Souhan: Gophers continue to lose vs. toughest opponent: Inept administration


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Souhan:

There are some who believe that Jerry Kill's health woes were exacerbated by the continuing mismanagement of athletics at the university.

The calls are coming from inside the house.

Jerry Kill’s health might have prevented him from continuing as Gophers football coach under any circumstances. What several prominent boosters I’ve spoken with believe is that his health woes were exacerbated by the continuing mismanagement of athletics at the university, the core reason Minnesota football and basketball have struggled for decades to succeed.

Even before Kill retired, the alums I know spent this fall asking whether they would ever in their lifetimes see sustained football success at their university. Kill was beloved not because he elevated the Gophers to national prominence, but because he enjoyed moderate success where little is expected.

There is no mystery as to why the Gophers have struggled to succeed in their major sports. Let’s review their most important hires of late:

• Former AD Joel Maturi failed to land anybody on his A list during the last coaching search. He was lucky to find a competent coach on his B-list. In college football circles it is well known that Bo Pelini, after interviewing at Minnesota following Glen Mason’s firing, called his buddies to tell them he wouldn’t even consider working for that administration.

Go Gophers!!


Why do people on this forum link to this bait if they don't like it?

Do you guys have pics of Pat and Jim on your walls at home or something?

Why do people on this forum link to this bait if they don't like it?

Do you guys have pics of Pat and Jim on your walls at home or something?

Bleed is our resident super aggregator and does an astonishing job. There is no reason for him to filter. if someone's sensibilities will be offended by the content they can simply read the thread title and move on.

Mr. Souhan waits until the 2nd to last paragraph to finally get his dig in, noting the B1G and bowl game records.

Bleed is our resident super aggregator and does an astonishing job. There is no reason for him to filter. if someone's sensibilities will be offended by the content they can simply read the thread title and move on.

People here are offended by it?

Interesting from Fit Jim: "Because I wrote with a tone I regret about Kill’s seizure on the sideline in 2013, I have been painted as callous. I have apologized to him and his wife in person, as well as apologizing in print and online."

Funny how the media jackals all read GH.

Interesting from Fit Jim: "Because I wrote with a tone I regret about Kill’s seizure on the sideline in 2013, I have been painted as callous. I have apologized to him and his wife in person, as well as apologizing in print and online."

Funny how the media jackals all read GH.

Yep. As much as they love to mock and ridicule this community they read every bit of it.

Yep. As much as they love to mock and ridicule this community they read every bit of it.

Correct. I have talked to many of the oft-mentioned reporters in this town and everyone of them read it regularly.

Go Gophers!!

Correct. I have talked to many of the oft-mentioned reporters in this town and everyone of them read it regularly.
Go Gophers!!

Really? Well, okay.

FU Souhan. Not only was that about the most tasteless column I've ever read, but you also are a consistently horsesh*t writer. Your "cleverness" is about as forced and as lame as it comes.

per Souhan:

There are some who believe that Jerry Kill's health woes were exacerbated by the continuing mismanagement of athletics at the university.

The calls are coming from inside the house.

Jerry Kill’s health might have prevented him from continuing as Gophers football coach under any circumstances. What several prominent boosters I’ve spoken with believe is that his health woes were exacerbated by the continuing mismanagement of athletics at the university, the core reason Minnesota football and basketball have struggled for decades to succeed.

Even before Kill retired, the alums I know spent this fall asking whether they would ever in their lifetimes see sustained football success at their university. Kill was beloved not because he elevated the Gophers to national prominence, but because he enjoyed moderate success where little is expected.

There is no mystery as to why the Gophers have struggled to succeed in their major sports. Let’s review their most important hires of late:

• Former AD Joel Maturi failed to land anybody on his A list during the last coaching search. He was lucky to find a competent coach on his B-list. In college football circles it is well known that Bo Pelini, after interviewing at Minnesota following Glen Mason’s firing, called his buddies to tell them he wouldn’t even consider working for that administration.

Go Gophers!!

Thank the good Lord Bo didn't want the job. He is a real Dick.

Go Gophers

Interesting from Fit Jim: "Because I wrote with a tone I regret about Kill’s seizure on the sideline in 2013, I have been painted as callous. I have apologized to him and his wife in person, as well as apologizing in print and online."

