Sports Huddle: Jerry Kill Summary - 12/11/11


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Nov 20, 2008
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Dave Mona opened today's show by saying Jerry Kill has twelve (12) recruits visiting this weekend. Just as he had last week, coach Kill has back-to-back sessions with the visiting recruits. As a result, he may call in for a short period of time (maybe only a couple minutes) between 9:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Additionally, Mona said next week will be the same, as several recruits (no names given) will be visiting Gopher Land next weekend.

If coach Kill calls in, I'll write up a summary.

Go Gophers!!

You have to be impressed with how hard Kill and his staff works. He is always trying to find ways to make the team better.

Instead of Kill, they had Gardy on. They talked about the dazzling additions of Ryan Doumit and Jamey Carroll, retaining Matt Capps and Sid moved on to discussing Nishioka by asking Gardy, "What about Mr. Japan?" I love Sid and all, but it's really time to hang it up.

klljoy says: :...You have to be impressed with how hard Kill and his staff works. He is always trying to find ways to make the team better..."

That's all fine, good and dandy killjoy...But I want some real, concrete evidence of the results of the "hard work and ...always trying to find ways to make the team better..." by producing more Big Ten wins, more graduates and by continuing to run a completely clean and honest program that manages to always sell out the stadium to Minnesota Golden Gopher Fans.

I'll be impressed with LOTS of Big Ten wins, ever increasing numbers of graduations by the student athletes in the football program and by continuing to run a completely honest and clean program that abides by all University, Big Ten and NCAA rules and regulations. As a kicker, I will also watch the size of the student section in TCF BANK STADIUM. I think the 10,000 number of students who arrive early and stay through out the entire game would be a fair estimation of "student support..." for Coach Kill and his football program.

I think Coach Kill can accomplish these things, so, I will use these things as a barometer of the condition of the Unviersity of Minnesota Football Program. I am pulling for Coach Kill to get these things done. He has the advantage of having this beautiful new stadium in place for his entire tenure here. He has also been given a seven year contract.

On the negative side, he has b(s)jm as his athletic director. It still remains to be seen how strong the leadership of prexy k will be. I grow increasingly more uncomfortable with prexy k the longer he allows this b(s)jm charaacter to run the athletic department. The "bnefit of the doubt" will eventually have to be replaced with strong actions by prexy k...

; 0 )

Sid needs to be taken off the air. He has dementia. "Who cares about the Wild? We're not talking about them."

Sid needs to be taken off the air. He has dementia. "Who cares about the Wild? We're not talking about them."

All the Wild do is win. I can't say that about anybody else around here.

All the Wild do is win. I can't say that about anybody else around here.

Let's see now...

Gopher Men are 12-1 including exhibitions;

Minnesota Lynx are WNBA Champs.

Gopher FB has Floyd of Rosedale

You have to be impressed with how hard Kill and his staff works. He is always trying to find ways to make the team better.

99% of coaches work hard. Working hard isn't something to he impressed with. It's something to be expected.

Working hard with purpose and direction yields results, working hard without it, just gets you tired. With Coach Kill, it's easy to see what he's trying to do, the payoff is in the future. No one knows, if the players he finds will work out, but they fit his system. His system has worked at other levels, lets just stand back, and watch the process

Wren's Manifesto

klljoy says: :...You have to be impressed with how hard Kill and his staff works. He is always trying to find ways to make the team better..."

That's all fine, good and dandy killjoy...But I want some real, concrete evidence of the results of the "hard work and ...always trying to find ways to make the team better..." by producing more Big Ten wins, more graduates and by continuing to run a completely clean and honest program that manages to always sell out the stadium to Minnesota Golden Gopher Fans.

I'll be impressed with LOTS of Big Ten wins, ever increasing numbers of graduations by the student athletes in the football program and by continuing to run a completely honest and clean program that abides by all University, Big Ten and NCAA rules and regulations. As a kicker, I will also watch the size of the student section in TCF BANK STADIUM. I think the 10,000 number of students who arrive early and stay through out the entire game would be a fair estimation of "student support..." for Coach Kill and his football program.

I think Coach Kill can accomplish these things, so, I will use these things as a barometer of the condition of the Unviersity of Minnesota Football Program. I am pulling for Coach Kill to get these things done. He has the advantage of having this beautiful new stadium in place for his entire tenure here. He has also been given a seven year contract.

On the negative side, he has b(s)jm as his athletic director. It still remains to be seen how strong the leadership of prexy k will be. I grow increasingly more uncomfortable with prexy k the longer he allows this b(s)jm charaacter to run the athletic department. The "bnefit of the doubt" will eventually have to be replaced with strong actions by prexy k...

