Texas Aggie update:

In honor of today's National Championship earned by Texas A&M men in outdoor track and field, and our women's second place finish..

- AND -

To provide some Gopher relevance to those critics who do not enjoy my posts...

I submit the following post which should be enjoyable by anyone not at work or with your wife looking over your shoulder.

*If either of the two above conditions apply to you, there is an 'X' at the top right of the page that you should click now. Do not scroll down any further.

This is a tribute to some of the best things to ever appear in maroon.

























Well done, Aggie11.

And Parski0 wants to get rid of you? He has NO class whatsoever.

Oh my, I take back everything I said Aggie.

"Everything"? Boy you are really silent after all, because you have just recanted all of your posts on GopherHole. Well done, my friend. The world is a better place. :)

"Everything"? Boy you are really silent after all, because you have just recanted all of your posts on GopherHole. Well done, my friend. The world is a better place. :)

Just to Aggie....Not to you.

The worst thing about kellyleeks is that he is woefully ignorant when it comes to this matter. ;)

Texas A&M is one of six, and is the largest of the, senior military colleges.

Source: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCODE...itle10-subtitleA-partIII-chap103-sec2111b.pdf

Now, I cannot comment as to the rigor of the experience of Texas A&M University's Corps of Cadets as compared to West Point or Annapolis, but I am also doubtful that anyone here has firsthand experience of both to be able to offer real insight. However, at least one site ranks Texas A&M right up there with both, above Air Force Academy and others. A&M is also ranked as a veteran-friendly school.

Bradley, as you may remember, is the last five-star general in the United States military. I think he might know what he is talking about.

Source: http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/kct08

Feel free to talk smack to your guests on this forum (although I have no idea why one thread has to bug you so much), but please know what you are talking about. No, we are not a SERVICE academy, but we are a senior military academy and have a proud tradition of service to our country.

What was incorrect about my statement? Texas A&M is not a military (I'm using "military" interchangeably with "service" for purposes of this conversation) academy and their academic standards are lesser than that of the service academies.

Additionally, Aggies act as if they are a military/service academy. You just proved it with your post.

The worst part of ROTC boot camp, was the Aggies and their constant talk of how A&M is the same as USAFA. Not to mention their stupid special uniforms they always wanted to wear (evidently they weren't aware they were in the USAF) and the little girl whining that occurred when they weren't allowed to.

Just admit I'm right.

In honor of today's National Championship earned by Texas A&M men in outdoor track and field, and our women's second place finish..

- AND -

To provide some Gopher relevance to those critics who do not enjoy my posts...

I submit the following post which should be enjoyable by anyone not at work or with your wife looking over your shoulder.

*If either of the two above conditions apply to you, there is an 'X' at the top right of the page that you should click now. Do not scroll down any further.

This is a tribute to some of the best things to ever appear in maroon.

























Nice. How old are you and how many hours per day do you perv on the Internet? I bet you have scrapbooks full of this stuff in your trailer.

Phi Kappa Psi representing!

Thanks Aggie, and ignore the other jack-holes here, but I'm sure I don't need to tell you that.


Nice. How old are you and how many hours per day do you perv on the Internet? I bet you have scrapbooks full of this stuff in your trailer.

JHC, man. Just shut it.

What was incorrect about my statement? Texas A&M is not a military (I'm using "military" interchangeably with "service" for purposes of this conversation) academy and their academic standards are lesser than that of the service academies.

I never said we were a service academy. There are five of those, and they only do one thing each - prepare officers for a single, specific branch of the armed forces. I did show that we have a federal mandate for, and a strong track record of, training officers for all branches of the armed forces while also providing a whole gamut of degree possibilities, research, and interaction with non-reg students. They are two completely separate things, and not many would mistake them as being the same.

A senior military college is its own designation, and is a valid means, as decided by our federal government, for training the officers and leaders of tomorrow. Students here are receiving other civilian experiences while pursuing their officer training, which is what works best for some individual career/life paths through the military. Military service may not be the end all, be all of their existence. My previous post was to illustrate that each branch of the armed forces has selected Texas A&M (and five others) to be a specially-designated place which delivers qualified officers ready for service.

