Suspended players will NOT be charged!

Courts of justice and public opinion aside, how is the from a football standpoint? Expect some rust? Even with rust, better than the options we had vs. Penn State? Thoughts?

Rust yes, but the depth certainly can't hurt.

Tracy is coaching for his career this season. Fairly or not.

They will be on the field tomorrow.

You are framing this as though Claeys is putting them on the field BECAUSE his job is in jeopardy (it's really not), and not because they were suspended for breaking rules, and have paid the price and been cleared.

You are framing this as though Claeys is putting them on the field BECAUSE his job is in jeopardy (it's really not), and not because they were suspended for breaking rules, and have paid the price and been cleared.

Also making the assumption that Claeys is making the decision.

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Courts of justice and public opinion aside, how is the from a football standpoint? Expect some rust? Even with rust, better than the options we had vs. Penn State? Thoughts?

I think because they play on defense they'll be able to shake off the rust faster than if they were on offense. Depth will definitely help.

When F. Lee Hutton talks...people listen!

Feel need to tap breaks on #Gophers players coming back in time for Iowa. Hear there's possible Title IX investigation that could factor in.

Tweet from Andy Greder

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Feel need to tap breaks on #Gophers players coming back in time for Iowa. Hear there's possible Title IX investigation that could factor in.

Yeah!!! You get an investigation. I get an investigation. Everyone gets an investigation!!!!


Feel need to tap breaks on #Gophers players coming back in time for Iowa. Hear there's possible Title IX investigation that could factor in.

Tweet from Andy Greder

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I hate this school.

If they aren't playing, I think you will have seen the first A.D. Power play. Sad

Feel need to tap breaks on #Gophers players coming back in time for Iowa. Hear there's possible Title IX investigation that could factor in.

Tweet from Andy Greder

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Anyone know how title ix factors into this?

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If they aren't playing, I think you will have seen the first A.D. Power play. Sad

These decisions are made above the AD. Coyle and Pitino had no say in when Lynch was cleared.

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Feel need to tap breaks on #Gophers players coming back in time for Iowa. Hear there's possible Title IX investigation that could factor in.

Tweet from Andy Greder

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Lee Huton's PR makes more sense now.

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Don't think Coyle was here for the Lynch deal. If what you write is even remotely correct, then we really know that the President talked out of both sides of his mouth and his wish to see a winner on the football field. Again very sad.

How does title 9 factor in? I hope these players sue the s h i ^ out of this school if that's the case. Just because Kaler was completely incompetent in hiring his last AD. Honestly starting to think Minnesota should just shut down major sports at the U. All this pious in the sky about academics. They're are other schools that are better academically that are way better athletically. No guts, just kowtow. The rest of the nation just laughs at the U of M.

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How does title 9 factor in? I hope these players sue the s h i ^ out of this school if that's the case. Just because Kaler was completely incompetent in hiring his last AD. Honestly starting to think Minnesota should just shut down major sports at the U. All this pious in the sky about academics. They're are other schools that are better academically that are way better athletically. No guts, just kowtow. The rest of the nation just laughs at the U of M.

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No, the rest of the nation has dealt with this. Not going to look for it but the University of Colorado was one school. Have no idea who did what but this might be a lot more involved than, "No charges ... Great, let them play against Iowa ... What, they can't? ... I'm going to throw a fit because this U sucks." In the meantime:

OCR, which is the federal agency responsible for enforcing Title IX, has issued a Sexual Harassment Guidance covering harassment of students by school employees, other students, and third parties. OCR mandates that schools take "prompt and effective action to end harassment and prevent its recurrence."14 Similarly, federal regulations require schools that discriminate on the basis of sex—including ignoring sexual harassment—to “take remedial action” to correct the effects of that discrimination.

How does title 9 factor in? I hope these players sue the s h i ^ out of this school if that's the case. Just because Kaler was completely incompetent in hiring his last AD. Honestly starting to think Minnesota should just shut down major sports at the U. All this pious in the sky about academics. They're are other schools that are better academically that are way better athletically. No guts, just kowtow. The rest of the nation just laughs at the U of M.

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The sheer volume of grammatical errors makes this rant against academics even more amusing.

Title IX requires an investigation if the complainant is also a student. Recent court cases have curtailed them somewhat, requiring more due process, allowing the defendant to mount a defense. At a minimum the file needs to be reviewed. One possible outcome is that they decide that given the possible level of punishment any proceeding would be moot because they've already served the penalty. The student code of conduct and the athletes scholarship agreement are the controlling documents going forward.

Anyone know how title ix factors into this?

Sent from my Commodore 64 using Tapatalk.

