a punt) . . . defense played well."

3) Importance of a bowl game: "Allows us extra practices, especially for the redshirts." Kill went on to say they'll have a lot of kids back and the extra practices for the bowl game and spring drills (30 days of practice time) are important in moving the program forward, player development, and getting ready for next season.

4) Mona asked about having to play 3 centers - had to be unusual: Kill said he never experienced anything like it - "Not even in high school." "It's a unique situation as we must move forward with only one center. That's not good." He then said, "Give all the credit to all of the kids . . . they have the next man up mentality."

5) Mona asked about Mottla's injury: "It's not good! We'll know more later this morning." Kill doesn't expect Mottla to return and said his year is probably finished.

6) Mona said Minnesota's early goal line stand was huge and set the tone for the game: "I think you're right." He mentioned the flea flicker that put Illinois in the red zone, but holding them to three points was critical as was field position. He referenced heading into the strong wind in the second half when Illinois had punted to the goal line and that the offense was able to drive the ball into Illini territory, as being extremely critical as well.

7) Mona mentioned the blocking and play of Lincoln Plsek: "He's going to be a great player (only a true freshman) . . . he played outstanding." Kill said before he finishes playing at Minnesota, Plsek will rank up with the great tight ends in Minnesota history.

8) Mona referenced Kirkwood's play: "He got better as the game went on . . . offensive line got confident . . . decided at half time to run right at them." Again, he talked about running downhill.

9) Mona on defensive line: "We were doing a better job than we did against Michigan . . . kept Schellhase in the pocket . . . got a good rush on him." Again, he talked about the windy conditions and how important field position was and that the Gophers did a good job holding the field position.

10) Mona mentioned the fumble by Schellhase late in the game: "Big play. And we scored to close the game." Gophers knocked the ball from Schellhase as he was stretching the ball forward for a first down. "Now we have to get ready for Nebraska."

11) Sid asked about preparations for Nebraska: "We'll have to be well prepared . . . worried about their great offense." He said it's a great opportunity and should be exciting for the players to play in Lincoln.

12) Mona asked about the receiving corps and whether or not Barker and Engel will be back: "I've never seen so many injuries." (Not whining, and, again, he mentioned next man up philosophy.) He said injuries on the defensive side of the ball hasn't been bad but offense is a different story. "Marquies is not full strength." He said a lot of players have high and low ankle sprains, which take a long time to heal. "I don't look for the players to be back." (I took it that he was talking about Barker and Engel.)

13) Sid asked about Marquies Gray: "He's learning on the job." Again, Kill said Gray is recovering from his ankle injury; it's difficult for Gray to cut on pass routes. He also said he feels bad for Marquies for all that he's endured as a player and for the coaching transitions that he's experienced.

14) Derrick Wells: He had a big gash on his leg . . . been playing with 13 staples in the injured leg. Kill sounded positive about Wells, however: "He's healing up." Kill also spoke favorably about Wells play and potential. He looks for Wells to be up at the top of conference players.

15) Mona asked about the short kickoff with the wind. He said Kill must have talked to Wettstein because the remaining kicks were good: "I didn't have a talk with him - I might have screamed!" Kill then quickly spoke favorably about Wettstein's demeanor (not getting down) and coming back after the bad kick. Mona and Kill agreed it was a teachable moment.

16) Mona asked about the punting game: "Punter (Eldred) did an outstanding job with and against the wind - averaged 43 yards per punt." He then mentioned Brandon Green's play and on making an important catch.

17) Mona on true freshman Rodrick Williams: "He's 243 pounds . . . he'll be a good one . . . he performed well."

18) Mike Henry: Kill said the Illini were blitzing a lot, so the coaches decided "let's run downhill" with additional tightends in the game. As a result, Henry saw a lot of playing time at the full back position. Kill sounded very pleased with yesterday's running game.

19) Linebacking corps: "They played good in space. As a group, they played well." Kill then cited Michael Carter's play: "Michael Carter made some great plays." He was high on Carter, especially overcoming some of the issues that he had last year (school).

20) Wilhite: "he's settled in . . . let him be aggressive."

