Star WR at Washington St alleges "abuse" from Leach, coaching staff

I don't doubt, at all, that he is a d*ck. Most football coaches, especially at the major college and NFL level, are. But that doesn't mean he did anything wrong. I think we'd all laugh if we find out what this kid's definition of "abuse" is.

I'm with you on this one dpod. I think we have gotten way too protective of athletes, sometimes a little yelling and tough love is just what the doctor ordered. It makes me wonder if Herb Brooks would have been considered an abusive coach today.

Well, that is sort of like it depends on the what the meaning of is is. First, he attempts browbeat a kid with a concussion into practicing. Once upon a time, SOP. Not so much anymore. Second, school tells him to apologize to the kid. He refuses and is suspended. Third, he goes to court to get an injunction to overturn his suspension. While he may not have done anything "wrong", it is not terribly surprising that he was fired.

I suggest reading the Leach book, Swing Your Sword. You may change your opinion on him, his methods, and this whole matter of the Texas Tech incident. It is a very good book. If no desire to read it, at least read this article. Notice, Adam James testified, under oath, that he found the situation "funny" and believed he should not have been fired.

For some more entertaining insight into Leach, read this from Feldman's website.

I suggest reading the Leach book, Swing Your Sword. You may change your opinion on him, his methods, and this whole matter of the Texas Tech incident. It is a very good book. If no desire to read it, at least read this article. Notice, Adam James testified, under oath, that he found the situation "funny" and believed he should not have been fired.

For some more entertaining insight into Leach, read this from Feldman's website.

I am sure James did find it funny. Leach was acting like a petulant two-year old. His behavior was inappropriate. If what Leach said is true, just send the kid home. You don't spend days having him escorted to various locations to sit in the dark. There was a news story on one of the local Texas stations when this happened and Leach's lawyer took a reporter on a tour of the shed, the media room and the closet. At no point did he deny any of this happened, he just quibbled with details: "It wasn't a shed, it was a garage." or "The two guys standing outside the door weren't there to keep James in, they were there to make sure he did not need medical attention." Just stupid.

If someone behaves inappropriately in their job and their boss tells them to knock it off and the response is to flip the boss off, guess what, they are likely going to lose their jobs. This is Leach in a nutshell -- he carries a lot of baggage.

I will leave with these final thoughts and more than likely move on.

1) One either likes Coach Leach or doesn't - there tends to be no middle ground on him when he comes up in discussion,
2) While quirky and unconventional, he produces results, has no NCAA Sanctions, and graduates players,
3) His dismissal at Texas Tech is equally as multi-layered as his thought processes and coaching methods,
4) He has had 2 allegations from former players with numerous statements of support from former players / coaches.
5) He has openly welcomed (from what I've initially read) any University / Conference investigations.

My biggest question is why wouldn't Marquess Wilson have brought his concerns forward when he was a starter 2 weeks ago? He made the allegations 2 weeks after being dropped to the 2nd string. Spring Practices, Fall Camp, 9 weeks as a productive (stats wise) starter. Does one not have enough information about Coach Leach's tactics by then to raise the concern?

Did anyone watch the Twolves last night? The Fox Sports ticker at the bottom was reporting that the Pac12 is looking into the allegations, but attributed the story to the University of Washington. Nice job Fox...

I'm not shocked. Anyone still wish we had hired Leach?

Yes, but I saw all along why they wouldn't.

I wish we would have been willing to take a risk to try to win. Such as hiring a guy who has a history or paying some serious money for a coach.

I remember kids quitting, but did they publicly claim abuse? School announced they are investigating.
Do you think this kid claims abuse for being yelled at by a football coach if the coach didn't have previous allegations of abuse?

There was a time that ripping a kid for not giving an effort or doing his assignment wrong wasn't considered abuse. No doubt in my mind he ripped on the kid. Probably even swore too!

I'm not privy to Coach Leach's tactics....but being a total d* ck to work for myself, and also being very successful and having developed many superior managers and business owners...I accept it for what it is...a way to win.

I think back to my football career and remember fondly a few stories of abuse by my coaches. The first was when a buddy of mine was screwing around in the weight room and hit my O-line coach in the face with a baseball glove while he was benching about 350lbs (my o line coach was an olympic shot putter). Coach Anderson set the weight down, walked calmly across the room and picked my buddy up by shirt, slammed him against the wall and whispered in his ear how people get killed when little f* cks like him screw around in the weight room. Another time, during two a day practice, the same coach picked me up off the ground ( I was a 275lb left tackle) by my face mask for blocking with my head down just to remind me that kids get paralyzed when they don't keep their heads up.

I also had a coach that had these damn iron frames that were intended to help us stay low coming off the ball....well anytime you hit your helmet on the bar you had to run the length of the field around the goal post and back (240 yards), if you did it a second time, you ran the route twice and so on. I know it sounds easy, but when there is a blocking sled on the other side of this frame and you had to hit it heads up and lift the sled and drive it 10 yards (or run) it aint so easy. My worst day, I hit the bars 2 times and had poor technique 2 times to avoid hitting the bar. Thats 10 - 240 yard sprints. Pucked many times that day.

