The Gophers have an Axe to grind

Nice article...

I have to give credit where credit is due. Good article Doogie! It was an enjoyable read. :clap:

Thanks...not much of an article, really just a Q & A, but your kind words are appreciated.

Not to criticize (because Doogie has gotten enough of that lately), but why do we care what some Sconnie writer has to say about the game? Also, could his comments have been more obvious?

- We struggle running the ball -no $hit
- I think Wiksy will win - we didn't think you'd say anything otherwise
- Brew and Bielema don't like each other - Thank you captain obvious
- I don't think this is the make or break game of our schedule - well considering you are 4-0 and still play @ OSU, home against IA and Michigan, and travel to Hawaii, which regardless of how good they are, is always a tough game. I would sure hope this game doesn't make or break your season.
- Wisky is 4-8 in their last 12 games - why? Because they weren't as good as the teams they've lost to. - At Michigan last year? @ IA last year? @ FSU (42-13?!) @ Illinois in '07?

Basically, all I'm saying is I could have written the answers for that guy.

Not to criticize (because Doogie has gotten enough of that lately), but why do we care what some Sconnie writer has to say about the game?

Actually, I always like to hear what the opposition thinks about us, and the same is said for them from us. A few weeks ago, I did a long interview with a radio station in Chicago pertaining to the Gopher-Northwestern game, and it was very well received by them. It gives you a different look at your team.

Having said that...the answers were fairly softball, but this isn't exatly 60 Minutes either. I thought it was fine.

Agree on the answers...nothing too out-of-the-box...maybe should've asked different questions, but I always like to hear about the opposition.

Doogie, all the while reading that Q&A...

I must admit, I kept hearing Barbara Walter's voice (ala Common's bit) asking the most pressing question, "is wearing women's underwear part of your turn on?!"

Yes, saw that as well today...I actually used that headline on KFAN years ago (may even have the audio evidence)...that was always my bit at KFAN w/ my top-hour sports updates going back to 2000...some sort of catchy headline.

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