Talk about being frustrated after reading Maturi's response. Defer things, ask other departments to do it, take no position, etc. Isn't he the AD and doesn't that title carry some weight. Maybe not if the AD is a lightweight!
I will try to compose myself before I respond.
Thank you for your email and for your support of the Gophers. I will do my best to answer each question below.
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 8:48 AM, gary <
[email protected]> wrote:
We are huge Gopher fans, have held football season tickets going on twenty five years and have followed the program for close to sixty years.. During that time, there have been other things lacking with the football program besides no Big Ten titles, Rose Bowls or major bowls.
The lack of an on campus stadium has been detrimental to the football program and to the University as well. College football gameday is a great event but the atmosphere at the University of Minnesota falls far short to that of the other Big Ten schools as well as most universities across our land. Now that we have a great on campus stadium, the University has a Golden opportunity to be on a level playing field with our competition.
We know there are many Gopher fans who want to be a part of establishing new traditions as well as maintaining those from the past. The Marching Band is a large part of that tradition and is an organization that has represented the University very well. Most fans want a better gameday atmosphere and have reasons to arrive early and stay late. Many fans, including us, have experienced gamedays in other Big Ten campuses which has not been matched at the University of Minnesota.
We offer the following suggestions to help improve our gameday situation.
1. Allow more opportunity for tailgating within a closer proximity to TCF. The high cost of parking in those lots prohibits that as we have witnessed very little activity in those lots.
We have worked hard to develop a "Tailgating" atmosphere at our football games. We realize that it will take time to create new traditions. Athletics does not control parking. that is handled by our Office of Parking and Transportation. They determine the rates although Athletics did determine giving levels to allow access to purchase. I do believe we are headed in the right direction.
2. Go back to the band pregame one hour prior to kick-off. Attendance will improve as most fans are still enroute to TCF or tailgating a significant distance from the event. My wife and I attended two of the pregame last year which is difficult as we travel four hours from Bayfield. I have to say, the atmosphere was lacking to the point that we really didn't care if we missed it. And will do the same this Fall unless it is closer to game time. Thousands of Badger fans attend the pregame and it is a fun event to witness.
I will let Professor Diem answer this question. The Band has been GREAT - I am their biggest fan. They are there for the "Victory Walk" and have done everything we have asked.
3. Bring back the tradition of the band marching down University Avenue. We have fond memories of those days. No question, this would require close logistics with the city. If not University Avenue, consider other streets or even Scholars Walk or other areas. The OSU Marching Band was able to march to TCF last year and somehow that was made a reality. Why not our band?
We had hoped to restore this tradition but were not given permission by the Police to do so and with the construction and traffic challenges do not beleive we would have any success if we requested such this year. Maybe once the Light Rail is complete in 2014.
4. Consider an annual or semi-annual trip for the Marching Band. Having a visiting band at a Gopher game adds greatly to the atmosphere. We realize funds are very tight. But we are confident that Gopher fans will help with that. We would certainly add a small donation to make that happen with our season ticket renewal if that was made available. And we would drop a buck or two at donation sites within the concourse of TCF for that purpose. We are not aware of any effort to allow the public to assist with fund raising other than a direct contribution to the music program.
Professor Diem and I wold love for our Band to travel. Right now it is about money, as you suggest. What additional fund raising would need to be done by the Band and they have many needs.
5. As season ticket holders, we have never received notice of the Marching Band Concerts thus have never attended. We do receive regular emails from the AD and ticket office which helps greatly with communication.
I do not know if the Band concert is advertised by Athletics or not. I am certain we would help out if asked.
6. We realize that advertising revenue sources are a priority, but come on. The stuff that goes on during time outs at TCF has gone way overboard, is obnoxious and destroys the atmosphere. We know that fans would much rather hear the band play than some promo that most fans ignore. And also consider doing far less piped in and loud music.
That promo stuff is important financially. We do our best to limit.
7. Said that, we would love to have Sweet Caroline become a tradition between the third and fourth quarter as the crowd, young and old, really enjoy it and get into it!!
I will let our Marketing people determine this. You do not want me making that decision.
8. Get the Board of Regents approval to sell alcohol in the suites, as orginally planned, to increase revenues. The Minnesota legislature has no business in that matter.
I believe the Board is ready to allow alcohol in the Premium Areas once the Legislator allows us to do so without selling to the general public.
9. Other than Band Day, invite high school bands to perform in parking lots and also in the TCF area. No question that there is always room in the student section to seat a couple of high school bands.
Again, I will defer to Professor Diem and our Marketing people. Nice touch.
10. Finally, the administration must seek ways to encourage greater support from the students. Its embarassing to see the student section less than full, or even less than one quarter full, especially at the Iowa game. We realize that it was holdiay break but we know that many of those seats could have been filled by area high school students or other college students.
I can assure you that no one works harder at engaging the students that we have. We did get permission last month to close Oak Street and plan on some major events to attract our students. Winning will help and I am excited about what Coach Kill brings to Minnesota.
We realize that it takes time to establish gameday traditions that will result in a great atmosphere.. But to date, we have not seen that nor are there opportunities and reasons for us to arrive early and stay late.
We have a great home schedule this year! See you at the games!
Joel Maturi
Thank you for considering my letter and go Gophers!!
Joel Maturi
Director of Athletics
University of Minnesota
250 Bierman Bldg
516 15th Ave SE
Minneapolis MN 55455
612-624-2100 office
[email protected]