The Herd w/ Colin Cowherd


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Dec 17, 2008
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Did anyone hear this *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# bag on ESPN radio just now? He was talking about how great the new Big Ten division alignment was, which is fine. Then he started sarcastically saying how sad it was how Minnesota was gonna lose its rivalry with Iowa (which isn't even true)! He then went on about how the only game that anyone cares about is the OSU/MICH game every year. Then some guest came on and mentioned that the MN/WI rivalry will be kept going, and how it was the longest rivalry in D1, and that they play for Paul Bunyan's Axe. Cowherd's response went something along the lines of..."Paul Bunyan's ex? Who cares about Paul Bunyan's ex wife! Minnesota football? They don't have any rivalries, the Vikings do, the Gophers do not." What a tool.

I still don't understand why people get so upset about what radio guys say.

First of all, why do you people still listen to the radio? It's 2010, radio is dead.

Second, these guys are all nerds.

Our rivalries are not determined by what some guy named Colin thinks.

That's called uninformed. Most of the talking heads are uninformed about any sport outside of the top programs/teams. They aren't gonna bother themselves with educating themselves about the mediocre programs, they'd rather just rip what they don't know. Doesn't bother me one bit.

The Vikings have two rivalries, the Bears and Packers IMO. The Gophers have at least four in Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, and I'll call it now, Nebraska. Penn State allegedly is one too. That would be five.

I'm with Nate, thanks to the internet I know more than 99% of radio personalities so I don't waste my time on sports radio.

There's one way to shut those blabbering fools up too: Win!

He is a huge USC fan. He always talks on his show about it. He thinks the biggest game in college football every week is whoever USC is playing. Well in 2 weeks, hopefully we can shut him up.

I can see why Doogie claims 1500 ESPN as our source for informed Gopher coverage.

Colin Cowherd has made his living of making base generalizations and looking at sports through a warped prism from 30,000 feet, and he has about a 2-week limit on his long-term memory. He's rarely correct on much, and I've yet to find someone who actually likes this guy. Another obnoxious Boo-Ya Network hack, who can talk fast and smoothly enought to make rubes think he knows something.

Last year I specifically remember him stating when the Notre Dame job was up for grabs, that ND should go for Northwestern's Pat Fitzgerald because "he's the hands-down best coach in the Big 10 right now". Groan.

cow herd

I heard the same thing as I was driving to work this morning. All I could think was - this guy has obviously never been to an Minnesota/Iowa or Minnesota/Wisconsin game...

I still don't understand why people get so upset about what radio guys say.

First of all, why do you people still listen to the radio? It's 2010, radio is dead.

Second, these guys are all nerds.

Our rivalries are not determined by what some guy named Colin thinks.

I'll freely admit, I'm a Cowherd fan. He generally knows his stuff and he's entertaining. I listen to the radio because it's something I can do at the office, with sporadic attention.

I'll say one thing for Colin, he knows what moves the meter and what drives the ratings. Right now, the Gophers don't move the meter nationally. That's a fact, hard to argue with it.

Sure, you could perceive it as a slap in the face. I heard it and forgot it as soon as he said it. No harm done. If he had gone on a 2 minute rant about the irrelevance of Gopher football, it would have bothered me more.

I actually like listening to him too. To expect a national guy to know anything about a program that hasn't done a thing in his lifetime is silly. He makes blanket statements to stir things up. He's a frontrunning USC fan. This opinion from him shouldn't have been shocking. College football is much more regional than any pro sport. He just doesn't know a damn thing about the Big 10.

Cowherd is just lucky that Michelle Beadle is on Sportsnation with him otherwise he wouldn't have any viewers....

I'd possibly like Colin Cowherd more if he'd cite the blogs he steals everything from.

I'd probably have to listen to Cowherd less if there was better options here locally.

I actually like listening to him too. To expect a national guy to know anything about a program that hasn't done a thing in his lifetime is silly. He makes blanket statements to stir things up. He's a frontrunning USC fan. This opinion from him shouldn't have been shocking. College football is much more regional than any pro sport. He just doesn't know a damn thing about the Big 10.

I'm guessing a lot of people on this site know more about the national college football scene than he does (and many other sports radio hosts). I know I do. That's not good. It's his job to be a super sports fan. He should know something about most programs, not who the back-up long snapper is, but at least something. To be wrong about basic facts is just being lazy. If it was just shtick-fine, but I doubt it was. That's my rant. At least he isn't a local radio personality and still knows nothing about the program;)

First of all, why do you people still listen to the radio? It's 2010, radio is dead.

