TCF Crowd Today - What Gives?


Section 211
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
First and foremost, I hate losing but had a great time at the game. Got to pre-game tailgate in full for the first time and re-introduce a UM alum guest to football on campus. Again, good times.

Question for those at the game...was it just me or was the crowd just out of it today? Not the students...they were great! But I mean the general crowd...

We were definitely louder and more engaged for Air Force and Cal.

212 had a completely different character than the earlier games. Me personally, I have no voice left but that's just me.

I do not think we were a hostile environment today. Hard to imagine that as the case with Bucky in The Bank.

What gives?:confused:

Go Gophers! Beat the Boilers!

The play was too inconsistent to get and keep the crowd into the game. On TV, you could hear the crowd get loud, but then something bad would happen to quiet them down.

If it's as simple as that...

we might as well be back at the Dome.

Go Gophers! Beat Purdue!

The play was too inconsistent to get and keep the crowd into the game. On TV, you could hear the crowd get loud, but then something bad would happen to quiet them down.

yeah i think it was a combination of the weather and lame play on the field. it just felt like every other gopher game i've been to for the last 10 years. as soon as you'd get excited they'd just crap the bed and you'd be sitting there rolling your eyes.

I agree. The crowd was very subdued. I was happy that Badger fans were in the clear minority, but I gotta say it was almost like Gopher fans expected the outcome today. As a result they cheered politely but never really got into it. The weather and shoddy play definitely had something to do with it, but I really think the crowd held back because they had a lack of faith.

When was the last time the Gophers won a game by sheer force of will? Where the QB came out with 1:15 left to play and drove the team down the field for victory? When are we going to see the magic that good teams seem to have?

Now, isn't that kinda flipped up though? I mean, in order to develop a home field advantage, the crowd sometimes needs to carry the team, kinda like it did against Cal for a while. You can't just half cheer because you're expecting the worst, that makes it easier on the opponent. Not that you can totally blame them, as over the last bunch of years, bad things have a tendency to happen for us.

Folks in our section (214) seemed to be pretty much into the game and more standing than not on 3rd downs, etc. There was some good-natured back-and-forth 'tween us and the six or so BADger fans a few rows down from us but on the whole it seemed like a decent crowd.
Maybe, in the spirit of some other threads (for example), we should start the Vikings fans rather than the Gopher fans? ..... :p


By the time the game started the stadium was only 2/3 full at best. And it wasn't just the students that were slacking, it was everyone else. I was pretty pissed thinking it was the rain keeping people at home, but most sections filled in by the end of the quarter.

Also, I have one HUGE complaint about this game in particular. As a student I was extremely embarrassed that there were several Badger fans in the student section. I'm a new student, so I don't know if this is normal, but I can't imagine it happening at most other big schools. Also, as a Wisconsin fan why would you want to sit in the Gopher student section when there was a very solid visitor section???

As for the crowd being subdued, in my experience it is very draining as a fan to be standing up cheering the whole time your team is on defense, and to come up to a key third down, giving it your all, losing your voice, only to watch your defense yet again give up yet another 1st down. Our defense is absolutely terrible on third downs and that is the ultimate crowd killer.

I was late - 20 minutes to get in!!!!!!

I sat down right after the kickoff and I was pissed off. I got into line at 10:38am thinking I would have plenty of time. The lines suck!!!

Happens everywhere every week. People have friends. That go to other schools.

To each his own but I don't really buy that. I can't imagine it happening at an Ohio State or PSU game, or any big SEC school. Perhaps it's just a different football culture. Again though, doesn't bother me elsewhere in the stadium, but I really don't like it in the student section.

I'm a new student, so I don't know if this is normal, but I can't imagine it happening at most other big schools. Also, as a Wisconsin fan why would you want to sit in the Gopher student section when there was a very solid visitor section???

Although we would like to think that we can keep every other school out of the section there will inevitable be some people leaking in. I remember at a basketball game last year I think a kid from Wisconsin was in the student section and someone threw some pizza on him or something. That was pretty funny.

Although it has been mentioned in another thread the thing I was most disappointed with was our crowd leaving the game as early as they did. Just ridiculously embarrassing that we have a bunch of losers who want to leave when there is plenty of game left to play just to save a bit of driving time.

