Earlier in this thread, I sent an email to Mr. Maturi and Mr. Diem, Marching Band Director, regarding my comments regarding the gameday in and around TCF. I posted Maturi's response but not Mr. Diem's. Here is my response back to them. Shoot them an email voicing your concern(s) and opinions.
Mr. Diem and Mr. Maturi,
Thanks for taking time from your busy schedules and duties to respond to my concerns about promoting a better game day atmosphere for Gopher football.
I am an active participant in
www.forums.gopherhole.com and I know there is a lot of interest from Gopher fans to establish new traditions and also preserve those from the past. With the advent of TCF, new opportunities exist but there seems to be a common thread that little has been established to date to create an exciting and fun filled gameday experience around TCF. More affordable tailgating opportunities closer to TCF seems to be the largest concern followed by generating more excitement in and around TCF.
Moving the pregame to 75 minutes prior to KO will help. We usually made the pre-game show at the dome and always enjoyed watching the band march from the plaze to the entrance. I know that Jackie and I will have more incentive to attend this Fall as that will fit better into our day due to the long drive from Bayfield and attendance should improve. But it pales in comparison to attending the Badger pregame at the UW Student Union. We would never miss that.
We all realize the budget crunches of the current economy. I know both of you are considering all possible ways to increase revenues. Please don't sell the season ticket holders short, along with the alumni, in efforts to fund the needs of the march band including the reality of having the band in attendance at a future away game. And please encourage Mr.Kaler to move ahead with getting the legislature out of the way of liquor sales in the suites to generate more revenue which was a part of the original plan in building TCF.
I find it interesting that the OSU band took the liberty to march from Bierman to TCF without pre-approval from the MSP police. I assume the OSU director was not ticketed by campus or MSP police!!

>) I commend them for their action which made the most sense logistically in that case. Did anyone hear of any huge traffic jams as a result of their initiative? Maybe that in itself shows what can be done.
Said that, my sister, her husband and son who are huge OSU fans, became very, very excited when the OSU band approached TCF. Once they spotted Brutus leading the way, they virtually ran from our perch in front of The Barn, where we were enjoying a pregame brew, to the curb to cheer them on. That is what this is all about; enthusiasm and excitement. A magnet affect. I know we would do the same if the band made an appearance at Kinnick or Camp Randall. Frankly, we find little to cheer about in and around TCF and hope that changes soon. Like I said about pregame two hours before kick-off, "we really didn't care if we missed it."
Please do not bury efforts to bring back the march down University Avenue. Rather, consider how effective that could be in creating excitment and atmosphere compared to doing pregame at the Plaza. In my opinion, the comparison would be heavily weighed on the march versus the poorly attended pre-game at the Plaza. Consider trying that approach one time and see the response rather than assuming that there isn't....."(Mr. Diem) an advantage of any kind to bring that back." or accepting "(Mr. Maturi) we hoped to restore that tradition but were not given permission by the Police to do so, and with construction............" I refuse to believe nor accept that for such a short time period. The city closes of other areas of the city for events.. Or do a practice run. Maybe a poll of season ticket holder may be a way to determine the interest of the fans. In my opinion, this would be a worthy project for Marketing, which could certainly use some input rather than assuming they know the needs and desires of the fans.
Not being aware of the hierachy and planning in relation to game day, it seems as if the Marketing Department carries a lot of weight in decision-making. I realize that teamwork is important but can't one of you, or both, just say that Sweet Caroline will be played between 3rd and 4th quarter?. Mr. Maturi wrote that "You don't want me making that decision. Yes I do Joel. Just do it!! End of discussion!! Funny how the OSU band just did it. Anyone can see that the playing of Sweet Caroline is one time where all fans, young and old, really get into it. To me that would be one new tradition that could easily be established. Fans are anxious and eager to get involved which is hard to do considering all the promo activity for revenue generating reasons during breaks that greatly takes away from the atmosphere. And keep pushing for more band time Mr. Diem as fans much prefer hearing your wonderful band.
Finally, we have to be more creative when it comes to getting more student involvement. Sure winning will help and that in itself would solve many issues. But people need a reason to attend and not just winning. The Oak Street focus may help. Once again, more tailgating opportunites comes to the fore front with this issue both for the students and other fans.
Sorry Mr. Maturi, but I do not agree that "I believe we are headed in the right direction." Maybe in terms of revenue but not in terms of producing an improved gameday atmosphere. There are times when I make decisions operating my business that are in the best interest in creating better customer relations over increased revenues. I believe that it is necessary to take steps to give people good reasons, other than dollar related, to use our services. We don't just promote our business but we promote the Bayfield area as a whole. And it has worked for us as we are still in business during these difficult times as our clients appreciate and value what we have to offer.
Thanks for all your efforts with these issues and I hope that we continue to make progress in making the University of Minnesota the place to be on Saturdays. We are excited to have Coach Kill on board and will be there as we have for many years.