; 0 )

Wren – Per above, it is amazing how you always turn everything around to your own agenda of demands. What I find so strange about this is that you seem to believe that by making these demands it will actually have an effect in turning the program around. The reality is that making demands may make you feel good but it isn't going to turn anything around. The only thing that is going to turn it around is to change the culture and to do that you have to actually do things. Jerry Kill recognizes and understands this. Therefore you might want to try to actually focus on understanding what Jerry and his staff is doing each day to accomplish this. This is what going to determine our future success, not your never ending demands. I realize this may be difficult for you but you might find that action speaks louder than words.

What a limp response on your part killjoy. Why does that not surprise?

killjoy's "killer summary" of his limp response states: "...I realize this may be difficult for you but you might find that action speaks louder than words..." What are you? Blind and incapable of reading killjoy??????

I said that I want to see the damned results...ACTIONS...rather than... just your freaking WORDS and so-called assurances that what you say will happen, killjoy.

"...But I want some real, concrete evidence of the results of the "hard work and ...always trying to find ways to make the team better..." My response to killjoy...

To which killjoy limply stated: "...Jerry Kill ecognizes and understands this..."

Well, sorry killjoy: I want to hear it coming from Jerry Kill's mouth and then I want to see it happen on the BIG TEN Playing Fields, in the graduation rates of the student athletes on the Football Team and in the continued good standing with the NCAA, the Big Ten and the U of M policies, standards, rules and regulations by the Program. I have NO doubt that Coach Kill will run a tight, clean ship...but...I would NEVER accept such a limp response from someone who calls himself killjoy as the burdon of proof.

I said: "...I'll be impressed with LOTS of Big Ten wins, ever increasing numbers of graduations by the student athletes in the football program and by continuing to run a completely honest and clean program that abides by all University, Big Ten and NCAA rules and regulations. As a kicker, I will also watch the size of the student section in TCF BANK STADIUM. I think the 10,000 number of students who arrive early and stay through out the entire game would be a fair estimation of "student support..." for Coach Kill and his football program.

I think Coach Kill can accomplish these things, so, I will use these things as a barometer of the condition of the Unviersity of Minnesota Football Program. I am pulling for Coach Kill to get these things done. He has the advantage of having this beautiful new stadium in place for his entire tenure here. He has also been given a seven year contract..."

I would NEVER accept the words of some moniker who calls himself killjoy. RESULTS are the END result of actions...AND...RESULTS speak a heck of a lot louder than some "limp" moniker called killjoy's words...

; 0 )

"I hear what you say, but I trust what you do"

Agreed! We know the scheme, we have a long-term committed coaching staff and I believe a favorable schedule next year. Give me the kid from Osseo and a JUCO DT and I don't know what more I could ask for. Remember, Kill and staff have been here just over a year.

edit: In response to nsnike

Babbling wren

LOL - Again wren you are confusing babble with action. This is not surprising though since it is coming from the mouth of somebody who has never accomplished anything other than being kicked off multiple football blog for babbling.

I've lived as good a life as I have had the ability to live and have tried to give more than I have taken. What the hell have you been doing killjoy? Nothing: I have NEVER heard of anything you have EVER done. Undoubtedly, you are one of the real slugs that merely exists for no good reason. Prove to me that you have EVER done even ONE good thing. I need dates, places, documentation and complete evidence of any good that you may have EVER accomplished killjoy. Other than writing grafitti on walls stating that "killjoy was here..." And, don't EVEN try to take credit for Killroy's many markings... ; 0 )

So IF you decide to resort to that kind of crap...THAT is what you will have to answer to yourself. Who are you? What have you EVER done? Why should I CARE about anything you say, think or do? You have left PLENTY of evidence on this very message board about your lame, limp, nasty, hostile, lying, manipulating characteristics and your mean-spirited personality killjoy.

I'll stand my ground and when my time on this earth has been completed, I can honestly say that I have attempted to give more than I have taken. Life is good and I try to do the best I can. I have fun. I say what I think. I was right about that brewster and about b(s)jm. He must be de-bussed and ditched.

Big Ten wins, honesty and ever increasing graduation rates are extremely important for any football coach at the University of Minnesota. Also, getting students at the U of M to buy and inhabit student section seats on Game Day Saturdays is of utmost importance for the U of M Football Coach.

Can anyone, other than the brewball apologists argue with those points?

I wish Coach Kill much good luck and much success here at the University of Minnesota.

I don't appreciate the kamikozy way in which you have dedicated yourself to attaching yourself closely to my posts...but...I can live with it. From time to time...I just may throw it back at you though, instead of just ignoring it the way I usually do. You have it coming killjoy...believe have what ever gets thrown at you coming...

; 0 )


Most people would recognize after being thrown off several blogs that there might be a problem with their own behavior. Apparently you haven't.

Most people would recognize after reading several postings about having you banned and/or other negative comments about your behavior that there might be a problem with their own behavior. Apparently you haven't.

Most people would recognize the inconsistencies in your demands how Mason should be treated and how you treated Brewster. Apparently you haven't.

