The Brewster Heartbreak

Much of what you say is true and to a certain extent I agree - particularly about the work he has put in and his ability to try to keep it positive. Still, this guy is a huge control freak and this is where he has failed as an executive. I don't believe he let his organization play to its natural strengths - both in the area of players and assistant coaches. What we got was really nothing more than cheer leading of his self-assigned superior football intelligence. Maybe if he would have spent more of his energy on what really matters on the football field? Does everybody know what their assignment is on this play? Do we know where we are mismatched, and can we play around that? Do we understand our strengths and where we can play to them? It's fairly basic. Too late - he is not a head coaching talent, and that's that. Besides, when I consider his compensation (he makes more in year than I will in 10) - perform or you're gone. Go coach youth football if you like, but I'm not paying for it any more.

Yeah, I know that is maybe a bit dramatic,

Maybe a bit dramatic? Try Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams in "The Notebook" dramatic.

My response is you are right, but Big F$%^'ing Deal.

The guy that delivers mail and packages at my office is a super hard worker with a heart of gold as well. If the Board of Directors decide to name him the next CEO, however, it would be the dumbest move in the history of this company.

..and, if the mail guy were to take that role with it's mega-salary and golden parachute for when he got fired, I would hold him accountable for all his failures along the way. The fact that he's a 'nice-guy' that works hard would no longer count for anything other than that we'd probably have a nice chat about his future at his going-away happy hour.

That's life in the big city, pal.

What a Joke...

Maybe a bit dramatic? Try Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams in "The Notebook" dramatic.

My response is you are right, but Big F$%^'ing Deal.

The guy that delivers mail and packages at my office is a super hard worker with a heart of gold as well. If the Board of Directors decide to name him the next CEO, however, it would be the dumbest move in the history of this company.

..and, if the mail guy were to take that role with it's mega-salary and golden parachute for when he got fired, I would hold him accountable for all his failures along the way. The fact that he's a 'nice-guy' that works hard would no longer count for anything other than that we'd probably have a nice chat about his future at his going-away happy hour.

That's life in the big city, pal.

Life in the big city, pal? Where do you live, Minneapolis? Hardly the big city, Mr. Faux Tough Guy. Your simplistic view of the business world will carry you far, pal.

Why the major edit of your original post, BB? Did someone hijack your login and make the change? Just curious, as I really liked the original and responded to it.

Got Some Input on Original Post

Why the major edit of your original post, BB? Did someone hijack your login and make the change? Just curious, as I really liked the original and responded to it.

I got some off board input on my original post that caused me to bring it down. My feelings have not changed, but thought it best to not engage on the topic under the circumstances.

I'm more embarrassed by "suckeye". The wit it burns.

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