STrib: Kill still recovering at home

OOOHH, I didn't realize we have a big-shot insider on our hands! So, Mr. Big Shot Insider, how's the mood around the team in the bye week? When's Coach Kill going to be back in the office? How's recruiting going? When can we expect the next commit? How's the team dealing with the uncertainty at QB? I expect thorough and detailed responses to each of these questions, Mr. Big Shot Insider.

Thanks for asking the questions that I was dying to ask. I was afraid of going down that rabbit hole.

P.S. - I see you got your answer. How do you like the rabbit hole?

Thanks for asking the questions that I was dying to ask. I was afraid of going down that rabbit hole.

P.S. - I see you got your answer. How do you like the rabbit hole?

Your question kind of reminds me of a story about a mole hole:

Papa mole comes out and says, "I smell maple syrup."
Mama mole comes out and says, "I smell honey."
Baby mole comes out and says, "I smell mole asses."

Never claimed to have that kind of info

Sure you did..."I know far more about the inner workings...than you can imagine". So go on, tell us all about all of these things you know.

I know what I am talking about but I am not going to waste my time attempting to justify myself or what I know to the likes of you

Translation: "I don't know anything more than the average board poster, and now I have to make up some half-assed excuse about why I won't share all of this privileged information I claim to have."

who will just shout me down anyway because I don't see eye to eye with you

Wrong. I will shout you down because you're claiming an appeal to authority with zero basis.

we all know you are never wrong about anything

I freely admit when I am wrong. Always. I also try to switch up my posts so that each and every one is not some subtle (or not so subtle) variation of "I hate Jerry Kill".

The people making up nonsense and whining about how I "never admit that I'm wrong" are usually the ones butthurt because I constantly prove them wrong and are projecting. I don't recall proving you wrong very often. You're slippery because you don't often make statements of fact - it's just that your opinions generally suck and are almost always negative. I hate this pervasive attitude amongst Gopher "fans" and will combat it whenever I see it.

I state my opinions, you can like them or not like them agree with the or not agree with the, I really don't care.

Sure you do. You went to the trouble of posting this "rebuttal". You care what I think.

I am a fan of the Gopher football team, that doesn't mean I am required to be a fan of Jerry Kill.

While he's coach? Actually, that is exactly what it requires.

I was a fan long before he got here and I will be a fan long after he is gone.

Good for you. You do realize, however, that by rooting for Jerry Kill to fail, you are by necessity also rooting for Gopher football to fail?

Your question kind of reminds me of a story about a mole hole:

Papa mole comes out and says, "I smell maple syrup."
Mama mole comes out and says, "I smell honey."
Baby mole comes out and says, "I smell mole asses."

Dr.Don - Thanks for putting things in perspective. If anybody know more than you about mole asses I don't know who that would be. After all, you are a doctor of protology!

I always find it interesting how you and few others here believe that by firing Jerry Kill we just move on to another coach without any repercussions. The damage from doing that is likely to be significant. There likely will be very few good coaches that will be interested in the Minnesota position if Jerry fails here.
My guess is that most prospective coaches probably won't think that Coach Kill is a golden god like you do.

My guess is that most prospective coaches probably won't think that Coach Kill is a golden god like you do.

Good one! I see you have enough of dpodoll and are now try to lick your wounds by trying another tactic. As dpodoll pointed out to you, your intents are very transparent.

Good one! I see you have enough of dpodoll and are now try to lick your wounds by trying another tactic. As dpodoll pointed out to you, your intents are very transparent.
*shakes head*

Look at my profile name. Now look at the profile name of the person that dpodoll was talking to.

Try again.

Unfortunately there is a relatively small but very vocal minority here that refuse to listening to or accept what the president has been saying for a long time. He has even backed this up with an extension of Jerry's contract to seven years, yet they don't notice it. As Dr.Don has often pointed out, we do have plenty of "experts" here. What we don't have here is patience. But thank god what we do have though is a president who gets it. I think we can all sleep a little better knowing that the inmates are not running the institution. :rolleyes:


Sure you did..."I know far more about the inner workings...than you can imagine". So go on, tell us all about all of these things you know.
Translation: "I don't know anything more than the average board poster, and now I have to make up some half-assed excuse about why I won't share all of this privileged information I claim to have."
Wrong. I will shout you down because you're claiming an appeal to authority with zero basis.
I freely admit when I am wrong. Always. I also try to switch up my posts so that each and every one is not some subtle (or not so subtle) variation of "I hate Jerry Kill"
The people making up nonsense and whining about how I "never admit that I'm wrong" are usually the ones butthurt because I constantly prove them wrong and are projecting. I don't recall proving you wrong very often. You're slippery because you don't often make statements of fact - it's just that your opinions generally suck and are almost always negative. I hate this pervasive attitude amongst Gopher "fans" and will combat it whenever I see it.
Sure you do. You went to the trouble of posting this "rebuttal". You care what I think.
While he's coach? Actually, that is exactly what it requires.
Good for you. You do realize, however, that by rooting for Jerry Kill to fail, you are by necessity also rooting for Gopher football to fail?