Your continued ability to completely disregard anything you don't like, and inability to grasp why others may like it, amuses me greatly.

I'm cool with Cowherd. The reality is that nobody outside of the Midwest cares about MN v WI right now. Plus just last week the guy went on and on for over a minute about how Minneapolis is a great city and one of the best cities in America and how everyone down south complaining about not having work should pack up and look for jobs out here. He's big on places being '____ towns' and he always talks about how MPLS is a great baseball, pro football and hockey town, but that we don't care about the NBA or CFB and in general, he's correct

Your continued ability to completely disregard anything you don't like, and inability to grasp why others may like it, amuses me greatly.

You're going to make me cry, meanie.

I can see why Doogie claims 1500 ESPN as our source for informed Gopher coverage.

Not sure I have any pull with someone in Bristol.

NateDawg -- explain to me how radio is dead? Still very much a big-time moneymaker

I'm cool with Cowherd. The reality is that nobody outside of the Midwest cares about MN v WI right now. Plus just last week the guy went on and on for over a minute about how Minneapolis is a great city and one of the best cities in America and how everyone down south complaining about not having work should pack up and look for jobs out here. He's big on places being '____ towns' and he always talks about how MPLS is a great baseball, pro football and hockey town, but that we don't care about the NBA or CFB and in general, he's correct

I agree completely. Also, to say that he doesn't know college football is ridiculous. If you listen to him at all, college football is virtually his #1 priority. He understands that football, pro or college, is king right now and drives ratings through the roof. He's a major fan and actually knows his stuff in that area.

Again, if you took offense to a brief, one-line comment about the irrelevance of MN football right now, you're entirely too thin-skinned.

Not sure I have any pull with someone in Bristol.

NateDawg -- explain to me how radio is dead? Still very much a big-time moneymaker

I agree.... Sooooooo, satellite radio gave Howard Stern a 9-figure contract because radio is dead? They must not have done their homework or perhaps didn't get the memo.

I don't know what Cowherd makes but I would bet he's one of the highest paid people at ESPN.

Cowherd was just talking about how expensive baseball tickets are, he mentioned the Twins are the second highest priced right now but said it makes sense because 'that's a smart citizenry, lots of money, lots of corporations in Minneapolis'. The dude complements the TC all the time.

I suppose we should give Colin his dues. He's got a face for radio, a voice for telegraph, and the insight and ethics of a newspaper columnist. For anyone to succeed in media with that combination is a testament to their tenacity, dumb luck, or their ability to use nepotism to it's fullest extent.

Some of you are claiming Cowherd knows his stuff and like him. Fine - to each their own. But isn't this the same guy who is trying to convince us that Cliff Lee is tanking games for the Rangers?

What garbage - and to impugn on Lee just because he struggled against the Orioles for a game. Lee's in the midst of a playoff race, and will be a FA at the end of the season no less. This kind of sensationalistic crap is nothing short of insulting to everyone who knows something about MLB baseball.

The guy is a bomb-thrower, and will say anything to get attention, negative or positive. Therefore, his credibility is in the toilet with me.

Frankly, I don't care that much if he bags on the Gophers for 30 seconds on national radio. We are irrelevant right now. But it is short sighted and ridiculous to ignore history and rivalries only for the sake of contemporary relevance. If that was all that matters, all 119 Div I football teams should just band into different 'relavent superconferences' every five years and then re-organize as the almighty dollar dictates. At least there is still a modicum of respect for the history of NCAA football by preserving some of the rivalries that apparently don't exist in Cowherds mind.

Not sure I have any pull with someone in Bristol.

NateDawg -- explain to me how radio is dead? Still very much a big-time moneymaker

Alright, dying.

Most of my friends are in the 25-30 age range, and nobody in our group listens to sports radio.

So it's becoming a niche market.

And judging from the constant rants about it on this message board, all sports radio does is ruffle the feathers of the listeners. Seems like a waste of time to me, but I'll value dpodoll's right to waste time.

If you're looking for good in-depth information about sports, shows like Cowherd's are not the place to get it. His radio show and sportsnation are there for entertainment purposes.

Cowherd is my favorite show on either "sports" station. To each their own.

But this thread makes me cringe because of all the enjoyment I get when Jim Rome talks down Iowa football and their fans melt down. High comedy.

Back to Cowherd, I wouldn't even notice if Missouri-Kansas never played again (I think that's the 2nd longest rivalry?)

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