Streveler as a passer


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2013
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If one was to read this board they would get the impression that CS5 can't hit the broad side of a barn with his passes. However, I just read in Joe C's article that he was known for his accuracy in HS - completing 68.8% of his passes in his Sr. Year.

Does anyone have any 'proof' that CS5 can't pass beyond the Spring game?

My two cents, the only "proof" I have would be that Mitch beat him out for the starting position based on the coaches' evaluation (I know, it's not really proof).

Is it possible he's a better passer, with a better command of the playbook and at least as strong decision making as Leidner? Yes. But if that's the case I do worry about the decision making on our staff, at least when it comes to the QB position.

Now that said, he may be a strong passer but possess little knowledge of the playbook (relative to others) and show poor decision-making, at which point it doesn't really matter how strong of a passer he is. Looks like we might find out on Saturday.

Everything we heard coming out of spring camp and fall practice was how far ahead Leidner was above the competition. The drop off to the backups was significant.

We'll find out soon enough though. Regardless, it's a tough situation to be thrown into though for the young man. Staff has to do a much better job recruiting, cultivating, and retaining the QB position though.

My impression of him after seeing him in very limited action is he has a goofy throwing motion and his arm isn't very strong. But no, I have very little proof that he can't throw.

The high school completion % doesn't really mean much to me though. It's hard to say what kind of throws he had to make and if they're at all comparable to what he'll have to do against TCU. Many people forget about his hand injury last year. It was severe enough that some thought he might have to be moved to WR. It could very well affect his throwing ability the rest of his career.

Staff has to do a much better job recruiting, cultivating, and retaining the QB position though.

Unless, of course, the rSo, rFr, tFr, & tFr currently on our roster develop, <b>given the chance.</b>

If one was to read this board they would get the impression that CS5 can't hit the broad side of a barn with his passes. However, I just read in Joe C's article that he was known for his accuracy in HS - completing 68.8% of his passes in his Sr. Year.

Does anyone have any 'proof' that CS5 can't pass beyond the Spring game?

Hope the article is right.

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Unless, of course, the rSo, rFr, tFr, & tFr currently on our roster develop, given the chance.

Our lack of upperclassmen QB depth falls under that retention category I was talking about... Our 2 deep at the QB position had a total of two FCS offers coming out of HS between the two of them.

Don't get me wrong, he could be a train-wreck. He might not be tho. I just hate to see so many giving the kid (and the others behind him) virtually no chance already. Thanks for your posts.

My two cents, the only "proof" I have would be that Mitch beat him out for the starting position based on the coaches' evaluation (I know, it's not really proof).

Is it possible he's a better passer, with a better command of the playbook and at least as strong decision making as Leidner? Yes. But if that's the case I do worry about the decision making on our staff, at least when it comes to the QB position.

Now that said, he may be a strong passer but possess little knowledge of the playbook (relative to others) and show poor decision-making, at which point it doesn't really matter how strong of a passer he is. Looks like we might find out on Saturday.

playbook against TCU with Streveler:
1.) hand to Cobb. ( repeat )
2.) fake handoff to cobb.. sprint around end.. see open TE but dont throw.

playbook against TCU with Perra:
1.) hand to Cobb. (repeat)
2.) fake handoff to cobb... sprint around end.. see open TE and complete the pass.

Our lack of upperclassmen QB depth falls under that retention category I was talking about... Our 2 deep at the QB position had a total of two FCS offers coming out of HS between the two of them.

yikes! Gopherhole persona has been very pro-Leidner (hence the name) but in all reality he hasn't looked that sharp. Outside of maybe the TD pass to Maxx, I would expect any QB on our roster to make the throws that he has made thus far. I don't think Streveler THIS season should be any more of a disaster than Leidner was LAST season. Both redshirt freshman, and you could argue that Streveler was the better recruit out coming out of high school. We were all pretty freaked out last season when Nelson went down...and then we realized that Leidner wasn't really much of a drop-off. I anticipate the same thing happening this year. I assume all the talk of the 'large gap' between Leidner and the rest this year is an attempt by the staff to distance themselves from the narrative from last season, which seemed to alienate Nelson.

My thoughts exactly. I suspected, before the season started, that the QB "gap" was coach speak. If a %50 completion clip, against two low level defences, is head & shoulder above the rest, we are in trouble. I'm guessing, outside of a leadership dropoff, the gap will be negligible at worst.

Unless, of course, the rSo, rFr, tFr, & tFr currently on our roster develop, <b>given the chance.</b>

They might. If they do, that would constitute a better job of cultivating and retaining the QB position than we have seen thus far. It's still early in the Kill tenure. Shortell was a Brewster offer (I believe), and Nelson is just one data point, so I think they will do a better job going forward.

Every standout football player has that breakout game. This will be Streveler's breakout game. We are due one. In years past every other QB has had their breakout game against us.

I agree with Gopherhomer. This is very similar to Leidner coming off the bench last year and almost everyone thought the sky was falling. I will admit that the schedule is more difficult this year, but at the same time I think we r better overall as well. I am concerned about Saturday, but not freaked out. Hoping with all of the bad luck Gopher fans have suffered through over the years, Lady Luck will smile on us and we'll catch lightening in a bottle with Streveler. Heaven knows we r due! I'm pulling for u Streveo!

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I hope someone takes over getting the sideline hyped between 3rd and 4th quarters. Strev is fun to watch.