Made the mistake of telling a joke in the locker room at the wrong time and got benched for half.

Its is designed to be painful, require work and teach you worked on me.

I'm not privy to Coach Leach's tactics....but being a total d* ck to work for myself, and also being very successful and having developed many superior managers and business owners...I accept it for what it is...a way to win.

I think back to my football career and remember fondly a few stories of abuse by my coaches. The first was when a buddy of mine was screwing around in the weight room and hit my O-line coach in the face with a baseball glove while he was benching about 350lbs (my o line coach was an olympic shot putter). Coach Anderson set the weight down, walked calmly across the room and picked my buddy up by shirt, slammed him against the wall and whispered in his ear how people get killed when little f* cks like him screw around in the weight room. Another time, during two a day practice, the same coach picked me up off the ground ( I was a 275lb left tackle) by my face mask for blocking with my head down just to remind me that kids get paralyzed when they don't keep their heads up.

I also had a coach that had these damn iron frames that were intended to help us stay low coming off the ball....well anytime you hit your helmet on the bar you had to run the length of the field around the goal post and back (240 yards), if you did it a second time, you ran the route twice and so on. I know it sounds easy, but when there is a blocking sled on the other side of this frame and you had to hit it heads up and lift the sled and drive it 10 yards (or run) it aint so easy. My worst day, I hit the bars 2 times and had poor technique 2 times to avoid hitting the bar. Thats 10 - 240 yard sprints. Pucked many times that day.

Made the mistake of telling a joke in the locker room at the wrong time and got benched for half.

Its is designed to be painful, require work and teach you worked on me.

Coach Anderson sounds a bit like Arrested Development's Gene Parmesan.

Well...don't know whether true or not...smoke and fire thing I guess, kinda like the circle of life...anyway, if he is any good, suppose he might want to transfer to the U?

Different strokes for different folks. Our coaches never swore and never put there hands on a player. May have raised their voice from time to time. Worst I witnessed was when the OC broke a clipboard over his knee at halftime of a game. We did a lot a fundamentals and ran a lot of plays which helped in conditioning during practices. We did not go live in practice ever.

In three years of varsity football we were 9-2, 10-2, & 12-2. This was 20 years ago, and that's my "old school" memory.

To make it clear, I don't have any real problems with Leach's demanding practice methods. I played quite a few sports growing (a long time ago) and I had (and watched) coaches of all stripes and usually the coach with the best players wins. I just think Leach is an arrogant Dr. of Dildonics and if he's one of the most interesting guys in the world, I'm happy to be boring.

WOW.... What a disaster that would have been. Everything in life happens for a reason and we were allowed to build our program by not having him and getting Jerry.

we may have our own disaster now. isn't this the same deal? both star WRs saying a coach verbally and mentally abuses them. whats the diff?

Let's just wait for this all to play out before we point fingers at who was in the wrong here. Gotta feel bad for the kid if what he is implying at is true. He seems like a good student and athlete.

This is the first I've heard of the story, so I'm interested in seeing all the facts. On a side note, I'm happy we have Kill here. If we win or lose, I know we will be doing it the right way and he will be treating our players with all the respect they deserve!

our star wr says that he wasn't given the respect he deserves.


It's the first year. People were pissed about Kill last year, too. And Kill didn't mentally break down our team like Leach does. This was bound to happen. Lets wait a few years before we all spaz about this.

yes he did mentally break down our star wr .

I don't hear former and current Gophers complaining about the mindset changes and how Kill and staff go about it. Leach has character issues and will be out of a job again.

now you do. a current (now former) player complained as have many other former gophers on twitter today

yes he did mentally break down our star wr .

Troll fail. Take your cute little batch of posts in this thread and GTFO. Every single post that you quoted was long before this garbage happened. Not to mention, it's not even comparable, as Leach has a history and track record. Coach Kill does not.

Good for you. I prefer coaches who don't attract distractions but that's me.

I am a big Jerry Kill fan, but with the seizrue problems and the ensuing media attention (I'm not saying they are his fault or that they prevent him from doing his job), I don't think I would list "don't attract distractions" as one of our current coach's strengths either. I prefer coaches with strong work ethics, a sense of team discipline, a willingness to not bow down to talent and get walked over, and proven track records as successful rebuilders, and those are the reasons I am glad we have Kill at the helm.

Per your removed post:

I never said he wasn’t abused but obviously, you didn’t bother to read that in my original post. Your video is amusing but bit over the top. The type of kids you espouse (i.e., I can do no wrong me, me, me drama queen pussies) are the ones that school administrators, teachers, coaches and future employers abhor along with their “my kids entitled” pain in the azz parents. But hey, you want to try to create a world of pussies, knock yourself out. Good luck in trying to get the other 98% to go along with you.

Per your removed post:

I never said he wasn’t abused but obviously, you didn’t bother to read that in my original post.

I never said you said he wasn't abused. Had I meant to have said that, I would have done so. Thus, it's not obvious at all.

I never said you said he wasn't abused. Had I meant to have said that, I would have done so. Thus, it's not obvious at all.

Again, read the original post. I (as in me) never said he wasn't abused. This was in response to you saying that you never said he was abused. And yes, time to move on.

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