The Herd w/ Colin Cowherd

I'm cool with Cowherd. The reality is that nobody outside of the Midwest cares about MN v WI right now. He's big on places being '____ towns' and he always talks about how MPLS is a great baseball, pro football and hockey town, but that we don't care about the NBA or CFB and in general, he's correct

Bingo. Some people on this site are so dilusional they actually think MN vs. WIS is some sort of big game that demands respect throughout the country. I'd love for it to be that way, but I also live in the real world. Cowherd is correct - nobody cares.

It would be like someone here in the Twin Cities saying "Man, I'm really pumped for the Egg Bowl between Ole Miss and Miss St." It's a huge deal for those schools and the state, but that game has no more relevance outside the state of Mississippi than our Axe game does outside of MN/WIS.

"First of all, why do you people still listen to the radio? It's 2010, radio is dead."

"Most of my friends are in the 25-30 age range, and nobody in our group listens to sports radio."

What part of intro to logic did I miss?

It would be like someone here in the Twin Cities saying "Man, I'm really pumped for the Egg Bowl between Ole Miss and Miss St."
Correction that's the Brown vs the Board of Education bowl.

Cowherd is a moron.

Generally speaking, WI is our biggest rival. Iowa and Michigan are also rivalries so he's not totally off.

The problem with Cowherd is he's total east coast rube. Nothing west of Pa. means anything, with a few exceptions.

This is going to hurt...

"First of all, why do you people still listen to the radio? It's 2010, radio is dead."

"Most of my friends are in the 25-30 age range, and nobody in our group listens to sports radio."

What part of intro to logic did I miss?

Okay, I never thought I'd be the old gummer to throw out a statement like this but here goes...

Nate, I was like you but I think I was about 32-34 years old when I started listening to sports radio. Never listened to 30 seconds of ANY type of talk radio until my early 30's at least. And I happen to still LOVE my music. I like hearing different perspectives from different people about the sports that I enjoy. It's also interesting to me to hear just how ridiculous the fans are from just about every fan base of every team.

Just my two cents. I really like Herd, maybe that's a character flaw.

Okay, I never thought I'd be the old gummer to throw out a statement like this but here goes...

Nate, I was like you but I think I was about 32-34 years old when I started listening to sports radio. Never listened to 30 seconds of ANY type of talk radio until my early 30's at least. And I happen to still LOVE my music. I like hearing different perspectives from different people about the sports that I enjoy. It's also interesting to me to hear just how ridiculous the fans are from just about every fan base of every team.

Just my two cents. I really like Herd, maybe that's a character flaw.

Same here, I was in my late 20's before I started listeing to talk radio of any sort. Now I listen to sports/politics all day at work. Maybe it's a sign of getting old but I find talk radio more appealing than the other stuff on the radio or many times TV.

Most of my friends are in the 25-30 age range. None of them speak Chinese.

Therefore, Chinese is a dying language.

Correction that's the Brown vs the Board of Education bowl.

My brother lived down near Starkville for 3 years and he used to call it the "Illiteracy Bowl"

I don't think it ever caught on.

Most of my friends are in the 25-30 age range. None of them are MDs.

Therefore, medicine is a dying occupation.

How did that huge contract sirius gave stern work our for them? I like satelite radio but I am not sure the business can survive long-term. Like all media, radio has taken a big revenue hit over the last five years as more options have become available. The traditional radio market revenue pie has been shrinking (slight expansion recently off horrible 08 & 09 levels) and will continue to shrink in the future. That doesn't mean there won't be enough market for talented performers but its best days are well behind it.

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