STrib update: U leaders called to special meeting Tuesday to discuss Claeys' future

University Administrators do not have the background and training that corporate management have, my experience is that in matters related to people issues or personnel matters they do not do a very good job, not sure these administrators are any different than they are anyplace else.

In any case, I am beginning to become TRULY embarrassed, as an alumnus, parent of current student, donor, multi season ticket holder and fan, as to how this is being handled.

I apologize to coach Claeys and his staff. This is loony tunes.

I listened to Doogie's latest podcast this morning and he mentioned that the regents were having the meeting to figure out the exact timeline of communication surrounding this mess to identify what caused it to blow up and how things can be avoided in the future. He also mentioned that the majority of boosters seem to be in support of Claeys vs wanting him fired.

If the above is true, my guess is this meeting benefits Claeys more than it hurts.

If this is true I am pleased as it shows that some Regents get it.
Please Doogie have it right this time :).

Doogie tweeted that Dean Johnson wanted the meeting, and that he doesn't sense that Johnson wants a coaching change.

We know that after the basketball coach extension that the regents expressed an interest in being involved in future decisions.

This could be an extension of that.

It will be interesting to see the outcome. Most people will tell you that the Board of Regents shouldn't micro-manage who the football coach is and that if Kahler and Coyle are taking orders from a faction of the Board of Regents it does not bode well for Kahler or Coyle or Claeys in the long run.

The last thing you want is for the Board of Regents to be calling the shots on this because that is not how major public universities should be run. The president must have the full backing of the Board of Regents.

I still say that Claeys will be retained but not offered an extension which means he either resigns or must work his butt off for a comparable season next year for a extension. When you consider the field of candidates available (Les Miles, Chip, Fleck) you can argue that waiting another year and saving some buyout money would be wise. I say the compromise between the President, the AD, and the Board is no firing but no contract extension. That is the best Claeys can get at this point.

Only at Minnesota would it be handled this sh*t show run by clowns and jokers.

Agreed. It takes over a week to meet??? While the financial backbone of the athletics program is blowing in the wind with recruits watching?

Minn admin does not want a football team. If they did they would proceed with more urgency and leadership.

Disgusting. Poor. Sad.

I listened to Doogie's latest podcast this morning and he mentioned that the regents were having the meeting to figure out the exact timeline of communication surrounding this mess to identify what caused it to blow up and how things can be avoided in the future. He also mentioned that the majority of boosters seem to be in support of Claeys vs wanting him fired.

If the above is true, my guess is this meeting benefits Claeys more than it hurts.

This is the only thing that I've seen in this thread that maybe makes sense of the meeting.

If this is true I am pleased as it shows that some Regents get it.
Please Doogie have it right this time :).

Urgency is needed. Not sure the regents actually do get it or they wouldn't allow th clown show this long.

It will be interesting to see the outcome. Most people will tell you that the Board of Regents shouldn't micro-manage who the football coach is and that if Kahler and Coyle are taking orders from a faction of the Board of Regents it does not bode well for Kahler or Coyle or Claeys in the long run.

The last thing you want is for the Board of Regents to be calling the shots on this because that is not how major public universities should be run. The president must have the full backing of the Board of Regents.

I still say that Claeys will be retained but not offered an extension which means he either resigns or must work his butt off for a comparable season next year for a extension. When you consider the field of candidates available (Les Miles, Chip, Fleck) you can argue that waiting another year and saving some buyout money would be wise. I say the compromise between the President, the AD, and the Board is no firing but no contract extension. That is the best Claeys can get at this point.

Agree however with the kaler Coyle clown show someone needs to do something.

Agree however with the kaler Coyle clown show someone needs to do something.

Yeah, I mean delaying just keeps it in the news... looks wonky.

I'm not a fan of the regents making calls on this thing on their own, but if Coyle & Co can't be bothered to do it... someone push them already.

I'm okay with the Regents calling this meeting to get everyone on the same page about how this should work going forward.
I also hope someone will talk about how this EOAA process was new and they can admit they did a poor job of communicating to the players, coaches and public and that the boycott should have been avoided.

It's been an hour and a half, how is this thread not, like, 20 pages by now...?

I'm okay with the Regents calling this meeting to get everyone on the same page about how this should work going forward.
I also hope someone will talk about how this EOAA process was new and they can admit they did a poor job of communicating to the players, coaches and public and that the boycott should have been avoided.

Yeah communication would help, and maybe the regents telling them to get out in front of some of this **** and maybe communicate with the public some positive stuff....

I listened to Doogie's latest podcast this morning and he mentioned that the regents were having the meeting to figure out the exact timeline of communication surrounding this mess to identify what caused it to blow up and how things can be avoided in the future. He also mentioned that the majority of boosters seem to be in support of Claeys vs wanting him fired.

If the above is true, my guess is this meeting benefits Claeys more than it hurts.

My guess is as part of this they are discussing whether Claeys did everything he was legally required to do (report suspected misconduct, etc.) and whether he did everything he's obligated to do under his contract (which likely has more requirements). I am guessing they will also discuss whether what he did was desirable and if not what changes need to be made (training, suspension, firing, etc.).

The other aspect that will be discussed I'd guess would be the liability aspect. Could the U be susceptible to a lawsuit(s) from the victim or other victims based on a perceived pattern and if so would a step such as firing Claeys reduce that liability. If so, that may dictate Claeys' future more than what he actually did or didn't do...

