The reason we lost

Our o'line looks worse because our passing game is primitive. They many times bring 6 and 7 rushers on pass downs because they laugh at our passing game.

It's been this way for years.

Right there in the picture is it.


The word Minnesota.

That's the reason we lost.

We're Minnesota. Minnesota Vikings... Minnesota Gophers....

I'm convinced College football and NFL football has become a huge cause to drink heavily and to drink beer. Our lack of beer sponsorship for NIL like from Summit or Surly or New Ulm brewing, brings us bad luck at the U. This bad luck contributed to Thursday's loss. DUCK Duck beer doesn't cut it for a good beer, and didn't seem available. U of Minnesota needs an NIL beer that is better. That and home sideline tix are too expensive. Would rather see butts in seats then all of those empty seats because of cost. Market dictates cost and people are not willing to pay what U is charging to sit in those seats.

Disappointing to see PJ is still coaching scared. We will not improve while he continues to do this. Running on a long 3rd & goal one play after you just lost a yard on a run, in the first quarter of a scoreless game = "I'm so scared sh*tless, I'm not going to trust my D-1 football players that I recruited to not turn the ball over for one play."
I think he coaches dumb. He makes fun of his own ACT test scores, but I really think the guy is well below average on the IQ scale compared to other head coaches. I also don’t think he’s got any confidants like high school buddies or guys he played college football with or assistant coaches now that KC has bailed on him twice to tell him he’s coaching like a dumb shit. His mentors Tressel and Schiano, regardless of the national championship generally the OSU fans hated Tressel ball at the end and if the Buccaneers players had their way they might’ve duct taped Schiano to the goal posts they disliked him so much. PJ is just a weird dude with a weird background who does a lot of great things other than his O philosophy and generally all things related to game day where he gets his rear end kicked almost every game whether we end up winning or losing.

I realize that FB schedule building can be a challenge but, perhaps, Rhode Island or Nevada would have been safer week 1 opponents than UNC. The Gophers have been notorious slow starters and often take 2-3 games to really hit their stride. Even our much-lauded 2019 season began with three nail-biters against teams we really should have dominated. After squeaking by those lesser opponents we started beating up on B18 teams.
I doubt the opener will ever start with an easy game. They want to have as close to sellout as possible, and Nevada or RI would likely bring 40k or less to the game. I agree that would be ideal however.

Usually, when you lose, it's because you didn't score more points than the other team. I have never heard of a team that scored the most points in a game being the losing team.

I opened this thread assuming the answer had to be "because they scored more points than us".

In NCAA a 30 yarder is roughly a 80% proposition, a 47 yarder a literal coin flip. Even in the NFL that’s gonna be tough.

Gotta try and get to, at least, the 15-20. Feels like PJ clamps up, gets into FG mode too often after crossing the 40-45. Dragan has a big leg but the percentages are what they are. I’m not going to blame the kid. Team loss.
Anybody know how much, if any, NIL Kesich is getting?

I'm convinced College football and NFL football has become a huge cause to drink heavily and to drink beer. Our lack of beer sponsorship for NIL like from Summit or Surly or New Ulm brewing, brings us bad luck at the U. This bad luck contributed to Thursday's loss. DUCK Duck beer doesn't cut it for a good beer, and didn't seem available. U of Minnesota needs an NIL beer that is better. That and home sideline tix are too expensive. Would rather see butts in seats then all of those empty seats because of cost. Market dictates cost and people are not willing to pay what U is charging to sit in those seats.
Duck Duck was at both stands I stopped at. You do realize it was a sellout, there was a thunderstorm, the game was delayed early, and some folks decided not to go based on the weather, right?

To me we were the same slow predictable offensive rugby team that hopes their defense keeps them in the game and really needs to have their FG on his game each night.

I mean lots of blame to go around on the Gophers blocking. But that holding penalty on 2nd and 1 on that final drive was unacceptable. The worst thing that generally happens there is Major has to break a tackle or get no gain. You have to let em go.