In academics, I have no doubt that the military science classroom training at a service academy is superior by nature of specific focus, although I do not feel ours is lacking in any way. We have qualified instructors who have long careers in the service, including generals, on staff here. However, we provide a larger variety of majors, as well as research and graduate studies opportunities that a service academy cannot touch. We're (I'll say it again) not a service academy as strictly defined, but we are a recognized senior military college that is much more than an ROTC elective like other schools.

As for the girl photos, nice try, but 15 minutes on Google and the search string "Minnesota cheerleaders" pretty much gets a post like that one created. So, just sit back and enjoy, and don't get your panties in a wad about USAF vs. TAMU.

For everyone else, here are a few more things to make your weekend bright.

Sorry for the lack of Minnesota girls on here, but I've exhausted my Google Image Search results on those.































All photos are courtesy of goGIGEM.

And, one of our favorite ladies on campus:


Now, back to the discussion...

Aggie11, after all of that, I am going to have to get the battery in my defibrillator replaced. Thanks for sharing.

First and foremost, if the stadium were to be renamed Kyle Field at ___, most people other than broadcast announcers and the head of the 12th Man Foundation would still call it Kyle Field. I would imagine that we would be highly selective of any naming deal, and like Olsen Field at Blue Bell Park, the company would have to have a solid reputation and have ties to Texas A&M.

While any sum above $100 million would be nice to have, I don't see us as being in a position of dire need to jump at just any naming offer. The name Kyle Field, like many famous stadiums, holds significant value to us. I do not expect to see Kyle Field at Adidas Stadium anytime soon. The Flag Room in the Memorial Student Center has been available for naming rights for over a year, but no one wants to touch it because it is simply the Flag Room to us. I bet Kyle will be the same.

Besides, after renovation, suites are going for as much as $15 million per year,

15 million a year? I could maybe see 1.5 million a year if it fit say 100-200 people, but wow.

15 million a year? I could maybe see 1.5 million a year if it fit say 100-200 people, but wow.

Sorry, I mistyped. The Founders Suites are $1 million per year with a 15 year term. They seat 28 in the 960 square foot suite, which opens to the exclusive Founders Club.


Click for video

On the low end, you can still get a suite for 16 in the north end zone for $50k per year with a $150k initial campaign gift (plus the price of tickets for the seats each year), if they're not sold out yet. I've heard that almost every suite we have is spoken for.

We have a culture here of friendliness and being able to walk up to anyone and start a conversation. Our university president gets absolutely swarmed every time he goes anywhere. Where that backfires is when anyone and everyone thinks they should walk up to Manziel at anytime and say absolutely nothing of value.

Hitting on a girl at a party? "Hey, Johnny, hate to interrupt, but what do you think the score of the Bama game is going to be?"

Taking a dump in a public restroom? "Can I get an autograph when you are done in there? And while I have your attention for a few minutes..."

Enjoying a dinner with friends? "Hey, mind if I sit down...Hey, remember that time you bobbled the ball and then threw a touchdown pass to Swope...Yeah, that was really cool."

We mean well, really we do. But, that culture of greet everyone you see and we're all Aggies so we're all equal can get really annoying if everyone wants a piece of your time for no real reason. At 20, you're thinking about getting pussy and playing video games, whether you have a shelf full of trophies or not. You don't want someone talking to you at the urinal or stopping you every ten steps in the mall.

At Baylor, half the kids there don't even realize they have a football team and probably thought Griffin was the groundskeeper. Florida students were respectful enough to give Tebow his space. Here, it's a college town where every single person, no matter their previous interest in football, knows you and feels like you should have a 30 minute conversation with them. It could get old.

I don't think Manziel is at all dissatisfied with A&M, and College Station in the context of his tweet is merely a place where he can't live a normal life or even a celebrity life. It's beyond that here.

We've been put down and battered for years (y'all Gophers might understand that). We've heard for two years prior to last season that the SEC didn't want us, or that we would be the whipping boy of the league. We've been told that texas university was our big brother and we were the also-ran. Every success we've had has also come with a setback and an opponent taunting "Pooooooor Aggies."