The OCR has mandated that schools investigate any allegations of sexual assault, independent of any police or legal process.

Each school has their own set of criteria and processes, none of which comply with any recognized western legal system. Think: no lawyers allowed, no cross-examination, no introduction of evidence after the fact that may clear the suspect, etc etc. The proceedings cannot result in prison time but can result in expulsion, loss of ability to attend college, etc etc and all the ramifications.

Title IX is currently under attack around the country by the illegally slandered, and rightfully so.

There is no reason to sustain their suspension now that the legal system has cleared them. The school faces legal action from the four players if subjected to that kangaroo court.

I guess I'll vote for Trump. He will get rid of Title 9.

The OCR has mandated that schools investigate any allegations of sexual assault, independent of any police or legal process.

Each school has their own set of criteria and processes, none of which comply with any recognized western legal system. Think: no lawyers allowed, no cross-examination, no introduction of evidence after the fact that may clear the suspect, etc etc. The proceedings cannot result in prison time but can result in expulsion, loss of ability to attend college, etc etc and all the ramifications.

Title IX is currently under attack around the country by the illegally slandered, and rightfully so.

There is no reason to sustain their suspension now that the legal system has cleared them. The school faces legal action from the four players if subjected to that kangaroo court.
Good (long) article about this in the Strib last week. Notes a similar situation at St. Thomas where the guy was not charged but was suspended for several semesters. Also the fear that colleges live in.

No, the rest of the nation has dealt with this. Not going to look for it but the University of Colorado was one school. Have no idea who did what but this might be a lot more involved than, "No charges ... Great, let them play against Iowa ... What, they can't? ... I'm going to throw a fit because this U sucks." In the meantime:

OCR, which is the federal agency responsible for enforcing Title IX, has issued a Sexual Harassment Guidance covering harassment of students by school employees, other students, and third parties. OCR mandates that schools take "prompt and effective action to end harassment and prevent its recurrence."14 Similarly, federal regulations require schools that discriminate on the basis of sex—including ignoring sexual harassment—to “take remedial action” to correct the effects of that discrimination.

So I guess a 4 week law enforcement investigation and a review by the DA isn't good enough. This is where I agree with Lee Hutton. It's f'in ridiculous.

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Dear BarnBoy,

1. In my mind timing stinks and therefore I find the entire proceedings to be suspect.

2. So the Hennepin County DA did not know they were not going to press charges on Friday, 30 September 2016? They conveniently wait until Monday, 3 October 2016 to break the news? How convenient for those who cheer for a Golden Gopher defeat.

3. Interesting how this drags out precisely one Monday after losing our Big Ten opener by 3 points in overtime.

Dear BarnBoy,

1. In my mind timing stinks and therefore I find the entire proceedings to be suspect.

2. So the Hennepin County DA did not know they were not going to press charges on Friday, 30 September 2016? They conveniently wait until Monday, 3 October 2016 to break the news? How convenient for those who cheer for a Golden Gopher defeat.

3. Interesting how this drags out precisely one Monday after losing our Big Ten opener by 3 points in overtime.

Why is this addressed to me? I'm confused, as always.

No, the rest of the nation has dealt with this. Not going to look for it but the University of Colorado was one school. Have no idea who did what but this might be a lot more involved than, "No charges ... Great, let them play against Iowa ... What, they can't? ... I'm going to throw a fit because this U sucks." In the meantime:

OCR, which is the federal agency responsible for enforcing Title IX, has issued a Sexual Harassment Guidance covering harassment of students by school employees, other students, and third parties. OCR mandates that schools take "prompt and effective action to end harassment and prevent its recurrence."14 Similarly, federal regulations require schools that discriminate on the basis of sex—including ignoring sexual harassment—to “take remedial action” to correct the effects of that discrimination.

The University of Colorado case was nowhere near similar to this, nor were the others I could find. They were about a systematic pattern.

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There's nothing wrong with the County Attorney's Office handling of the case, they got the case on Thursday, the decision not to prosecute came on Monday. I personally think two business days is pretty good. To comply with the OCR requirement they need to review the case file to see if further action is warranted. A recent case against Brown University found that they had to include exculpatory evidence in the review. The Brown case set a tougher standard for university disciplinary proceedings. There may be some student conduct action, involving sensitivity training or something similar, but they should be able to practice and play.

Dear Barnboy,

I hope the players are reinstated soon.

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From Strib story -

Lee Hutton, an attorney representing the players, said the players have been told by Claeys that they've been reinstated and will be able to practice with the team on Tuesday. A team spokesman said Claeys will be available to address the suspensions at his regularly scheduled Tuesday news conference.

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