21) Mona said Aaron Hill left the field twice with injuries in yesterday's game, but at game's end he was making plays all over the field: Kill said he was off because of an injury and then he, too, noticed he was back in the action. He was surprised but glad Aaron had returned.

22) Another teachable moment - Thieren Cockran lining up offsides: Kill said he had words with Cockran. Kill said Cockran's only a freshman . . . you can learn from your mistakes, but don't do it again.

Go Gophers!!

Also, this Army Veteran salutes all veterans on Veterans Day!!

Thanks as always DL, really appreciate your dedication and work on this for us on Sundays.
Happy Veteran's Day to you and all veterans... from this soldier too.

Thanx DL, and a happy Veteran's Day to you. Are you headed to Applebee's? Going with my boys.

Good Work, DL65, and a thank you as always.

I think I found your secret to such great and accurate summaries of Coach Kill interviews on Sports Huddle. A lot of Holers complain about Sid, at age 93, and sometimes sounds incoherent. but here is what I discovered:

1. Get up at 7 a.m. and have a pork chop in a glass.
2. The pork chop in a glass is a double shot of Smirnoff Vodka Bloody Mary, with a pickle instead of a stalk of celery.
3. Add an extra touch of tabasco sauce to kill all taste buds.
4. At 7:30 a.m. have another pork chop in a glass.
5. Go potty, as need arises.
6. At 8:30 have another pork chop in a glass.
7. Go potty again as need arises, time to cauterize the hroids.
8. At 9:20, get your Pork chop in a glass primed and ready.
9. At 9:30, get ready for Sports Huddle with Sid, Dave, and Jerry Kill.
10. All during Sports Huddle, Sid is completely coherent and Dave Mona is slurring.

Go Gophers!!!

Geez, Dr,. Don I never thought the problem was actually me being drunk. Problem solved!

Geez, Dr,. Don I never thought the problem was actually me being drunk. Problem solved!

Lot's of research is done, and lots of solutions are found by using trial and error. :)

Gophers are Bowl Bound!

2) Offense: "Keys to the game: running the ball . . . not turning over the ball . . . running downhill . . . the punter (Christian Eldred) did a good job holding field position (averaged 43 yards a punt) . . . defense played well."

6) Mona said Minnesota's early goal line stand was huge and set the tone for the game: "I think you're right." He mentioned the flea flicker that put Illinois in the red zone, but holding them to three points was critical as was field position. He referenced heading into the strong wind in the second half when Illinois had punted to the goal line and that the offense was able to drive the ball into Illini territory, as being extremely critical as well.
Thanks DL! Speaking of field position I was toying with the idea that the Gophers were going to use a couple of TO's at the end of the 3rd period. They could have made Illinois punt into the wind and we would have likely got the ball at around midfield instead of being backed up to our own goal line. There's probably a few ways that strategy could have backfired but I thought that it was worth considering. Things worked out though. Go Gophers!

I heard Kill compare Roderick to Ron Dayne. The kid is a beast. Hopefully the OL will continue to improve over the next 3 years and Williams can be a dominant force like Dayne.

Thanks DL. BTW, what's up with the marching band in the background? It almost sounds like they are trying to play while Coach Kill is talking!!

Thanks DL. BTW, what's up with the marching band in the background? It almost sounds like they are trying to play while Coach Kill is talking!!

Yes, the background noise can be annoying, and it's not just the marching band but also when a vocalist does a rehearsal of the National Anthem; at times they've taken commercial breaks to avoid the disruptive sound. The show sounds much better and easier to listen to when it's produced in the studio as opposed on location at the Metrodome. The radio engineers try to block out the background noise, however, it still creeps in periodically. Yesterday, coach kill asked a couple times for the question to be repeated.

Also, good catch gopherMD on Kill comparing Rodrick Williams to Ron Dayne. I forgot to include the comparison in his comments about the freshman runningback.

Additionally, coach Kill said recruiting was going well (not a surprise) and that going to a bowl game would be a recruiting plus. He then said they're in on some special players and that a lot of athletes that have committed to other schools are now decommitting. I took it that they're pursuing players that have committed elsewhere as well as those decommitting. Of course, he didn't elaborate or give any names, which would be an NCAA violation.

Go Gophers!!

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