Souhan: We're blinded by culture of big-time college sports

Ewert86PC, I get my Alumni News on schedule and most of the articles aren't about athletes. I think people buy tickets to events because of prominent athletes, but I don't know if that extends to actual giving. It might, I just don't know how much.

Certainly a successful athletic program instills pride in the institution, which may energize alumni and get them to open up their pocketbooks a bit more. If that's what you are driving at, I don't necessarily disagree.

Ewert86PC, I get my Alumni News on schedule and most of the articles aren't about athletes. I think people buy tickets to events because of prominent athletes, but I don't know if that extends to actual giving. It might, I just don't know how much.

Certainly a successful athletic program instills pride in the institution, which may energize alumni and get them to open up their pocketbooks a bit more. If that's what you are driving at, I don't necessarily disagree.

By not plugged in, I mean, not getting or bothering to read Alumni News, not wanting to be part of UMAA, etc.

If you click on TV or radio, or got through the Internet, how many people getting recognition link themselves to the U of M?

zambam, I chose the ones I could remember at midnight.

The way to improve University of Minnesota Football:
!. Run an honest and clean football program at the University of Minnesota.

To "improve" you are implying that the football team is not being run honestly and cleanly.

2. Graduate ever increasing numbers of student athletes in the football program @ the U.

Both the graduation and APR numbers improved during Brewster's tenure in comparison the St. Glen. And there is no indication from the Kill camp that they will accept anything less than the best effort academically from his players.

3. Win a hell of a lot more Big Ten Football games than that brewster clown did.

How about we win a lot more games than Brew, St. Glen, Wacker, Gutey, et al.

And these are not ways to improve the product, these would be considered goals.

By not plugged in, I mean, not getting or bothering to read Alumni News, not wanting to be part of UMAA, etc.

If you click on TV or radio, or got through the Internet, how many people getting recognition link themselves to the U of M?

zambam, I chose the ones I could remember at midnight.
Ah, that's fair. My college is actually interviewing professors for a physics department opening and someone who got her doctorate from the U and did dark matter research there is giving a presentation today as part of the interview process that I'm going to.

Ever increasing numbers of graduates would, of course, indicate that the number next year will have to be greater than the number this year, wouldn't it wild animal with a keyboard stuck somewhere?

Indicating that the program must be run completely honestly and MUST be clean is an ONGOING demand that must NEVER be strayed from. That committment must be insured EACH and every year...think about that for a while wild animal with a keyboard stuck somewhere.

IF that brewster clown couldn't even win as many games as Mason, Gutey, Stoll, Warmath, et al the FIRST thing to do is to find someone who will win more Big Ten games than that brewster clown did. In 3.375 seasons of Big Ten Ball that he coached, that brewster averaged 1.77 Big Ten wins per season.

So, the coach obviously HAS to average more than 1.77 Big Ten wins per season. Mason averaged 3.2 Big Ten wins per season for his 10 full seasons. So, what do you say animal with a keyboard stuck somewhere? Should we set the number for being a SUCCESS at 4 Big Ten win per season average for an 8 Big Ten game season? Or, do you want to be really wacked out and raise the bar to a 5 Big Ten win average for an 8 Big Ten game season? YOU call the shot animal with the keyboard stuck somewhere...YOU are the dude/dudette, which ever your case may be.

I firmly believe that anything over a 3 Big Ten win per season average in an 8 Big Ten game schedule IS competetive. Perhaps not quite as competetive as any of us would like...but...I think it is an obtainable goal. If it is over 3.0 B.T. wins per season, it means that some years there may be 4...5...or more Big Ten wins...and, an occasional less than 3 Big Ten win season. Some of the coaches who pulled that off were Warmath, Stoll Gutey and Mason. (lou hoax pulled it off for his 1 11/12th season so-called run here...but...he did NOT meet the clean and honest standard. He got the program in trouble with the NCAA.)