So, Manziel has given us occasion to rise above that, to achieve what we've always been capable of. We're getting some of the respect we deserve now. Of course, there are lots of other people and factors which have brought us to today, but he is the public face of all that.

And so we flock to him, and want to be his friend, or give him advice, or whatever else.

We also have 50 year old men following a 20 year old kid on Twitter and scrutinizing his every move. OMG, he dressed up for Halloween and danced with a hot girl? Next step is a meth habit!

The whole thing is a non-issue. Sumlin and Hyman will talk to him about his Tweets and the world will go on, and eventually in a few months the old men will get upset about a pic Johnny Instagrams of himself with a cigarette. OMG, we will lose to UTEP because he will be winded from lung cancer. Maybe it's weed laced with heroin he's smoking.

Besides, even if he hates it here 1) he has the money to fly out to wherever he wants to go on the weekends, and 2) he will just play as hard as he can next season so he can get drafted and leave. I can live with the latter.

Who hasn't said they're sick of school and want to go somewhere else? And how many of them had people trying to steal their jock strap to sniff it? Again, this is all a non-issue, and it must be a slow day in every man's life who is following this closely, as well as for ESPN.

Go rent the movie The Junction Boys about our 1957 football team under Bear Bryant. If I remember correctly, the quarterback stops by a whore house to obtain the services of a prostitute on his way back to school. Or watch Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, where a booster takes our entire team to the Chicken Ranch. We used to laugh that stuff off, but now we get our panties in a wad when a kid expresses frustration that he probably can't even get a blowjob in his car without 15 people peeking through the window.

Considering that schools within a 90 mile radius of us have players arrested for drugs, breaking their girlfriend's jaw, and who score a 6 on the Wonderlich test, if our biggest scandal of the year is a rich boy whining that he doesn't like a college town because of drama, I'll take it.

Good enough for me, Aggie. Thanks for the perspective.


TexasAggie11, because you have joined us with some fun and interesting info about aTm, some of us want more communications with you.[/URL]

What is with you and Aggie? Your nephew...son?

Texas A&M threads are almost as annoying as the North Dakota State ones.

Look, Aggie has never come here and bad mouthed us or the Gophers. He has shared some insight about aTm with us, and also some "personal observations" about surrounding Texas colleges and expecially some aTm coeds. I, for one, have appreciated and enjoyed his input here, and I don't think he deserves crap like you just threw out, Eagan. In addition, if they are so damned annoying to you, as you say, why do you read them and make comments on them?

Look, Aggie has never come here and bad mouthed us or the Gophers. He has shared some insight about aTm with us, and also some "personal observations" about surrounding Texas colleges and expecially some aTm coeds. I, for one, have appreciated and enjoyed his input here, and I don't think he deserves crap like you just threw out, Eagan. In addition, if they are so damned annoying to you, as you say, why do you read them and make comments on them?

+1, Doc. Aggie provides some great comments and I, for one, really enjoy reading his posts.


Keep in mind that this thread asked Aggie11 to join us and he was nice enough to do it. Unlike some "Gopher fans" on this board, Aggie11 actually brings some good insights and the vast majority of us like him while at the same time most of us don't like those who don't care for Aggie11. Kinda funny if you ask me.

Gig'em and Go Gophers!

TexasAggie11, because you have joined us with some fun and interesting info about aTm, some of us want more communications with you.

What is the story here?


Don't know many more specifics about the situation than what has been reported in the media. However, the drivers of the Tahoe supposedly followed Raven & Everett to their apartment from the bar, so they were probably looking to cause trouble with the players. Also, some reports say 10-12 people were involved in the altercation, but the only two charged happen to be football players. It took three months to even file the charges. All of those things together suggest that there is probably more to the story than the literal interpretation from a news article.

Here is a list of arrests of athletes. All in all, I'm not overly concerned with the arrest record of our team as compared to other major programs.


I expect Raven & Everett to sit out the first game of the season.

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