Watched the ESPN feed from a great distance from you all...Unfortunately, even the most ardent and manic crowd alone cannot will a team to victory if the opponent demonstates more power, talent, focus and discipline in certain key phases of the game. Wishing for a better result and "what-iffing" won't get it done...Brew & Staff will be addressing some serious problems, lapses and shortcomings that were exposed today.

I'm sick and tired of being asked to carry this team. We're supposed to cheer and make noise when the other team has the ball on 3rd down, we're supposed to have Gold Outs we're supposed to do everything to help this team. When are they going to help themselves.......6 stratight losses to Wisconsin is pathetic. I want something back for my financial and emotional investment in this program........I'm sick and tired of mediocrity. This is a mediocre Wisconsin team and we still couldn't beat them.

I'm sick and tired of being asked to carry this team. We're supposed to cheer and make noise when the other team has the ball on 3rd down, we're supposed to have Gold Outs we're supposed to do everything to help this team. When are they going to help themselves.......6 stratight losses to Wisconsin is pathetic. I want something back for my financial and emotional investment in this program........I'm sick and tired of mediocrity. This is a mediocre Wisconsin team and we still couldn't beat them.

Then don't renew your season tickets. plain and simple.

As for the fans, it wasnt 50K of Gophers fans. The moron season ticket holders next to me sold their tickets to some Wisky fans. Lots of red around my area which sucked.

Get Loud

As for the fans, it wasnt 50K of Gophers fans. The moron season ticket holders next to me sold their tickets to some Wisky fans. Lots of red around my area which sucked.

Then call them out on it next game.

We can also get loud on 1st and 2nd down. Everyone sits on there hands for the first 2, then get up for the 3rd. And then sits back on there hands.

Hey, you have to admitt though the atmosphere is 3 fold of the domes. Keep gettin louder!!!!!!!!

As for the fans, it wasnt 50K of Gophers fans. The moron season ticket holders next to me sold their tickets to some Wisky fans. Lots of red around my area which sucked.

On TV, it didn't look like 50,000 fans for either team. Lots of empty seats. I wouldn't break ground on that expansion to 80,000 just yet.

what the hell, the stadium wasn't full and all we heard all week was how hard it was to get tickets. You watch Iowa v Penn State in pouring rain and the place is packed. We are an embarrassment. And for all those people who hate the Dome, well, Minnesotans are not going to go to games in bad weather. Too bad, Twins, but you are going to suffer with bad weater.

The stadium was full

I was there, it was full. This is the same statement from the other two home games, so stop posting about it. Sellout. The students crowd the lower section leaving the top two rows open. Done. Don't post about it again next week.

I watched the game, the only seats open were just a plymouth gopher said. Even the red mixed in with the gold was minimal, except of course in the Badger ticket areas. It looked decent on TV. I do wish they'd over sell the student section.

It wasn't full at kickoff..but it was packed by mid first quarter. Not sure what people are bitching about..the stadium was packed...again. The students are packed in tight..leavin the top seats open. If anything, they need to open a few more seats up for sale for the students.

It wasn't full at kickoff..but it was packed by mid first quarter. Not sure what people are bitching about..the stadium was packed...again. The students are packed in tight..leavin the top seats open. If anything, they need to open a few more seats up for sale for the students.

Exactly. Keep in mind fans can stand in the concourse area and the rim and watch the game which is what some choose to do. That also gives the appearance of some MT seats. I was pleased by the very few number of no shows in my section.

I wonder why the UM doesn't choose to sell standing room in the west plaza end zone.

Gopher fans are adjusting well to TCF and the new environment. And the older crowd is showing up in questionable weather.

Exactly. Keep in mind fans can stand in the concourse area and the rim and watch the game which is what some choose to do. That also gives the appearance of some MT seats. I was pleased by the very few number of no shows in my section.

I wonder why the UM doesn't choose to sell standing room in the west plaza end zone.

Gopher fans are adjusting well to TCF and the new environment. And the older crowd is showing up in questionable weather.

I wonder if the Fire Marshal would allow selling more tickets than what the official capacity is listed at.

