The implications of IU vs. UW game...

Thursdays game is huge in relation to the hunt for a B1G title. The loser will be two games back while the winner only needs to knock off Becky to be back in 1st place. It's still a long season, but the pathway will be much easier for the winner of Thursdays matchup.

This thread has been priceless and amazing post game reading. Gopherhole never, ever disappoints.

Here is a little nugget for all of you regarding the conference race.

The Badgers play Indiana once and Michigan once (at home).

Jackson has figured it out and stabilized the point guard position.

The Badgers will be a factor for the entire race, as they usually are.

Good luck against Michigan.
No, what's priceless is that you wouldn't have ran over here to post had the Badgers lost, but after a win, here you are, chest puffed proudly out. Walk on home, boy.

As annoying as he is, I have to give credit where credit is due. It seems like Bo Ryan could recruit Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to play for him and he'd still win 20 games. Having said that, I do expect the Gophers will be victorious in Madison.

This thread has been priceless and amazing post game reading. Gopherhole never, ever disappoints.

Here is a little nugget for all of you regarding the conference race.

The Badgers play Indiana once and Michigan once (at home).

Jackson has figured it out and stabilized the point guard position.

The Badgers will be a factor for the entire race, as they usually are.

Good luck against Michigan.

When's the last time the Badgers ever were on the wrong side of scheduling? Has there ever been a season in which the Badgers played all of the best Big Ten teams and avoided the worst?
Even in the Tourney, those idiots ALWAYS end up facing the winning low #13, #12, #11 seeds. Didn't they make the Final 8 one year while facing no team higher than a #8 seed?

But you have to play MN twice!

Big deal. The game at Kohl Center will be a black-and-white stripe gimmee. Hopefully we'll get an even deal at least (like Indiana did tonight) at Williams.

By the way, when the announcers ran down the list of top Big Ten teams during the broadcast tonight, there was (not surprisingly) no mention of the the Gophers. I guess they must have figured that if they just lost to that piss-poor Indiana team, they must not be any good. Back to anonymity.

When's the last time the Badgers ever were on the wrong side of scheduling? Has there ever been a season in which the Badgers played all of the best Big Ten teams and avoided the worst?

For that, you'd have to go all the way back to...2 years ago.

In 2010-2011, the Big Ten standings were:
1. Ohio State 16-2
2. Purdue 14-4
3. Wisconsin 13-5
4. Michigan 9-9
5. Illinois 9-9
6. Penn State 9-9
7. Michigan State 9-9
8. Northwestern 7-11
9. Minnesota 6-12
10. Iowa 4-14
11. Indiana 3-15

Wisconsin played #1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 11 twice each. They played 9 and 10 once each.

And if you don't like that, how about 2009-2010.

Wisconsin played #1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 11 twice each. They played #6 and #10 once each.

This is great for the Gophers if you think they have a legit shot at the title. IU is a much bigger threat than the badgers.

settle down. becky not as good as some of you may think. tonight WAS an abberation

they have had the perfect schedule made for them to start the season and to go into tonight's game and pull an upset. especially with they way they play and the way that baby bo ryan rides the refs and gets the refs to allow the game to slow down.

they started out with the bottom of the conference. this allowed them to gain some confidence, easy wins, and stay healthy going into a game like tonight. they WILL fall back to the middle of the pack of the big ten when all is said and done this big ten season. MARK MY WORDS. they WILL fall back.

so settle down. good night..

I suspect the B1G conference champ this year will have 4 or more losses in league.

After a game of awkwardly cheering for the Badgers and not seeing Bo Ryan lose his mind over Indiana's homecooking, I was worried I was starting to like them a bit. But now after a Badger fan has decided to buzz on over here immediately after the game to tell us how priceless it is that we didn't take the unranked 9-4 OOC Badgers seriously as a Big Ten title contender, and multiple "Gopher fans" have come out in the Badgers' defense as if they totally saw this coming, I have decided I hate them again. Minnesota hats off to thee, Ski-U-Mah, Go Gophers, better dead than red, who hates Iowa?

I anticipate that history will show that The MN:IU game on Saturday was an abberation.

they have had the perfect schedule made for them to start the season and to go into tonight's game and pull an upset. especially with they way they play and the way that baby bo ryan rides the refs and gets the refs to allow the game to slow down.

they started out with the bottom of the conference. this allowed them to gain some confidence, easy wins, and stay healthy going into a game like tonight. they WILL fall back to the middle of the pack of the big ten when all is said and done this big ten season. MARK MY WORDS. they WILL fall back.

so settle down. good night..

i love how you throw constant temper tantrums every time someone posts about something non gopher related and every time you don't like that people start a thread about non gopher related items, then low-and-behold you start a non-gopher related thread while there were two other threads going. you are the ultimate do as i say, not as i do poster.

I think I saw in 11 years Bo Ryan hasn't finished worst than 4th in the B1G

Give Bo Ryan credit. I can't stand him. But unlike his former counterpart Bert, he can coach. And Wiscy get a 'fairly' reffed B1G road game, the Gophers didn't. Color me shocked.