This is going ONLY off of what I've seen in practice.

- Great competitor
- Great attitude
- Team really likes this kid - similar to ML in that vein
- Good Speed running
- Not a lot of fear of making a mistake

- Tends to keep the ball too much on the zone read
- Accuracy issues - even more than ML in practice
- Turnover prone
- Throw velocity is not as high as ML

Overall Assessment
- Definite downgrade from ML, and it's not even that close
- Can't ask him to fit in a tight throw on a 3rd and long
- Need to utilize his athletic ability in plays

Bottom Line
- If he starts against TCU, we have to really perform well on special teams, defense, and the running game
- The zone read will become the main offensive set
- I worry he will press and make a critical mistake at the wrong time
- Things could get ugly at TCU if we can't run the ball
- I wouldn't be surprised if Perra gets some snaps at some point - I think he is a better QB than Strev.
- We have about 5% chance of winning @ TCU with Strev

Hopefully this kid can prove me wrong. I was very negative of 4 star QB recruit Moses Alipate coming out of HS to the chagrin/disbelief of many GH posters, and unfortunately was dead-on in my prediction that he was vastly overrated by all the recruiting services and would never see a snap at QB. Hopefully this kid can prove me wrong and I don't go 2/2.

Go Gophers.

Hopefully this kid can prove me wrong. I was very negative of 4 star QB recruit Moses Alipate coming out of HS to the chagrin/disbelief of many GH posters, and unfortunately was dead-on in my prediction that he was vastly overrated by all the recruiting services and would never see a snap at QB. Hopefully this kid can prove me wrong and I don't go 2/2.

Go Gophers.

Are you as down on Strev as you were Alipate? I'd hate for you to be right. At least Moses was gonna be some sort of Luxury for us - Strev is our #2 guy!

I've heard a couple people mention that they like Perra. Great, our best QB isn't even a scholarship player.

Are you as down on Strev as you were Alipate?

No, not at all. Strev has already done something I never thought Alipate would do - see a snap as a Gopher QB. Both are great kids - Alipate is a tremendous kid - that is why they kept him on scholarship, and I never had a problem with that.

However, if we somehow think Strev is going to be some sort of magic elixir to our poor QB passing play - it ain't gonna happen. He can run, but he hasn't yet shown that he can throw nearly as well as ML.

We can stilll win this game - but it will need to be with some smoke and mirrors.

To me, one of the biggest attributes to being a good QB is being able to be calm under pressure. I can tell you this, ML has been a nervous wreck since the season started. His throws, especially the easy ones, have been way off (reminds me of Christian Ponder). I could sense the same in Nelson also. Nelson had all the tools, probably more so than ML, yet he was pretty inconsistent because of it. You could have all the talent in the world, and never be a good QB if you can't handle the nerves.

Time will tell if Streveler is a nervous wreck also. I'd think if he has to start his first game ever this Saturday, that he will be nervous, but that should wear off after a series or two. (Strev did almost juke himself out this past weekend because of nervs). ML has had all Spring and Fall to prepare, and he hasn't been very good. Next man up!

Exactly the same thing I have seen

This is going ONLY off of what I've seen in practice.

- Great competitor
- Great attitude
- Team really likes this kid - similar to ML in that vein
- Good Speed running
- Not a lot of fear of making a mistake

- Tends to keep the ball too much on the zone read
- Accuracy issues - even more than ML in practice
- Turnover prone
- Throw velocity is not as high as ML

Overall Assessment
- Definite downgrade from ML, and it's not even that close
- Can't ask him to fit in a tight throw on a 3rd and long
- Need to utilize his athletic ability in plays

Bottom Line
- If he starts against TCU, we have to really perform well on special teams, defense, and the running game
- The zone read will become the main offensive set
- I worry he will press and make a critical mistake at the wrong time
- Things could get ugly at TCU if we can't run the ball
- I wouldn't be surprised if Perra gets some snaps at some point - I think he is a better QB than Strev.
- We have about 5% chance of winning @ TCU with Strev

Hopefully this kid can prove me wrong. I was very negative of 4 star QB recruit Moses Alipate coming out of HS to the chagrin/disbelief of many GH posters, and unfortunately was dead-on in my prediction that he was vastly overrated by all the recruiting services and would never see a snap at QB. Hopefully this kid can prove me wrong and I don't go 2/2.

Go Gophers.

In complete agreement with each analysis point up to the point on running which I also agree with but.... We are built to run...any game we can't run we'll be in trouble. All same things I see though.
I think Perra is better than Streveler as well...or will be soon, if he's not. (Not at practices now.) But that depends how these guys are used too! Streveler I'm guessing runs the read option much better than Perra. Dunno that to be true but it should be true. Just as confident Perra passes much better than Streveler. But a 5% chance of winning with Streveler, I disagree with that.
If we can't run...ya major issue. But turnovers, how the defense plays, special teams it's way more than Streveler or whoever at quarterback to dictate who wins on any given Saturday. You game plan for the pieces you have to work with. TCU is good but we are not playing Oregon. We have shut people out ...what? 5 out of 8 quarters? Defense has to maintain focus and have a game! Don't put your quarterback in a position to turn the ball over. They know which receiver will break up a bad pass and what routes are Strevelers best.
As I write that, I hope they do, because I like Leidner but they don't seem to help him much in this regard. And ya throw it to Maxx this year for the Gophers is the same as get Patterson on the field and give him the ball was last year for the Vikings.

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