In my section I felt fans were just sitting there, many basically doing nothing, seemingly like they were just trying to stay warm and fearing how to possibly stay dry.

IMHO, this is a new culture that fans will need to get used to. "They" always said that "they" wanted an outdoor stadium. Now it's here, they need to get used to it and put up with it.

I am 64 and an old fart sitting behind me said that he hoped I wasn't going to be standing up all game. Told him I wasn't at the Ordway and he needed to go there if he wanted to sit all day. Guy next to me, first time I've seen him all year, said "THIS IS RIDICULOUS" when the first time on 3rd down fans stood up. He was p*****. Basically sat there with his arms folded all day until he left at middle of 4th quarter.

Am betting there won't be some fans renewing there tickets next year in Sec. 137!!! Good Riddance!!!!!!!

Then call them out on it next game.

We can also get loud on 1st and 2nd down. Everyone sits on there hands for the first 2, then get up for the 3rd. And then sits back on there hands.

Hey, you have to admitt though the atmosphere is 3 fold of the domes. Keep gettin louder!!!!!!!!

Exactly. Give them a hard time. Don't be a complete jerk about it but embarrass them. Hopefully they won't do it next time because they won't want to have to deal with it again.


I wonder if the Fire Marshal would allow selling more tickets than what the official capacity is listed at.

In my section I felt fans were just sitting there, many basically doing nothing, seemingly like they were just trying to stay warm and fearing how to possibly stay dry.

IMHO, this is a new culture that fans will need to get used to. "They" always said that "they" wanted an outdoor stadium. Now it's here, they need to get used to it and put up with it.

I am 64 and an old fart sitting behind me said that he hoped I wasn't going to be standing up all game. Told him I wasn't at the Ordway and he needed to go there if he wanted to sit all day. Guy next to me, first time I've seen him all year, said "THIS IS RIDICULOUS" when the first time on 3rd down fans stood up. He was p*****. Basically sat there with his arms folded all day until he left at middle of 4th quarter.

Am betting there won't be some fans renewing there tickets next year in Sec. 137!!! Good Riddance!!!!!!!

About where in 137 are you? I am in row 9 and immediately had the guy behind me yelling for us to sit down on every third down play (despite the fact everyone ahead of us was up as well).... This is the same guy who pisses and moans about every play call and pass incompletion. Also bitched that the Air Force win was "too close". Unreal.

Student Section got it done

I don't know what the rest of you saw, but I can tell you the student section did not take a single down off on defense all day. We literally started screaming most plays BEFORE the Badgers even broke the huddle! When the ball was on our side of the field Wisconsin had a lot of difficulty hearing their calls.

HOWEVER, the rest of the stadium only shows up on 3rd down. Listen people, if the opposing Offense gets a false start on 1st and 2nd down because they can't hear themselves, then 3rd down will be that much easier for the Gopher D. There was one kid in the student section who attempted to get me to quiet down (he was trying to impress the girl next to him, she was clearly not used to a REAL student section). I kindly explained that in the student section people cheer.

It's time for the rest of the crowd to show up!

Ahli -

We're in another part of the stadium and typically stand on defensive 3rd downs, on kick-offs and on big plays (e.g. the fumble that Sherels ran in for a TD). There were a couple of small kids in the row behind us -- no way would I stand and block their view for the entire game. (I suspect that there aren't too many small kids in the student section, eh?) There's also a few older fans who I suspect have a bit of a difficult time getting up and down ... again, I'm not going to block their view for the entire game.

BTW, probably like you, we stayed for the full game. Wish that all the fans -- including some in the student section -- had done that.



Students were great and doing their part.

Very pleased.

Go Gophers! Beat Purdue!

Also, I have one HUGE complaint about this game in particular. As a student I was extremely embarrassed that there were several Badger fans in the student section. I'm a new student, so I don't know if this is normal, but I can't imagine it happening at most other big schools.

First Gopher football game? I was shocked at how little red there was in the student section. Far more Gold at Camp Randall.

Also, as a Wisconsin fan why would you want to sit in the Gopher student section when there was a very solid visitor section???

Because they're U of M students and can get tickets at a fraction of the price.

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