I don't know how this meeting could possibly benefit Claeys. The only way I can think of is if he is shown to have exceeded the requirements of his office and because of that gets an extension he wouldn't have been given. But based solely on his Tweet I can't imagine that happening. He may get the same extension he would have gotten regardless, but I don't see how this could benefit him and I can see a lot of ways this could lead to some sort of punishment and/or termination. Though as others have argued in the long run that could benefit Claeys. :)

I do hope they don't just keep status quo and not extend him. Either fire him or extend him. There is no point in going into next year with a lame duck coach.

I still say that Claeys will be retained but not offered an extension which means he either resigns or must work his butt off for a comparable season next year for a extension. When you consider the field of candidates available (Les Miles, Chip, Fleck) you can argue that waiting another year and saving some buyout money would be wise. I say the compromise between the President, the AD, and the Board is no firing but no contract extension. That is the best Claeys can get at this point.

I hear what you're saying, however, to me, this is the absolute worst case scenario.

If Claeys actions (tweet, recruit issue, etc.) are enough to keep him from being extended, we need to move on as a program. If the U keeps him without extending him, they are simply trying to avoid liability and we are going to have another season in limbo.

Could this meeting be also about Kaler's future just as much as Claeys'?

It's been an hour and a half, how is this thread not, like, 20 pages by now...?

Because many are sick of the real fun is at the "Chip Kelly landing in Minneapolis today" thread!

I'm betting Kahler want's Claeys out, and is looking for the board of regents to approve the $3.00 million in buyouts
plus whatever it will cost to hire a new staff. Kind of lame but that would be my guess.

He waited until now to ask? Boy, if so, he really is that inept as a leader.

I expect we would have heard more political rumblings if that was the case.

Yeah, the University can't fire Kaler right now. If the University wants to get rid of Kaler, they need to wait until after all of this settles. (Firing him makes it seem like they agree he acted incorrectly--> More liability).

It will be interesting to see the outcome. Most people will tell you that the Board of Regents shouldn't micro-manage who the football coach is and that if Kahler and Coyle are taking orders from a faction of the Board of Regents it does not bode well for Kahler or Coyle or Claeys in the long run.

The last thing you want is for the Board of Regents to be calling the shots on this because that is not how major public universities should be run. The president must have the full backing of the Board of Regents.

I still say that Claeys will be retained but not offered an extension which means he either resigns or must work his butt off for a comparable season next year for a extension. When you consider the field of candidates available (Les Miles, Chip, Fleck) you can argue that waiting another year and saving some buyout money would be wise. I say the compromise between the President, the AD, and the Board is no firing but no contract extension. That is the best Claeys can get at this point.

He's clearly used up all his political capital...I think this looks like a situation where the BoR is making it clear that this decision will have a direct impact on him as prez. Seen it many times in business with leaders. Sucks to be him.

On Kaler & his job security:

If he didn't lose his job over the psychiatric drug trial mess (a guy actually committed suicide), he's safe on this.

My guess is as part of this they are discussing whether Claeys did everything he was legally required to do (report suspected misconduct, etc.) and whether he did everything he's obligated to do under his contract (which likely has more requirements). I am guessing they will also discuss whether what he did was desirable and if not what changes need to be made (training, suspension, firing, etc.).

The other aspect that will be discussed I'd guess would be the liability aspect. Could the U be susceptible to a lawsuit(s) from the victim or other victims based on a perceived pattern and if so would a step such as firing Claeys reduce that liability. If so, that may dictate Claeys' future more than what he actually did or didn't do...

I don't know how this meeting could possibly benefit Claeys. The only way I can think of is if he is shown to have exceeded the requirements of his office and because of that gets an extension he wouldn't have been given. But based solely on his Tweet I can't imagine that happening. He may get the same extension he would have gotten regardless, but I don't see how this could benefit him and I can see a lot of ways this could lead to some sort of punishment and/or termination. Though as others have argued in the long run that could benefit Claeys. :)

I do hope they don't just keep status quo and not extend him. Either fire him or extend him. There is no point in going into next year with a lame duck coach.

Well I'd be pretty shocked if they are just getting around to these concerns now...I think it is to give a shot across the bow to Kaler and Coyle.

If this meeting is to decide Claeys fate, then this is just another failure by the university. This could have been done a week ago.

As some have said, hopefully it is to evaluate the situation and see what could have been done differently.

On Kaler & his job security:

If he didn't lose his job over the psychiatric drug trial mess (a guy actually committed suicide), he's safe on this.

Well drug trail mess started before Kaler right?

So the follow up would only be Kaler's issues. Not to say there are none there, but can't hit him on the start of it I don't think.

The biggest cluster that is taking place is this tread of wild speculation.

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The biggest cluster that is taking place is this tread of wild speculation.

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Well the media has been all over "Tracy Claeys future uncertain" for a while now and the folks in charge have done nothing to deal with it....

They could have just said "Tracy is our guy going forward, we'll deal with contract and other details later".... but nope.

Who leaked the report(s)? There could be serious consequences of student privacy rights and HIPA.

Who is responsible for overseeing the hosting of a recruit?

Who leaked the report(s)? There could be serious consequences of student privacy rights and HIPA.

Who is responsible for overseeing the hosting of a recruit?

Best bet. . . her attorney or a member of the EoAA.

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