Gophs lost because the star kicker went 1 for 3. Theirs didn't. The teams literally played evenly to the end in score and stats. Make a kick, Gophs win.
Gophers lost because their OC couldn’t plan or call a good game for a 6th grade youth league, same as the previous 13 games. It’s not hard to figure out.

I mean lots of blame to go around on the Gophers blocking. But that holding penalty on 2nd and 1 on that final drive was unacceptable. The worst thing that generally happens there is Major has to break a tackle or get no gain. You have to let em go.
There was a hands to the face that was critical as well, but I will say that if Fleck was capable of opening up the offense, those penalties wouldn't be very important to the outcome.

We lost because we always play not to lose.
Agreed - It's very difficult to watch.

The constant mindset of trying to play everything safe is not a way to play. You deserve to lose playing like that.

That is who Fleck is at this point. He's got a stranglehold on the offensive philosophy and we're going to live at the bottom of the Big 10 if that continues. His ego may be too big to change.

The defense is solid, the offense is pathetic.

I feel for Brosmer as we may not even know what he could be due to the conservative way he's being coached.

We beat ourselves, point blank period. Had a turnover reversed bc of a holding call by the safety. Had a critical 3rd down stop reversed by hands to the face call. Run play gained positive yards and get a holding call inside 30 seconds of the final quarter. I'm not mad at the missed FG in final seconds, because he was under a lot of pressure and let's not forget he also got iced by the timeout called by NC. The first miss, however is the one that hurt us the most. No excuses but I can almost guarantee he won't miss another one like that the rest of the season.

Defense: DL played ok, I expected a little better. Allowed too my big holes and not enough push upfront. Safety and LB play was suspect. LB not attacking LOS aggressively also taking bad angles which lead to way too many missed tackles. Safeties missed tackles and got caught looking in the backfield too often which caused defensive holding calls. CB play was excellent IMO, their coverage was on point and they made sure tackles. Outside of the one mistake made by Walley leaving his guy to stop the scrambling QB, he was phenomenal.

Offense: QB play wasn't bad great but I expected that being that it's his 1st BIG game. He will get better. WR's did not get a lot of separation from the defender in man coverage but did well versus zone coverage. Need more speed to stretch the field. RB play wasn't bad and even though Darius was out, they weren't not the reason we lost. OL was average at best. They allowed too much penitration from the front 4 and did not do a good job picking up the blitz.

Final note: This game hurt because we should have won versus a good football team. We'll go into the Iowa game 2-1 in 3 weeks and that game will be a clear indication on where we stand in the BIG.

I'm convinced College football and NFL football has become a huge cause to drink heavily and to drink beer. Our lack of beer sponsorship for NIL like from Summit or Surly or New Ulm brewing, brings us bad luck at the U. This bad luck contributed to Thursday's loss. DUCK Duck beer doesn't cut it for a good beer, and didn't seem available. U of Minnesota needs an NIL beer that is better. That and home sideline tix are too expensive. Would rather see butts in seats then all of those empty seats because of cost. Market dictates cost and people are not willing to pay what U is charging to sit in those seats.

Beer consumption is spiraling downward in America. They need to partner up with some sort of seltzer (THC or otherwise).

Meh, they were dog doodoo for half the game, only up 6-0 at halftime. I’ll have to see more to believe they’ve fixed their offense.
Anything is better than last year. We definitely need to do the same thing here. Play was horrible last year and after 1st game nothing has changed

Meh, they were dog doodoo for half the game, only up 6-0 at halftime. I’ll have to see more to believe they’ve fixed their offense.

Yes, thank you for your accuracy. Points at the end of the game but mostly the same team.

yup, two flawed but respectable mid-tier P5 teams like so many we play each year in the Big Ten. reminded me of a lot of recent Iowa games.
UNC fan here. I agree with you. Both defenses looked decent; both offenses looked pretty bad; and UNC had a bit more success kicking field goals. But the main thing I want to say is that it was an honor and privilege to play a Big 10 opponent. Your fans are classy (I went to the game last year in Chapel Hill and talked to several). I hope your team exceeds expectations this season. Best of luck.

After watching both Iowa an Bucky we have no chance unless our offensive line improves 100% and our in game coaching 1000%.

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