So, I have a legitimate question on the (potential) Title IX investigation - wouldn't the victim have to agree to participate and release the evidence to the U? Otherwise how do they proceed? I'm assuming the evidence MPD collected is not public. I'm assuming the players sign something when they accept a scholarship that grants the U the right to see any police investigation but in a case where there is a victim, I'd assume she retain the right to privacy, right?
In fact, can the U even find out who she is without violating her right to privacy? Do the cops ask her to contact the U or if they can pass her contact info along?
I'm not being sarcastic or trying to say the players were in the right or in the wrong. I really just am wondering how, besides just asking the players what happened, they could proceed.
I have no inside knowledge whether the victim was willing to participate or not in this case, I just got to wondering.