Funny how the media jackals all read GH.
I said I was sorry, now leave me alone.

Here's the thing. That wasn't some spur of the moment Tweet. What he wrote was cold and calculated. There was an opportunity for Soupy or the editor to pump the brakes and remove the offensive language. Not only did that not happen, but he refused to acknowledge he did anything wrong and attacked people who dared to call out his terrible choice of words. If you're waiting to be completely exonerated Jimbo, you might want to pack a lunch. Get bent.

Souhan: "Hey, attack the Administration! That will take them off my back. Those Rubes love giving it to the people running the 'U'"!!!!!

Not so far at least..

I said I was sorry, now leave me alone.

Here's the thing. That wasn't some spur of the moment Tweet. What he wrote was cold and calculated. There was an opportunity for Soupy or the editor to pump the brakes and remove the offensive language. Not only did that not happen, but he refused to acknowledge he did anything wrong and attacked people who dared to call out his terrible choice of words. If you're waiting to be completely exonerated Jimbo, you might want to pack a lunch. Get bent.

They have no problem slandering the U or coaches and fans, but they can't take any critic of the garbage they put out.

Soupy, just think about the stress and pain you put coach Kill through just for your petty enjoyment and the pursuit of clicks. And don't go saying you kinda apologized so it all good!

The sports writers needs to think about the consequences of the columns they write when they attack people. Instead of falling back to take a petty, "clever" jab, why not do a little research and write more positive stories about the player development, class achievements, historic rivalries, game plans, etc, etc.... Every class has a Rudy, scores of kids who are the first in their family to go to college, a new GA learning the ropes, engineers, new families, kids, etc, etc. There are literally hundreds of positive stories that could be written every year. Ones that would interest the readers and actually test the journalist abilities of the writers. Please stop taking the knee jerk, lazy way out by bashing everyone and everything!

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Mr. Souhan waits until the 2nd to last paragraph to finally get his dig in, noting the B1G and bowl game records.

I don't really see how that's a dig, someone's record is their record. I thought it was a very fair piece by Souhan. The "U" has to be inept for it to have so little success in revenue sports.

I don't really see how that's a dig, someone's record is their record. I thought it was a very fair piece by Souhan. The "U" has to be inept for it to have so little success in revenue sports.

It was a fair piece, and pretty accurate in terms of describing the general dumpster fire that U football and basketball has been for the last 40 plus years.

While I don't agree with what souhan wrote, his current article raises a valid point. To me, there is no question there is a problem in the athletics department. We should not be this terrible for this long. For crying out loud, the university of Cincinnati has had more success than us in the last 10 years. I do think the mismanagement in the athletics department led to a worsening of Kill's condition. To be honest, looking at the disarray that the athletic department is in now I do not expect Minnesota's fortunes to change anytime soon.

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My point is, tone of whole article is criticizing U administration, but he still gets his jab in that Kill's record (14-21 in B1G, 0-3 in bowls) isn't anything special. His point, not mine.

I mean, as much as I don't like the man, there is validity to this article and it is good to know that he personally apologized to Kill and his family...he didn't have to do that.

My beef, though, is the writing of the article was still a choice. After reading the online article, it listed his previous written columns. The first one was a puff piece on how Wolves fans should be patient despite the fact that the team will likely still be terrible for a couple more years. Souhan could have written an article that basically mirrored his Gopher article about the inept leadership that has plagued the Wolves almost since their inception (although, he may have gotten some heat from his boss). He could have written an article about the groundbreaking of the Facilities happening today and that Gopher fans should be patient because we may be headed into a new era where we can competently compete against most of our peers in the Big Ten.

Plus, I think his cartoon portrait on the web site has way too much hair.

They have no problem slandering the U or coaches and fans, but they can't take any critic of the garbage they put out.

Soupy, just think about the stress and pain you put coach Kill through just for your petty enjoyment and the pursuit of clicks. And don't go saying you kinda apologized so it all good!

