STrib update: U leaders called to special meeting Tuesday to discuss Claeys' future


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Joe:

With Tracy Claeys’ future as Gophers football coach still uncertain, the University of Minnesota Board of Regents have become involved in the discussions.

On Tuesday, Regents chair Dean Johnson and vice chair David McMillan will meet with university President Eric Kaler, Gophers athletic director Mark Coyle, university general counsel Douglas Peterson and others, according to two people familiar with the plan.

Claeys is not scheduled to be at the meeting, and several sources say it’s unclear if he’ll learn Tuesday whether he’ll be retained as coach.

Go Gophers!!

Hopefully some regents tell them to **** or get off the pot....

On the other hand I'm not a fan of EVERYONE and their mom involved in this. This should be the AD's call, he should want to make that call on his own.

They will name a sixteen member committee to decide on the make up of a fifty member committee that will study the situation and make a recommendation by summer.

what's the rush? the season has only been over for a week and signing day is still a long month away. the admin should continue to take its time. :rolleyes:

Can I have one of those AD jobs? $800,000 to let other people do my job for me. Nice!

This should be Coyle's call. He should make the call, defend it, then have to deal with the fall out. That is his job. WTF is going on here?


This should be Coyle's call. He should make the call, defend it, then have to deal with the fall out. That is his job. WTF is going on here?

If it's one of those things that is above Coyle, what is taking so long? I guess I get it if there are certain times where the powers-that-be demand a change, but they do it. Why the need for the meeting? Especially why the need for the meeting without Claeys present? What more could they possibly learn about the situation without talking to him?

per Joe:

With Tracy Claeys’ future as Gophers football coach still uncertain, the University of Minnesota Board of Regents have become involved in the discussions.

On Tuesday, Regents chair Dean Johnson and vice chair David McMillan will meet with university President Eric Kaler, Gophers athletic director Mark Coyle, university general counsel Douglas Peterson and others, according to two people familiar with the plan.

Claeys is not scheduled to be at the meeting, and several sources say it’s unclear if he’ll learn Tuesday whether he’ll be retained as coach.

Go Gophers!!

Does not bode well for HC TC.

Received an e-mail this morning at 8:48 a.m. from Coyle. His response is this.

Good morning Mr. xxxxxx and thank you for the email.

I appreciate your comments.

Kindest regards, Mark

I think it's more likely the Board of Regents may trump Coyle's decision (or possibly rubber stamp it). Since it is a big news story, the powers that be (kaler and BoR) want to be very aware of the choice that is made.

Well gee, maybe it is about more than what happens to the players....could be many things.

Meanwhile, why is everything in Gopherville handled so awkwardly?

This whole situation is just strange. I know the Title IX investigations complicates things but I don't ever recall there being this much drama over whether or not a coach was going to be fired or extended. I have been really surprised by the lack of power Coyle has shown since taking over. Obviously much of that may not be in his hands but it really feels like he has little control over the situation and the final decision which strikes me as very uncommon for an AD.

Hopefully they get a decision made quickly.

Received an e-mail this morning at 8:48 a.m. from Coyle. His response is this.

Good morning Mr. xxxxxx and thank you for the email.

I appreciate your comments.

Kindest regards, Mark

I'm not saying that I expect any sort of response with substance, but man, this program does not give a crap about their supporters.

Here is an idea. . . write up a response letter, boiler plate and send it to everyone who has chimed in about the situation. Obviously run it by an attorney (so you don't pull a Kaler and open yourself up to liability). That email is annoying. The U of MN needs some major help in dealing with conflict resolution. Wow.

per Joe:

With Tracy Claeys’ future as Gophers football coach still uncertain, the University of Minnesota Board of Regents have become involved in the discussions.

On Tuesday, Regents chair Dean Johnson and vice chair David McMillan will meet with university President Eric Kaler, Gophers athletic director Mark Coyle, university general counsel Douglas Peterson and others, according to two people familiar with the plan.

Claeys is not scheduled to be at the meeting, and several sources say it’s unclear if he’ll learn Tuesday whether he’ll be retained as coach.

Go Gophers!!

Wow, what a f*** show this administration is.

I listened to Doogie's latest podcast this morning and he mentioned that the regents were having the meeting to figure out the exact timeline of communication surrounding this mess to identify what caused it to blow up and how things can be avoided in the future. He also mentioned that the majority of boosters seem to be in support of Claeys vs wanting him fired.

If the above is true, my guess is this meeting benefits Claeys more than it hurts.

They will name a sixteen member committee to decide on the make up of a fifty member committee that will study the situation and make a recommendation by summer.

The committee should be ready with a recommendation by late July.

Just my speculation

Wow, what a f*** show this administration is.

I'm betting Kahler want's Claeys out, and is looking for the board of regents to approve the $3.00 million in buyouts
plus whatever it will cost to hire a new staff. Kind of lame but that would be my guess.

TC should do himself a favor and just resign. He's a good coach and seems like a decent guy. He doesn't deserve to be saddled with this gaggle of imbeciles and nincompoops.

TC should do himself a favor and just resign. He's a good coach and seems like a decent guy. He doesn't deserve to be saddled with this gaggle of imbeciles and nincompoops.

Quitting would set him back as far as HC goes.

If he plays it out here and does alright he can just get another job elsewhere if it goes well and tell Coyle and Co. to shove it.

I'm betting Kahler want's Claeys out, and is looking for the board of regents to approve the $3.00 million in buyouts
plus whatever it will cost to hire a new staff. Kind of lame but that would be my guess.

That's how I would read it. Claeys is getting hosed either way.

I'm betting Kahler want's Claeys out, and is looking for the board of regents to approve the $3.00 million in buyouts
plus whatever it will cost to hire a new staff. Kind of lame but that would be my guess.

Possibly. I assume this happens over most coaching changes but only the U leaks it to the press in advance.

I think any students or alumni should be very worried over how poorly run the university administration appears to be.

TC should do himself a favor and just resign. He's a good coach and seems like a decent guy. He doesn't deserve to be saddled with this gaggle of imbeciles and nincompoops.

While I agree he doesn't deserve to get jerked around like this he would be foolish to walk away and leave money on the table. If he leaves he won't get another comparable head coach job but he could certainly get hired as a lower level head coach or a high level DC. But he would be crazy not to make them fire him and pay his buyout.

Wow, what a f*** show this administration is.

University Administrators do not have the background and training that corporate management have, my experience is that in matters related to people issues or personnel matters they do not do a very good job, not sure these administrators are any different than they are anyplace else.

Only at Minnesota would it be handled this sh*t show run by clowns and jokers.

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