I can go on and on but I will end by saying for you to think that you have the moral high ground is absolutely ludicrous and delusional. Most people would recognize that they don’t. Apparently you haven't.

Can we get this guy gone again...I grow tired of blocking his new moniker every few months...

Big Ten Wins

"I've lived as good a life as I have had the ability to live and have tried to give more than I have taken."

Yeah, yeah, yeah. How MANY Big Ten wins do you have? None? Well then, you've done nothing for the GOLDEN Gopher football program.

PS - how do we ignore a moniker?

"I've lived as good a life as I have had the ability to live and have tried to give more than I have taken."

Yeah, yeah, yeah. How MANY Big Ten wins do you have? None? Well then, you've done nothing for the GOLDEN Gopher football program.

PS - how do we ignore a moniker?
Go the profile and on the left it says "Add to ignore list"

It's time for those of you who haven't made a contribution to GOPHER HOLE to do it now before the Holiday Rush makes contributing a more time consuming task because of the traffic. So, if you haven't made your contribution yet this year, go ahead and make this important step to insure that all the features you love so much and all the posts that you read, and read again can continue to be available to you.

Of course, one way to insure that you don't have to read the posts of any non-contributing monikers would be to simply use that ever-so-handy "Add to ignore list." It's a good way to seperate out those monikers who don't have their name on the contribution list from those who so generously have made this important move and have contributed in the spirit of helping to make GH a reality for every Gopher Fan across the state and the nation and even those Gopher Fans living abroad!

Let's get every moniker that posts on this board on the donation list! Or, at least on the "Add to ignore list." It is through gifts just like yours that so many features are now available on this lively site!

It's a great way to share the Holiday Spirit. Why, almost every day I check the list to see who the latest ambassadors of "internet free Gopher Hole" might be. It's a great way to help support a GREAT Cause and to insure that the gift of the presence of Gopher Hole will continue!

So, let's get the new year off to a great start! Perhaps you could even make an anonymous donation in the name of a poster you would most like to ignore, for instance. I haven't checked with the Staff of GH, but, perhaps you could even make a contribution in honor of one of your favorite posters! What a nice way to send along Greetings and Holiday Cheer to some of the more memorable Gopher Hole Posters!

Have a wonderful Holiday Season. And, please remember that every contribution is an important contribution. Happy Holidays everyone!

; 0 )

You have to be impressed with how hard Kill and his staff works. He is always trying to find ways to make the team better.

The coaches "working hard" ranks right up there with players "hitting the weight room" in the off season on the list of tings everyone does.

The coaches "working hard" ranks right up there with players "hitting the weight room" in the off season on the list of tings everyone does.

Yeah, but like "working hard" and "hitting the weight room", everyone does it but some people do it better. I have no idea if Kill falls into that category and I have no idea if Klein is really one of the best.

Yeah, but like "working hard" and "hitting the weight room", everyone does it but some people do it better. I have no idea if Kill falls into that category and I have no idea if Klein is really one of the best.

Fortunately, they keep track of the Big Ten Standings. You get credit for each Big Ten Win and each Big Ten Loss helps to tell you just where you stand on many issues, including "working hard smartly...", "hitting the weight room smartly..." and gives an indication of just how effective virtually every aspect of the program is being run.

Sorry to those of you who don't like to acknowlege the validity of Big Ten Wins vs. Big Ten Losses as the true measure of the effectivness of every aspect of a Big Ten Program, but you can NOT escape your Big Ten Record. It is what it is. Each Big Ten team IS what their Big Ten record is. Good luck to Coach Kill, his staff and the Gopher Football Team!

; 0 )

Fortunately, they keep track of the Big Ten Standings. You get credit for each Big Ten Win and each Big Ten Loss helps to tell you just where you stand on many issues, including "working hard smartly...", "hitting the weight room smartly..." and gives an indication of just how effective virtually every aspect of the program is being run.

Sorry to those of you who don't like to acknowlege the validity of Big Ten Wins vs. Big Ten Losses as the true measure of the effectivness of every aspect of a Big Ten Program, buy you can NOT escape your Big Ten Record. It is what it is. Each Big Ten team IS what their Big Ten record is. Good luck to Coach Kill, his staff and the Gopher Football Team!

; 0 )

How I imagine Wren at his keyboard:


Fortunately, they keep track of the Big Ten Standings. You get credit for each Big Ten Win and each Big Ten Loss helps to tell you just where you stand on many issues, including "working hard smartly...", "hitting the weight room smartly..." and gives an indication of just how effective virtually every aspect of the program is being run.

Sorry to those of you who don't like to acknowlege the validity of Big Ten Wins vs. Big Ten Losses as the true measure of the effectivness of every aspect of a Big Ten Program, but you can NOT escape your Big Ten Record. It is what it is. Each Big Ten team IS what their Big Ten Good luck to Coach Kill, his staff and the Gopher Football Team!

; 0 )

Yep and that will be measure. I think we are making the same point.

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