Spring Practice 2023 Thread (Tweets, Videos and More)

Go Gophers!!
This is really cool.....my son spent two separate week-long stays at Children's about 5 years ago....they had the trivia thing once or twice per week. They almost always had "celebrity" guests. It was usually a Wild player. I can tell you it was highlight of most of the kids weeks.

I'd like to preface this with "Get off my lawn!"

Holy hell is that what passes for music today?
When I was a teenager I said to myself I was always going to keep up on the latest music...I didn't want to be a curmudgeon like my dad (who used my car once and had Van Halen blast his ear drums out when he started it up). Well, that lasted until I was about in my early 30s. Since then I don't know what the hell is going on with new music either.
I wonder what my late father would have said about WAP?

Did anybody else notice 0 showing up in the video a ton? It seemed like it was just those two. I’d love to see him become the reason we stop worrying about pass rush.
I noticed that too. Who is that? Have Le'meke and Glaze as 0 on the 247 roster.

Did anybody else notice 0 showing up in the video a ton? It seemed like it was just those two. I’d love to see him become the reason we stop worrying about pass rush.
Fleck keeps saying we're bigger, longer, stronger and more athletic up front on defense. We'll see come fall.

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