I have ridden the LRT to downtown for the bar scene as well as downtown for a Twins game when it was at the dome. I'm sorry but it IS a pain in the ass. First, I've seen the crowds on the platform outside the dome and at Target Field (my seats last year at Target were right next to the station). Having 1,000 people on a platform makes it seem PACKED. Like nut to butt. So there's a perception bias that tons of people use it. 10% at TCF would be 5,000 people, which I'd say is a reasonable number (where the 90% using cars came from). Why is it slower than how you made it seem? Anywhere from 1-15 minutes to wait for the next train, and that's IF you get on it (given it's typically 2 cars and they can't hold more than ~190 per car, so 400 people per train, every 15 minutes
link). From the dome station to the MOA is a 31 minute ride (which is where the slow part came from). Add in the time from TCF to the dome station (5-10 minutes?). We're at 35-40 just to get to your car. My house in Lakeville is a 15 minute drive to the MOA (not counting getting out of the parking garage), while only a 25 minute drive to campus (no traffic). So BEST CASE scenario using LRT from campus to parking is 40 minutes plus whatever extra drive time you have due to the stop location you chose being out of the way from your home. Not including waiting on a tiny platform with hundreds to thousands of people for 1-15 minutes, assuming you make the next train. Easy 1 hour total trip and I don't have the ability to tailgate, drive wherever I want before/after the game. Plus I've spent $1.75 per person per direction ($3.50 since the game is more than 2.5 hours) which for a group of 4 that's $14 (which would cover the cost of parking for a car on campus). That's why you might get 5-10% of the crowd using it.
And if the public transport mode was so great why aren't people taking advantage of it today by LRT-ing it to the dome then riding the frequent 16 bus over through campus???