Still waiting for that "first round pick potential" in Leidner...

agreed. Mule Leidner is not to blame- He is the result of a coaching staff that believes the system out weighs talent.

How have you not been banned yet? Constant derogatory and demeaning name-calling toward an amateur athlete, who plays for the team of which you're allegedly a fan. You should feel really proud of yourself.

I never saw it with Mitch.
Of the last 12 starting QB's this program has had, he ranks bottom two IMO.


You're telling me 10 of the other 11 were better QBs than Leidner? There's a few guys in there that barely had a 50% career completion percentage and had just as many INT as TD.

Looked more like making the most of a broken play than a 'scheme'.

But if Leidner did the same thing, people would just say he was lucky because he just threw the ball up and let his receivers make a play.

I think people are going to appreciate Leidner a lot more when next season rolls around.
That's a big worry - next season we may have a QB with almost no game experience. Leidner has improved as a passer, but still doesn't throw in the middle of the field much, long or short. He's better as a runner this year, but is not a natural smooth runner, like some QBs. Watching Clemson and Louisville last night made me realize how far down the row we are in talent at key positions. They would kill us, as would Ohio State and Michigan.

That's a big worry - next season we may have a QB with almost no game experience. Leidner has improved as a passer, but still doesn't throw in the middle of the field much, long or short. He's better as a runner this year, but is not a natural smooth runner, like some QBs. Watching Clemson and Louisville last night made me realize how far down the row we are in talent at key positions. They would kill us, as would Ohio State and Michigan.

Alert the media!

Darrell Thompson keep saying during the game that every time Leidner changed the play at the line of scrimmage that Penn St. knew it was going to be a run and would sell out. Does anyone think that it's possible that he only audibles into running plays and not passing plays?

Darrell Thompson keep saying during the game that every time Leidner changed the play at the line of scrimmage that Penn St. knew it was going to be a run and would sell out. Does anyone think that it's possible that he only audibles into running plays and not passing plays?

Not sure. It's the first year he's really had the opportunity to change a play at the line of scrimmage. And that is ridiculous.

How have you not been banned yet? Constant derogatory and demeaning name-calling toward an amateur athlete, who plays for the team of which you're allegedly a fan. You should feel really proud of yourself.

sorry for any pain i may have caused you.

Leidner played a good game yesterday. He made some really good throws, including a TD and an INT. His stats for the season are respectable, too.

OP needs to stay away from solvents and sniffable powders.

Whole lot of dumb in this thread. Mitch made one bad mistake all

Number one: We had 469 yards of offense yesterday!! Two: too many variables to predict it, but it is certainly possible Leidner could have an NFL career. #3 The coaches talk about designing the scheme to allow Mitch to do what he does best...I see lots of pass plays designed to betray that thought or frustrate most anyone watching. #4 Mitch led the drive to put us ahead to close out the game. He has done this many times. That's special! You guys dismiss it because we still find ways to lose despite Mitch getting us in position to win. Play call selection again, defensive collapses etc are routinely the problem why we lose..not Mitch. Not many quarterbacks are awesome every week. Mitch has had some really nice games...his bad games he is still good enough to give us a chance to win, most often. There is a lot more to like about Mitch Leidner than there is nitpick over. Sorry lots of you guys are missing it.

I haven't seen any comments about the fact we gained close to 5 yards each time we ran the ball...yet we passed 41 times. Brooks gained 7 yards a carry but only had 14 carries. Maybe our defense is better if we eat some clock and get some first downs on the ground. I like Mitch but yesterday we could run the ball. We could absolutely have worn them down. Mitch rolls out to right and completes a lot of passes. D-line guys gotta chase him. How often did we do that? Now run the dang ball. Punish people. Impose your will. Get nasty! We passed too often under the all conditions...our ability, on the the road, their ability to stop the run, the weather, keeping our defense off the field, chewing clock etc etc

Am I missing something or did Mitch play decent yesterday? Several missed passes but he played fine IMO.

Am I missing something or did Mitch play decent yesterday? Several missed passes but he played fine IMO.

