T on Bo

Define "many". I'd put him up there with the best of the whiners.

He got two T's last year, both at home. When you work the refs like he does, it is the risk you take. He really is no worse then many coaches out there.

Bo can be explained using a children's fable...

Tubby effectively "works" the refs as well.

The reason Bo's didn't work tonight is taught to young children using "The boy who cried 'wolf'" fable.

The fact that Bo was yelling basically nonstop from the start of the game, even on calls that were going in their favor, means that his bitching simply becomes "noise" to the referees. It has no power or meaning when a legitimately questionable call occurs.

Tubby holds a calm demeanor, but when he gets mad, the refs know that he damn well means it and that there is probably a legitimate point to be argued.

Have to agree with GV here. Aside from always getting that expression like he's a two year thats just had his lollipop taken way, I'd love it if he would just shut up and coach.

Sorry GL, I know how you feel about Izzo, but he is right behind Bo when it comes to being a crybaby. I cringe when I see any coach almost brought to tears because they are so upset. It's quite embarrassing.

This has been out before. Very appropriate today. (Hope I managed the image directions right.)


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