While Coach Kill won only two Big Ten games in his first season...he is off to a better start than that brewster(0-8) and also Glen Mason(1-7). Coach Kill and Coach Wacker both went 2-6 their first seasons. *(Coach Horton went 2-3 during his fill-in stint in 2010)

Some of you guys never say just what you would consider to be a success. I'd say that IF we could EVER get back to a number GREATER than an average of 3.5 Big Ten wins per season in an 8 Big Ten game schedule, we SHOULD probably build a statue of that coach outside our stadium considering the fact that Nebraska has been added to the division the Gophers play in. With a schedule that reads iowa, wisky, Nebraska, Michigan, MSU, Northwestern EVERY year with the possibility of playing the Ohio State University, PSU, Illinois, Indiana or Purdue rotating through the schedule, any coach who can average at least 3.5 Big Ten wins in an 8 Big Ten game schedule WILL be competetive. Since every other program in the conference is also dedicated to winning as many conference games as possible every year, and SOME programs DO have more "equal" than other programs in terms of tradition, attitude of the administrations, resources and "facts of life...", I'd say that a 3.5 Big Ten win average at Minnesota would make for some VERY interesting football seasons every once in a while!

; 0 )

By not plugged in, I mean, not getting or bothering to read Alumni News, not wanting to be part of UMAA, etc.

If you click on TV or radio, or got through the Internet, how many people getting recognition link themselves to the U of M?

zambam, I chose the ones I could remember at midnight.

I think I get what you are driving at, but to me you're trying to make a link that a majority of people who used to watch the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon bothered to write a check.

I get that big-time athletics--especially when it's successful--helps drive up contributions from the casual alum or giver. I don't know how many big checks it helps write.

If we got to the point where we were to typically win 6 BT games a season the Athletic Dept would be rolling in it. But back to the point that began this thread - What happens when we do get real good and then some football player (who is probably not from around here) does something illegal? Will we rise above it and do the right thing? I would hope so, but I don't know if I would bet on it - not when there's millions hanging in the balance. So, this gets back to the fading stigma of the scandal. Maybe the NCAA should go nuclear on the cheaters and those that bury the scandals?

wren - Not only do you lack comprehension, you don't seem to understand how many people are pointing out what a fool you are. It called delusion wren and you have it really bad.

Oh hell no killjoy. I've got some jerk who flops over in the corner, calls himself killjoy and attaches himself to most posts that I make. I've arrived killjoy you old flopper! You dedicate MUCH of your energy here on this site making your pathetic little comments just following me as closely as you can get to my posts. I usually just ignore you, and that is exactly what I will do most of the time... but, right now it seems like a lot more fun to make light of your obsessive dedication to me. You really are a sick one killjoy.

Keep right on doing it killjoy, you little flopper. In fact, it would be good if you did it more often...all the time...every day...even when I don't post. Just do it...and do it and do it some more killjoy the flopper. Do it until you go blind.

And when it is all said and done...and you are all flopped out...all of your efforts will have been worthless little tributes to what I have to say. To the fun that I am having. To some of the tongue in cheek comments that drive you up the wall... You bring attention to me killjoy, you mousey little flopper. You attempt to seize the floor, but all you do is make harmless little comments that are closely attached to my posts.

So, step up your efforts. The more you do it, the funnier your little flops are killjoy. Here's mud in your eyes killjoy...Keep paying attention...maybe some day you will learn something...I am NOT laughing with you...I am laughing at you...

; 0 )

Reading some of these posts is like watching a drunken clown tap dancing for beer money. You know you should just walk away rather than watching such a pitiful spectacle. But you just can't look away. If the drunken clown doesn't realize how pathetic he looks, does it make it more or less pathetic?

Reading some of these posts is like watching a drunken clown tap dancing for beer money. You know you should just walk away rather than watching such a pitiful spectacle. But you just can't look away. If the drunken clown doesn't realize how pathetic he looks, does it make it more or less pathetic?

Hey! That job got me through the U.

I think I get what you are driving at, but to me you're trying to make a link that a majority of people who used to watch the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon bothered to write a check.

I get that big-time athletics--especially when it's successful--helps drive up contributions from the casual alum or giver. I don't know how many big checks it helps write.

You also have to understand that we are not promoting any grads who are "culture shapers" like journalists, musicians, writers, artists, actors, etc. We barely promote successful educators in the physical sciences. The only one who I can think of is James Kakalios.

We are suffering an identity deflation caused in part by focusing on R & D that has yet to bear visible and recognizable fruit. If we had prominent journalists, not talking point spewers, or even competent Public Relations people who came from the U, other institutions would be less capable of backhandedly deriding our school.

