Sports Huddle 6/21/2015 10:00 AM with Matt Limegrover

The main thing I got from that is Campion is more comfortable on the right side and Bjorklund on the left so hopefully that alone leads to improvement from last year.

The main thing I got from that is Campion is more comfortable on the right side and Bjorklund on the left so hopefully that alone leads to improvement from last year.

With Campion's versatility, he'll definitely get NFL looks if he has a great senior season.

Borklund seemed to become a man last year and that definitely changes things . Mayes and Christianson fighting as well makes this fall quite interesting!

The main thing I got from that is Campion is more comfortable on the right side and Bjorklund on the left so hopefully that alone leads to improvement from last year.

You have a typo. Sid said his name is Champion

The main thing I got from that is Campion is more comfortable on the right side and Bjorklund on the left so hopefully that alone leads to improvement from last year.

With the emergence of Bobek at Center, some people were really hoping JC could move to RG & Campion to LG, but that's not how I see things shaking out. I think Bjorklund is underrated. He's a bit undersized, but did a fine job at LG last season & as a 5th year Senior should be a very solid starter this year. Of course it's good for a guy like Campion to get some reps at LG because he gets more position flexibility (which will be one of his selling points to NFL teams), and of course it helps the team in case of injury, but I see him settling in at RG for the year. Our depth/position flexibility are awesome. Lauer gets hurt again? Slide Campion to LT & JC to RG, with Bobek at Center. Bjorklund get injured? Slide Campion to LG & JC to RG with Bobek at Center. Bobek or JC get injured, the other slides in at Center. Campion get injured? Slide JC in at RG, with Bobek at Center. Pirsig gets injured? Campion to RT, JC to RG, etc. This of course doesn't even factor in Connor Mayes & Isaac Hayes, who could both be factors as well. We look really good on paper across the OL.

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