It's complicated. He played well enough not to lose but not well enough to win. I give ol #7 a pass on the PSU game. Still, the Leidner Island thing is embarrassing in a try hard way/safe space sort of way but he's not to blame.

Leidner or Jack Nelson (Winona State). Who has a longer NFL career?

It's complicated. He played well enough not to lose but not well enough to win. I give ol #7 a pass on the PSU game. Still, the Leidner Island thing is embarrassing in a try hard way/safe space sort of way but he's not to blame.

Still kills me that we are still having these discussions about Mitch. At some point you would think people would realize he is what he is which is a decent Big Ten QB, not great and not terrible. All the anger that gets directed at Leidner is so misplaced, it should be directed at the coaching staff that has been unable to find/develop a better option. Mitch never was going to be an elite college QB, heck most thought he would be a TE so the fact that he has done as well as he has to this point is somewhat impressive for a guy that many thought wouldn't even play the position in college.

It's complicated. He played well enough not to lose but not well enough to win. I give ol #7 a pass on the PSU game. Still, the Leidner Island thing is embarrassing in a try hard way/safe space sort of way but he's not to blame.

The Leidner Island thing is in response to the over the top criticism he receives.

It's complicated. He played well enough not to lose but not well enough to win. I give ol #7 a pass on the PSU game. Still, the Leidner Island thing is embarrassing in a try hard way/safe space sort of way but he's not to blame.

Mitch still hanging in at #3 in the Big Ten for total QBR. Only Armstrong and Speight ahead of him. Sitting #33 in nation.
I think most fans should be pretty pleased with having the #3 QB in the Big Ten. What's more impressive is he doesn't have what I would call great receivers, not to mention 2 of our best are out injured (Still and Lingen).

Can we can the first round pick crap? That is all based on one or two February hot takes and is completely based on Leidner's measurables. He has the size of an NFL quarterback but no one who has ever watched him sees first round pick.

He is a decent Big qb, similar to Gray, Weber and AAK. Unlike the others, though, he has never had a top WR to throw to. The complaining should be about how lousy our WR development has been under the Kill/ Claeys regime. Six years in and the best WR in the Kill era was a walk-on who quit/was kicked off the team mid-season for being nuts. And that was 5 years ago.

Can we can the first round pick crap? That is all based on one or two February hot takes and is completely based on Leidner's measurables. He has the size of an NFL quarterback but no one who has ever watched him sees first round pick.

He is a decent Big qb, similar to Gray, Weber and AAK. Unlike the others, though, he has never had a top WR to throw to. The complaining should be about how lousy our WR development has been under the Kill/ Claeys regime. Six years in and the best WR in the Kill era was a walk-on who quit/was kicked off the team mid-season for being nuts. And that was 5 years ago.

Very well put and those that are dwelling on the first round thing and acting like we should expect Leidner to play like a first round draft pick are just looking for a reason to bash him. Due to the weak QB class this year he probably gets drafted but he was never going to be a first round pick because he doesn't have the skill set to be a top flight NFL QB. He is at best a 2nd/3rd string guy in the NFL that might get to start a handful of games but will most likely never be a regular starter for an NFL team.

Mitch still hanging in at #3 in the Big Ten for total QBR. Only Armstrong and Speight ahead of him. Sitting #33 in nation.
I think most fans should be pretty pleased with having the #3 QB in the Big Ten. What's more impressive is he doesn't have what I would call great receivers, not to mention 2 of our best are out injured (Still and Lingen).

You are trying to apply logic to a group that wants to fire our coach based on our first loss, by 3, in OT, on the road, as an underdog. It will never work.

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I was kinda on the Leidner is a first round draft pick but stepped down from that bandwagon halfway through the first game ... Now when I think about it I have to shake my head and blink a few times to see if I'm all there..

I was kinda on the Leidner is a first round draft pick but stepped down from that bandwagon halfway through the first game ... Now when I think about it I have to shake my head and blink a few times to see if I'm all there..

you owe it to yourself to get back on that bandwagon.

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