You have the doers and the talkers. We suffer from the abdication of educating undergraduate students at the expense of graduate students. The talkers, promoters, etc, do not come from graduate level students, they come from undergraduates. Closing the General College stifled the flow of people talking about the U who felt like they have a stake in the events there.

Look at local media. Where do most of the journalists/personalities come from? Other schools. We have people who went to high school here, but got a degree from out-of-state schools being "TV personalities/broadcasters" on our airwaves. These people have a bias of being lenient towards their out-of-state schools, but not towards local schools. Put another way, they cut slack for their out-of-state schools, but not for local schools. You will hear them put on the spot about an event at say, the University of Wisconsin, and they couch their remarks in "well, when I went to Wisconsin" and "I don't recall things like that in Madison." If someone said that about the U of M, it would be time to set up the pitchforks and torches stores with that person's face and name on them.

It is not just athletics where the U has decided it is okay to roll over and let others stomp on them. The U needs to take a firmer stand about it's autonomy in its' reputation.


Oh, my little pet wren. You just don't get it, do you?

The problem with the post I replied to is that you stated this:

The way to improve University of Minnesota Football:
3. Win a hell of a lot more Big Ten Football games than that brewster clown did.

Now, that is either a goal, or the result of a plan. You do not provide any plan or any suggestions on "The way to improve University of Minnesota Football", just what you want the result to be.

You hire a DECENT coach with some experience, give him TENURE, provide the same kind of support that the programs you want to equal and compete with provide for their football programs from the administration (all the way from the prexy through the ad all the way down to the janitorial staff).

You keep all the boosters and booster clubs in their place and in line...that way they aren't doing the Ohio State University "boogie" or the "tatoo parlor let's make a deal" number with selected star athletes, providing cars, money, babes, speical priviliges, in exchange for autographed jerseys, rings, etc. And, IF you ever need to replace a coach, you make sure you get a coach who has everything it takes to coach 'em up as well as to recruit 'em. If wisky and iowa are the teams you really want to compete provide packages that match their packages for attracting and retaining coaches who can get the job done and you give them the resources they need.

You put FOOTBALL and your revenue sports as your top priority. The non-revenue sports will take care of themselves IF you take care of football and the other revenue sports.

Then you make sure you are running a completely clean and honest football program and other revenue sports programs.

You graduate EVER increasing numbers of student athletes.

You just DO IT. How do wisky, iowa, Michigan, MSU, Nebraska, the Ohio State Uniersity, et al manage to do it? They are committed to excellence in everything their football programs do. They provide coaches, facilities and environments in which their football programs are competetive. The University of Minnesota HAS to do the same. And you win a HELL of a lot more Big Ten games than that brewster clown did.

Now, you silly little animal with a keyboard stuck on his/her person (I've got a pretty good idea where your keyboard is stuck...and I have some GREAT suggestions for a location or two if you are as dense as you present yourself to be...) I could care less what you might suggest. In fact, I don't believe you would be or ever could be able to have any relevent thoughts. Get back to your cartoons and picture books...and you can stick your keyboard where the sun won't shine...

; 0 )

Putting on the Superman uniform

Everyday, I speak with people. We build authentic relations. We work on the issues of work, life, spirituality, family and community. Sometimes, that conversation relates to education and places to matriculate. As a graduate of the UofM, I often recommend the U to others as a committed advocate of the U. That said, I also examine the needs of the person in front of me and their needs, abilities, goals and often will help them arrive at other places to matriculate, as would any critical thinking person.

I don't need TV celebrities or Nobel laureates to evoke the image of the U, especially filtered for or against the U and prepackaged in tight little essays that lack the substance of a conversation of discovery. Nope. All I need is the person across from me to agree to speak on the subject.

Blah, blah, blah

You seem unduly interested in putting things in my rectum.

"How do wisky, iowa, Michigan, MSU, Nebraska, the Ohio State Uniersity, et al manage to do it?...And you win a HELL of a lot more Big Ten games than that brewster clown did."

Why do you always limit it to Brewster? The same programs you name "win a HELL of a lot more" conference games than St. Glen as well.

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