The sports writers needs to think about the consequences of the columns they write when they attack people. Instead of falling back to take a petty, "clever" jab, why not do a little research and write more positive stories about the player development, class achievements, historic rivalries, game plans, etc, etc.... Every class has a Rudy, scores of kids who are the first in their family to go to college, a new GA learning the ropes, engineers, new families, kids, etc, etc. There are literally hundreds of positive stories that could be written every year. Ones that would interest the readers and actually test the journalist abilities of the writers. Please stop taking the knee jerk, lazy way out by bashing everyone and everything!

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That's good advice for many posters on this site, too.

Instead of falling back to take a petty, "clever" jab, why not do a little research and write more positive stories about the player development, class achievements, historic rivalries, game plans, etc, etc
Gopherhole discussion on a "positive" story: "Nice article." "Well written" 1 or 2 pages max
Gopherhole discussion on a "negative" story: 8+ pages, countless long rants like yours.

The obvious answer to why they write these stories is that they generate more discussion, buzz, hits/page views, and more $$$$$$. People love to argue and discuss these stories, it's why every radio station in town and newspaper capitalizes on "negative" storylines for every team. This isn't a gopher problem, the hardcore fan base is just overly sensitive to criticism.

Sid has been saying the same thing for years. Problem is, Sid never tells us what the problems are.:cool02:

I have no doubt that Souhan's point is valid. But it's pretty shoddy writing. He writes, "I know many more Gophers alums who are successful and would be bigger boosters if they ever saw signs of intelligent life inside the athletic department." Who are these alums? What "signs" would they like to see? What, specifically, has gone wrong?

He mentions recent bad hires. Brewster and Teague? Sure. Pitino? It seems the jury is still out. What about Kill? Not mentioned in the list of hires because it doesn't prove his point. (And while he mention Kill's record, he fails to add that the number of wins trended upward until this year.) The rumor about Pelini may be true, but what does it mean? What did Pelini see that scared him away? How about some facts?

He did mention the Title IX and Teague investigations, and those are valid. They're also very, very recent. What, specifically, are the long-term problems? I don't think he knows, and has no suggestion on how to fix it. He's probably not wrong, but it was a pretty worthless column.

I have no doubt that Souhan's point is valid. But it's pretty shoddy writing. He writes, "I know many more Gophers alums who are successful and would be bigger boosters if they ever saw signs of intelligent life inside the athletic department." Who are these alums? What "signs" would they like to see? What, specifically, has gone wrong?

He mentions recent bad hires. Brewster and Teague? Sure. Pitino? It seems the jury is still out. What about Kill? Not mentioned in the list of hires because it doesn't prove his point. (And while he mention Kill's record, he fails to add that the number of wins trended upward until this year.) The rumor about Pelini may be true, but what does it mean? What did Pelini see that scared him away? How about some facts?

He did mention the Title IX and Teague investigations, and those are valid. They're also very, very recent. What, specifically, are the long-term problems? I don't think he knows, and has no suggestion on how to fix it. He's probably not wrong, but it was a pretty worthless column.

Exactly. You can't just write a column that throws this stuff out there and doesn't put more meat on it. If he wants to write a long-form investigative piece, that would be more appropriate for the subject matter. I've got no argument that the athletic department has been a clown show, but don't just tease us with these whispers. Souhan has no credibility unless he comes out with names and details. And just exactly how has an inept administration led to Kill's health problems? That's a very shaky assertion. Glen Mason carried a lot of water to get the stadium built, and it didn't drive him to ailing health.

Sid has been saying the same thing for years. Problem is, Sid never tells us what the problems are.:cool02:

No sports administration major!

I have no great love for Souhan, but I always laugh at how people get riled up over just about anything he and Reusse write.

The big problem for the football program in the first decade after Warmath is that rival factions of the M Club seemed to want to run the team. After that (in all sports), we've been incompetent at cheating. I don't advocate cheating, but every time we cheat, we seem to get caught.

As for Pelini, another great football guy who lacks the pieces to be a head coach. I predict a lot of things and am woefully wrong 90% of the time, but I did predict that Pelini was going to implode once Dr. Tom stepped down as AD at Nebraska and it wasn't long until that happened. Osborne really cotton-balled the boosters for Pelini and once he left the scene, Pelini was on his own.

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