The Badgers should lose games at OSU, Minnesota, Illinois and perhaps Iowa and or Purdue. They will lose at least 1 or 2 at home as well. They are certainly better than we thought because Jackson has matured quickly at the PG spot. Guess we should have seen that coming considering his daddy, plus Bo's coaching.

Wisconsin is the best team in the conference at taking care of and valueing the basketball...Its the number 1 thing I constantly harp on when it comes to the Gophers games.

How does Wisconsin do it? Simple formula really: They don't dribble into traps. Their guards don't try to dribble among the trees and make crazy passes from under the basket. They grab hold of the ball with 2 hands. They don't try overly risky entry passes to their bigs. When their bigs get a rebound, they don't try to take a silly dribble among quicker defenders who can easily snatch it away. Simple fundamentals really.

They move the ball until the defense gets frustrated and over-plays, creating an open shot. Tonight they hit just enough of those open shots. they kept their turnovers down to 7 or 8 in a crazy hostile environment. I wonder how many teams could do that.

Also, they did get a very evenly called game. They also got IU a little flat compared to Saturday. Timing was a factor but mostly its great coaching and execution by Bo Ryan and Badgers.

Getting an evenly reffed game on the road in the B10 was an unanticipated gift. Sucks that you guys had to go against the refs on Saturday. Without the built in 5 to 10 point deficit anything can happen.

Wisconsin's four wins so far: Penn State, @Nebraska, Illinois, and @Indiana

Last year's 6-12 Gophers won those same four games.

Wisconsin's four wins so far: Penn State, @Nebraska, Illinois, and @Indiana

Last year's 6-12 Gophers won those same four games.

So you're saying that IU will finish with 7 Big Ten losses and be a 4 seed in the tournament? And that Illinois will finish with 12 Big Ten losses?

This thread has been priceless and amazing post game reading. Gopherhole never, ever disappoints.

I'm assuming you're talking about all the posts giving the Badgers and Bo Ryan credit, right? Because trolls never, ever read a few opinions and all of a sudden assume that's the opinion of everyone, correct?

I'm assuming you're talking about all the posts giving the Badgers and Bo Ryan credit, right? Because trolls never, ever read a few opinions and all of a sudden assume that's the opinion of everyone, correct?

I have read this whole thread, and I would say the majority feel Wisconsin got lucky playing Indiana on a bad day. I watched the whole game, and agree Indiana did not play well, but a lot of that was forced on them by Wisconsin's defense. They held Indiana into a low scoring game, which they needed to do to stay close, IMO. There are plenty of people who are giving Wisky their props though...

Wisconsin has now won 10 or 11 straight against Indiana. What's up with that?

Most of the 'experts' thought Wisky was a bubble team at best, now they are alone atop the Big Teen. What's up with that?

Contender or Pretender?

Didn't see any of the game, but is anybody really all that surprised? Bo Ryan's teams always come up big at least a few times during the season. This is just par for the course. He has a system, his players buy into it, and then they execute. Sounds pretty basic, but that's the definition of Badger basketball.

I'm sure that there are some cheesebrains that are now convinced of their supremacy in the Big Ten. But just like every other team in the conference, the Badgers will lose some games along the way. The conference is simply too tough and I wouldn't be at all surprised if they end up losing five or six games and even a few at home. Is this a certainty? Of course not, but that's college basketball. Almost nothing is a certainty. Each game is about matchups and how the teams respond. Wisconsin obviously matches up well with Indiana. But matchups and games change fluidly in the Big Ten. All this Badger win did is make the conference more interesting imo.

Wisconsin has now won 10 or 11 straight against Indiana. What's up with that?

Most of the 'experts' thought Wisky was a bubble team at best, now they are alone atop the Big Teen. What's up with that?

Contender or Pretender?

I don't know how you don't consider them a contender when they have arguably the most impressive in-conference win so far of any team. I do not believe they will win the conference, but I will not be surprised if they finish top 5 (particularly with Illinois looking more and more fraudulent) - and after the start they had, it's quite the accomplishment.

I haven't read the whole thread, but my thoughts: Becky likes to muck things up, and IU didn't handle it. That's what I was hoping we'd be able to do with our athleticism and defensive ability, but things got out of hand so quick, I don't think they really even had a shot for it. Plus, as has been mentioned, turning the ball over plays right to IU, especially when they're amped up like they were Saturday. I think in the 2nd half, we saw that we would have been capable if we just played a little more in control on offense, which would have reduced their fast break opportunities, which would have probably curbed the momentum that surged for them in that 1st half.

Yes, it can be argued IU didn't come into this game the same way they came into ours, but I do think there's also something to be said when you've lost 9 straight against someone. Even when you're clearly better, there's still the mental aspect, and I think that also came into play.

They've had rough patches early, but it looks like they're still in that top 5 mix like they always are. Will be interesting to see how this all plays out over the season.

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