I am not going to go piece by piece and waste more board space on this. What I will say flat out is this though, I am not rooting for Jerry Kill to fail, I just don't believe he is going to succeed for the reasons I have stated. If you can't see a difference in that, then that is your problem.

I am not going to go piece by piece and waste more board space on this.

Good job just ignoring that you made up your "insider" status. People will just forget that you said it if you ignore it. I won't, but others will. And I will shout you down when you attempt that canard again.

What I will say flat out is this though, I am not rooting for Jerry Kill to fail

Keep telling yourself that.

I just don't believe he is going to succeed for the reasons I have stated. If you can't see a difference in that, then that is your problem.

I can easily see the difference. I'm smart. Believing he will fail and hoping he will fail are two different things. You most definitely fall into the latter.

Good job just ignoring that you made up your "insider" status. People will just forget that you said it if you ignore it. I won't, but others will. And I will shout you down when you attempt that canard again.
Keep telling yourself that.
I can easily see the difference. I'm smart. Believing he will fail and hoping he will fail are two different things. You most definitely fall into the latter.

Clearly you have me all figured out. Next time I need to know something about myself I will be sure to ask you first. As for the insider part, I am not going to post my bio or give you some extensive background to justify what I know and how I know it. I never once claimed to have the inside info you are trying to attribute to me ("OOOHH, I didn't realize we have a big-shot insider on our hands! So, Mr. Big Shot Insider, how's the mood around the team in the bye week? When's Coach Kill going to be back in the office? How's recruiting going? When can we expect the next commit? How's the team dealing with the uncertainty at QB? I expect thorough and detailed responses to each of these questions, Mr. Big Shot Insider".) but you can keep on pretending I did and using it as a way to try and discredit everything I have to say.

I am not going to post my bio or give you some extensive background to justify what I know and how I know it.

Because you aren't an insider and you don't know anything more about the "inner workings" (ooh) than the average poster.

Because you aren't an insider and you don't know anything more about the "inner workings" (ooh) than the average poster.

Clearly you are right and I am wrong, you know everything there is to know about me and there is just no way to argue with your superior knowledge of who I am and what I may or may not know.

I do know you are the type that needs to get in the last word so for my part I am done with this "conversation" *and the crowd goes wild*. Think what you want to about me and my opinions. Maybe I will end up being right about Kill, hopefully I will be wrong.

Clearly you are right and I am wrong, you know everything there is to know about me and there is just no way to argue with your superior knowledge of who I am and what I may or may not know.

I do know you are the type that needs to get in the last word so for my part I am done with this "conversation" *and the crowd goes wild*. Think what you want to about me and my opinions. Maybe I will end up being right about Kill, hopefully I will be wrong.

I've been posting here for a long time, and reading the board for even longer. There have been plenty of actual "insiders" who have posted here. It's pretty obvious, usually almost immediately, who is really "in the know" and who isn't. You clearly aren't. And now, after posting here for 2 years, you want everyone to give you instant credibility by suddenly claiming that you're an insider. Go sell your bill of goods elsewhere.

Let's not fixate daily on the impact of Coach Kill's health, and just sit back and let the season unfold. You never know for sure about the outcomes until the games have been played. Who knows, there may be a couple of surprises in store. At least, that is my hope. It is not a death sentence to be a little optimistic.

What is a little troubling about this latest episode is that Coach was ill on Friday and couldn't travel that day. Did that mean he had a spell on Thursday? Plus he is still not at work Monday, maybe Tuesday. Perhaps it has to do with finding the right balance with meds, etc., but it does seem somewhat different from previous episodes, being a multi-day thing this time.

He has had many multiple day stays in the hospital in the past (despite the nonsense that Claeys said this week). Your questions are reasonable, though. Now, are the specifics of the meds, specifically how many seizures have there been and when, etc. something that typically I think the public should know? No.

However, Minnesota is putting out bad info and trying to minimize things (i.e., oh it was a hot day, he needs to drink water during the games; oh it was a change in meds, one time thing here guys don't worry) and they are BEGGING for these types of questions.

"Feeling ill Friday so he couldn't travel" could very well mean he was having seizures Thursday and Friday and was in awful shape. The story from the U is there was a Saturday morning seizure - what else happened earlier in the week? Hard not to believe the answer is it was a horribly rough week for this man as he was stressed after a brutal loss to Iowa and a fan base and media that went from some saying, "hey Minnesota has an outside shot at winning the Big Ten" to "yikes, these guys may have trouble winning a single conference game".

Another possibility that would be really sad is that he physically hurt himself significantly. A bad cut(s), broken rib, etc.. and they're trying to buy time, keeping him out of public view until it's a little bit better.

Since Minnesota is offering up medical information, followup questions that might help fans understand what's going on:

* Why were the medications adjusted? ("normal" adjustment, patient complaint of effects of current meds, non-public seizures during the week, etc.)

* What was going on with Coach on Friday that he couldn't travel? Has he been suffering all week?

and of course...

