Sports Huddle: Jerry Kill Summary - 12/11/11

Fortunately, they keep track of the Big Ten Standings. You get credit for each Big Ten Win and each Big Ten Loss helps to tell you just where you stand on many issues, including "working hard smartly...", "hitting the weight room smartly..." and gives an indication of just how effective virtually every aspect of the program is being run.

Sorry to those of you who don't like to acknowlege the validity of Big Ten Wins vs. Big Ten Losses as the true measure of the effectivness of every aspect of a Big Ten Program, but you can NOT escape your Big Ten Record. It is what it is. Each Big Ten team IS what their Big Ten record is. Good luck to Coach Kill, his staff and the Gopher Football Team!

; 0 )
You love hard facts, the hard facts are, until next September there will be no hard facts, just observation and speculation. I will continue to observe and speculate. In the end the ultimate measuring stick will be wins and losses we all understand that. In the mean time I'm enjoying wathing a man who looks like he knows what he is doing.

I wonder if this were a physics dicussion......

.....would wren keep on posting the law of gravity as if he discovered it.

killjoy: Thank you. However, it is NOT your place to attach yourself to every one of my comments.

You love hard facts, the hard facts are, until next September there will be no hard facts, just observation and speculation. I will continue to observe and speculate. In the end the ultimate measuring stick will be wins and losses we all understand that. In the mean time I'm enjoying wathing a man who looks like he knows what he is doing.

You do what you enjoy doing, and I will stick with my hard facts. It should work out really well that way, don't you think nsmike? What he hey? Are you so insecure you want people to do things only your way?

I'm perfectly comfortable letting anyone and everyone post what they wish to post and then either responding to other posts or choosing not to respond to other posts.

You go for what you are enjoying nsmike. I think that is just fantastic. Maybe I'll respond to what ever you have to say...or maybe I won't respond. You can do the same. Everyone else can do the same.

Life is great! The more takes and responses and ideas the better!

You do what you do in your own way...I'll do the same.

; 0 )


Some people are willing to look at what people are saying to them and then learn fom it. You on the other hand seem to be incapable of learning but instead you relish your inability to learn. LOL

Some people are willing to look at what people are saying to them and then learn fom it. You on the other hand seem to be incapable of learning but instead you relish your inability to learn. LOL

The weird thing is that I found out if you read the five longest posts from wren since July, while listening to "Dark Side of the Moon" you'll want to punch a baby.

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