Studwell vs. Student Section

It's funny that people are actually surprised by the fact that students didn't show up at 11am, when it was 35 degrees out, to watch a team that has lost two games already. Also, homecoming doesn't mean jack to students anymore, so that is not enough incentive to go to the game either.

Did you really expect a new stadium to fix our fair-weather fan base? Minnesota is going to have crappy fans forever. In every sport.

Thanks troll, please take off now

It's funny that people are actually surprised by the fact that students didn't show up at 11am, when it was 35 degrees out, to watch a team that has lost two games already. Also, homecoming doesn't mean jack to students anymore, so that is not enough incentive to go to the game either.

Did you really expect a new stadium to fix our fair-weather fan base? Minnesota is going to have crappy fans forever. In every sport.

Appreciate the time you took to register to leave that steaming pile. You must be winning at life....

You think it's the responsibility of students to attend a football game just because they happen to go to the school? I'm not sure about that.

I think it's up to the university to cultivate a program that inspires that kind of loyalty, it's not incumbent upon anyone to attend just because they're getting an education there. Ostensibly the first purpose of college is learning not football.

Yeah, I was referring to those students who have tickets, not all students attending the university.

As I recall, demand for student tickets was pretty high and they were unable to provide tickets for all interested students. IMO, if you were fortunate enough to get a ticket, you should be dedicated enough to show up and support the squad.

There ya go, pick on the students. Part of the problem might be that no matter what us students do, we did it wrong. If we don't go to the game, we are terrible fans. If we do go to the game, we didn't cheer well enough, and are terrible fans. We weren't the only section that had people not show up to their seats, and had people leave early...

I'm frankly sick of the 11 AM games. Nobody wants to show up that early for anything and especially after a hard night of partying it's no wonder many students chose to sit inside and sleep some more rather than brave the elements. I know you'll all say they have to suck it up, but this is a transition period--these kids are all used to temperature controlled Metrodome and never had to weigh whether it was worth standing outside for three hours in the cold.

maybe they should not have presold student tickets. first come first serve at the gates. An hour before the game the ticket office opens up what hasn't been sold to the general public. Make attendance the demand part of supply and demand, not the ticket. If you want a seat we demand attendance. Just saying, it always boils down to econ.

maybe only half presold, and the rest game day, and using a body count to determine how many game day tickets get sold. In other words if a thousand presold don't show, expand the game day available by a grand. there's always a way. And if some show up late, well they'll have to get cozy with someone.

There ya go, pick on the students. Part of the problem might be that no matter what us students do, we did it wrong. If we don't go to the game, we are terrible fans. If we do go to the game, we didn't cheer well enough, and are terrible fans. We weren't the only section that had people not show up to their seats, and had people leave early...

Lets get this straight, because I can see how this is confusing: NOBODY here is ripping the students that were in attendance. I think I speak for all of us when I say the ones that were there were AWESOME. The problem is not you, it is the ones that were not there who I think everyone, and rightfully so, are ripping on.

Just so you know, the ones that were there did it right!! The no-shows need to be addressed in the off-season, it was quite a pathetic scene. As was mentioned, there were probably more regular ticket holding no-shows that we could even notice because the seats backs can blend in as people. It was just a pathetic showing from a mostly pathetic fan base, lets just be blunt. College football is not the "what have you done for me lately" type sport, that would be the NFL, and the players who get paid millions, not the ones who give us a thousand hours of work each year playing football in return for a "free education". That education is not really free, lets take the amount of hours that go into a sport like football and divide that into tuition costs. Probably comes out to be about a typical summer job wage. The ones who say that is a good excuse not to go to the games: FUC& your pathetic selves :eek:

I think its kind of worthless to rip students who didn't attend on this board. I guarantee you they will never see it on this board. I am a student and do as much as I can to hassle students I know are just sitting on tickets to go to the game, but sometimes there is just no interest when the alternative is getting blackout drunk at 11:00 A.M (wtf is up with that anyway)

Whining about stduent section overblown.

The student section was just as full as the rest of the stadium. I know looking out from section 220 that there were alot of empty seats intersparsed throughout the stadium. The reason why it looks worse in the student section is for the simple fact that it is general admission. Meaning that every one packs in close to their friends and as close to the field as possible. Meaning that all those empty seats that kind of blend in with all the other sections gets magnified in the corners of the student section.

A few points I would very much enjoy making as recent U grad and Gopher Football Fan.

First of all, remember that a student section will ALWAYS look more empty than any other section for 2 main reasons- first, the students all crowd up to the front of the section where as season ticket holders are more likely to stay in their assigned seats. A block of 100 open seats looks worse than 100 open seats dispersed over an entire section of fans.

Second, if anyone here actually thinks the students are paying attention to seats and seat numbers, they are crazy. Even without bench seats in the dome, we crammed more people than there were seats into a row. Bench seats would just make this easier. This means that more seats near the top will be empty as the front is overcrowded.

Oh, and just for the record, as a recent graduate and avid sports fan at the U. Homecoming means NOTHING, NADA, NIL, ZERO, ZILCH. I went to a few homecoming "events" and there was barely anybody there, there is no passion about homecoming. To 97% of the student population it is just another game.

Here is a very amateur video from homecoming 2 years ago. Granted we were destroyed in this game, but check out the attendance in the 4th quarter compared to yesterday.

alright...i know i posted this earlier but with all the cramming people do, the student section will never look 100% full so get off our back for that point...Yes, some people don't show up because they're drunk but that's the way it is, until our program builds a winning tradition, it's going to be tough to get every fan into the stands for every game, as sad as it sounds, there are bandwagon fans in this world and not everyone is a gopherholer...

lastly, after halftime a bunch of people left and then again after the fourth quarter, but that was fine with me since i was able to move down to the lower bowl and get spots in the 5th row...makes me happy, i still yell loud

I think you'll see people leaving early forever. They like to drink, and so many will opt to finish the game in a local drinking establishment.

Distance to travel to game:
Studwell 2k miles.....Students 2 miles.

Place of residence night before game:
Studwell spends night in Milwaukee airport terminal....Students at home.

Means of transportation to game:
Studwell arrives via one bus, a train, three airlines and a taxi....Students arrive by foot.

Tailgating performance:
Studwell up for 48 hours straight, still found making six beers disappear by 8:30am. Arrives with luggage in tow...Students...nowhere to be seen.

Attendance at game:
Studwell, Sir yes sir....Students, nope.

Happy that the Trip from Hell ended happily. Thanks for the beers this morning guys!

All I know is if the student section (or our fan base in general), had 1/10th the dedication that Studwell has, we'd have the best fan base in the nation. This guy had a full out planes, trains and automobiles experience to get to the game. And that's the last nice thing I'm going to say about S. Well for the year. See you in 2010...until then, I'll just partake in making fun of him :)

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