* There are often a shortage of answers when it comes to an individual with epilepsy who hasn't been able to get things under control. Wouldn't one of the most prudent treatment options at this point in time be to have Kill reduce the massive loads of stress he takes on? (Good question for his doctor Ilo Leppik, who frequently talks about the negative impact of stress on many with epilepsy, including in his book "Epilepsy: A Guide to Balancing Your Life"

Hopefully the U puts the man before the program and helps him to step down so he can focus on his health and well being. Really unsettling to think that had the U relieved him of his duties the chances of him suffering over the past several days would have been significantly reduced, but that's what I believe.

Spot on, except I don't think Kill should step down yet. Kill should maybe take some time off to try and get it under control though. Something seems fishy here, you've got Claeys and Teague saying they've spoken to Kill but he has not been seen publicly for a week now. Might be telling if he doesn't tape his weekly show with Mike Maxx, or is that not scheduled due to the bye?

Watch out for Gophmeister saying you are dumb now, how dare you have the audacity to question things.

Spot on, except I don't think Kill should step down yet. Kill should maybe take some time off to try and get it under control though. Something seems fishy here, you've got Claeys and Teague saying they've spoken to Kill but he has not been seen publicly for a week now. Might be telling if he doesn't tape his weekly show with Mike Maxx, or is that not scheduled due to the bye?

Watch out for Gophmeister saying you are dumb now, how dare you have the audacity to question things.

There's nothing fishy about the AD and the assistant coaches speaking to the head coach. They do have considerably greater access, after all.

One of my biggest concerns is: Why weren't the players notified until 11am BEFORE THE GAME to find out their coach wouldn't be with them, if the decision had been made that he wouldn't even travel to that whore Ann Arbor? In this day and age of email, texting, and snapchat...a notification or a team meeting couldn't have been made earlier to let the players know? I know, I know...Coach Kill is out and everything is normal blah blah blah....but doesn't anyone else find that a bit alarming that they would leave the players in the dark until so close to kickoff?

One of my biggest concerns is: Why weren't the players notified until 11am BEFORE THE GAME to find out their coach wouldn't be with them, if the decision had been made that he wouldn't even travel to that whore Ann Arbor? In this day and age of email, texting, and snapchat...a notification or a team meeting couldn't have been made earlier to let the players know? I know, I know...Coach Kill is out and everything is normal blah blah blah....but doesn't anyone else find that a bit alarming that they would leave the players in the dark until so close to kickoff?

Not really. I am sure the players were already prepared for the idea he might not make the trip at all given that he didn't come on Friday. Leading up to the game, once they are at the hotel, the head coach doesn't have a ton of interaction with the players anyway, they spend the day having meetings with position coaches and hanging out in their hotel room until it is time to head to the stadium. I am sure they were told at the first full team meeting on Saturday, no real reason to tell them before that.

There's nothing fishy about the AD and the assistant coaches speaking to the head coach. They do have considerably greater access, after all.

Isn't there something fishy about the media not having talked to the head coach of a major college football team in about a weeks time now? I bet if you check the media there are all kinds of quotes and interviews from every other major college coach if they are on a bye week or not from this past week. He's never been silent for this long before has he?

Isn't there something fishy about the media not having talked to the head coach of a major college football team in about a weeks time now? I bet if you check the media there are all kinds of quotes and interviews from every other major college coach if they are on a bye week or not from this past week. He's never been silent for this long before has he?

let us know what you find....

let us know what you find....

Those crazy Illini guys have a bye week..

Tuesday, hours after Beckman had done the Big Ten conference call, they were tweeting pictures of their practice..
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>It's a bye week, but that's not stopping the <a href="">#Illini</a> from getting better. <a href=""></a></p>— Illinois Football (@IlliniFootball) <a href="">October 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Then yesterday their head coach talks to the media after practice...

Today, as he has throughout the week, Beckman is tweeting away...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Next Saturday October 19 let's make it a "ORANGE OUT"! The only Big 10 team that has the color Orange will be wearing all Orange!</p>— Tim Beckman (@coachbeckman) <a href="">October 10, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Here we come! In Orange and Blue! Our staff and players will be out this Friday night to see HS Football games! Good luck to all!</p>— Tim Beckman (@coachbeckman) <a href="">October 10, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Meanwhile... in Minnesota there's no rush to get back to work because it's a bye week. It's no big deal. National media reports on Gopher football are all about the coach and not about the players. GHer's are pumped for what one thread says is a defining moment for Jerry Kill. Why? A big win would be a great boost? No, no. A defining moment if he just is able to stand on the sidelines during the game, the thread says.

Considering our last two performances, perhaps having the media attention on the coach's health and not the team might be preferred?

GHer's are pumped for what one thread says is a defining moment for Jerry Kill. Why? A big win would be a great boost? No, no. A defining moment if he just is able to stand on the sidelines during the game, the thread says.

More person.

I've been posting here for a long time, and reading the board for even longer.

There have been plenty of actual "insiders" who have posted here. It's pretty obvious, usually almost immediately, who is really "in the know" and who isn't.
How do you know this? You check their credentials?

You clearly aren't. And now, after posting here for 2 years, you want everyone to give you instant credibility by suddenly claiming that you're an insider. Go sell your bill of goods elsewhere.
Length of posting determines if you are a so called insider? Doh-ok, makes sense.

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